THR 4/30/16: Trump Crushes 5 States; Kasich/Cruz Form Pact to Stop Him

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hugh Hewitt discussed what to look for next week in the Indiana primary with National Review's Tim Alberta. Hewitt turned to National Review's Jonah Goldberg and the National Journal's Josh Kraushaar to analyze the Cruz-Kasich pact in Indiana to stop Trump's momentum. Larry Elder spoke with American Spectator's John Fund about Trump's chances against Hillary Clinton in the fall. Michael Medved evaluated Trump's resume. Dennis Prager spoke with the Claremont Institute's Mark Helprin about the dangers of the U.S.'s shrinking military. CEO Andrew Puzder joined Hewitt to talk about how a $15 an hour minimum wage will hurt the poorest and most vulnerable among us. Evolutionary process is the new excuse in town ... Dennis Prager explains.