Are Islamic State Beheadings Sanctioned By The Koran? 10-4-14

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Bill Bennett with China expert Gordon Chang discuss the protests in Hong Kong. Hugh Hewitt with John Fischer Burns, London Bureau Chief for the New York Times who was one of the first western journalists to cover the Cultural Revolution in China. Hewitt and Arkansas Congressman—and Senate hopeful—Tom Cotton, a veteran Marine Officer with two Middle East tours of duty; the discuss the rise of IS. With just 4 weeks until Election Day, Dennis Prager turned to legendary conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer. Hewitt and WaPo's Chris Cilizza handicap the election. Michael Medved with Mike Lee and Marco Rubio discuss their simplified U.S. tax plan proposal. Bill Bennett asked Islamic Scholar, Timothy Furnish whether beheading was sanctioned by Islam as written in the Koran. Dennis Prager had what—I think you’ll agree—was a revealing conversation author and columnist Ann Coulter regarding the IS beheading of Westerners.