THR 4/2/16: Wild Week for the GOP

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hugh Hewitt spoke with the Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes about the likely upcoming open convention. Hugh also talked with Ted Cruz about the all-important rules for the convention. Bill Bennett spoke with the National Review's Andy McCarthy about the reasons for terrorism and how the mainstream media are clueless. Paul Ryan discussed the economy with Bennett. Larry Elder, sitting in for Mike Gallagher, spoke with Stephen Moore of the Heritage Foundation about how Obama's economy has harmed minorities. Hewitt quizzed NY Times campaign correspondent Maggie Haberman about her interview with Donald Trump. Dennis Prager talked with Georgia state representative Sam Teasley about the GA's governor vetoing a bill protecting religious rights. Peggy Nance, author of "Feisty and Feminine" discussed her book with Bennett.