THR 6/18/16: Radical Islamist Kills 49 in Orlando

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hugh Hewitt hears from Senator Marco Rubio less than 24 hours after the Orlando terrorist attack. Michael Medved notes the mature response from Speaker Paul Ryan in the aftermath and the pathetic response from House Democrats. Michael Wiess, author of "ISIS, Inside the Army of Terror" joins Hewitt. The New York Times' Frank Bruni shares his perspective on ISIS's hatred of gays on Hewitt's show. Larry Elder takes President Obama to task on his irresponsible comments on gun control. Guest host Mark Davis reads Dennis Prager's column answering the question "what if the killer was a radical, Christian"? Mike Gallagher speaks with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, author of the book "Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War." Guy Benson and Katie Pavlich fill in for Michael Medved, talking about Hillary and Donald.