THR 12/5/15: Obama Battles Islamic Radicalism by Focusing on Carbon Emissions

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hugh Hewitt talked with columnist of the world, Mark Steyn, in the aftermath of the San Bernardino shooting. Bill Bennett turned to Steven Hayward of Pepperdine University to discuss Obama's attendance at the climate conference in Paris. British journalist and author James Delingpole spoke with Dennis Prager about the faulty "facts" of global warming believed by its most earnest adherents. Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz all weigh in with their foreign policy credentials with Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt respectively. Michael Medved interacts with a piece by Nate Silver reassuring Republicans that Trump does not have much of a path to winning the primary election. Tom Joscelyn, co-founder of, joined Bill Bennett to talk about the spread of Islamic radicalism around the world.