THR 10/24/15: Hillary Cackles While Benghazi Questions Loom

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: After Hillary Clinton appeared before the House Committee on Benghazi, Hugh Hewitt caught up with Senator Lindsey Graham for his impressions. Before the hearing, Hugh spoke with CNN's Jake Tapper about Hillary's strange and loud cackle while Tapper tried to ask her a serious question about her secret e-mail server. Hewitt also spoke with the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, about the latest violence in Jerusalem. Dennis Prager covered the biased media accounts of the Palestinian knife attacks in Israel. Prager also looked at an Ivy League school whose professors are 96% in the tank with the Democrats when it comes to their monetary contributions. Most people pray, but that hasn't stopped the ACLU from going after a Marine, football coach who drops to one knee after his players' football games. Dennis Prager wraps up the program highlighting more lunacy from the left.