THR 1/30/16: GOP Presidential Contenders Fight for First in Iowa

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Strangely enough, columnist and commentator Byron York can't find Donald Trump supporters in New Hampshire. He joined Bill Bennett on his show to talk about it. Governor Chris Christie is hitting the New Hampshire campaign trail hard. He talks with Hugh Hewitt about why he believes he is still a contender. Michael Medved caught up with Senator Marco Rubio who makes the case for why he is the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton. Mike Gallagher sat down in person with Sean Spicer, the RNC Communications Director, to discuss the current state of campaign politics. Bill Bennett talked with author and commentator Marc Thiessen to run through all of the lies that Hillary Clinton has told about her server. Hugh Hewitt was joined by Speaker Paul Ryan who talked about how the GOP needs to woo voters in the next election. Hewitt also sat down in person with the Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson to discuss marriage. Last, Hewitt spoke with Senator John Cornyn.