Townhall Review 10/10/15: Has Putin Bitten Off More Than He Can Chew?

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Morning in America's Bill Bennett spoke with retired four-star general Jack Keane about Obama's fecklessness in the Middle East. Columnist George Will talked with Hugh Hewitt about the troubles in Syria. Michael Medved looked at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's powerful speech before the United Nations. On the Hugh Hewitt Show, Governor Chris Christie argued that we need to do more to help people with mental health issues. Dennis Prager would like the president to explain how his policy suggestions would actually stop gun violence. Ed Klein shared thoughts from his new book on Hillary Clinton, "Unlikeable," on the Michael Medved Show. Dr. Russell Moore also joined Michael Medved to talk about his book, "Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel." Larry Elder sat in for Dennis Prager and opined about the state of the economy under Obama.