THR 2/13/16: Trump and Sanders Crush the New Hampshire Primary

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: National Review editor Rich Lowry looks at Donald Trump’s commanding win in all voter categories in New Hampshire on Bill Bennett’s Morning in America. Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol discusses the possibility of the Republican race going to a brokered convention with Hugh Hewitt. Max Boot analyzes the current strength of ISIS in the Middle East with Bill Bennett. Hugh Hewitt speaks with AG Mark Brnovich about SCOTUS granting a stay that blocks the EPA’s clean power plan. The Chief of Police in New Hampshire Nick Willard gives facts, figures, and insight into the drug problem plaguing his state with former drug czar Bill Bennett. Dennis Prager shares his thoughts on how, in light of Bernie Sanders’ socialism, the current generation has not taught the next generation about American exceptionalism. The show closes out with an endearing call from one of Bill Bennett’s listeners.