THR 12/12/15: Obama's Willful Ignorance and the Rise of ISIS

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Shortly after the San Bernardino attack, Joe Scarborough, host of “Morning Joe” joined Hugh Hewitt to launch his criticism of Obama. Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal spoke out about political correctness in light of the terrorist attack in California on Hewitt’s show. Author Steve Emerson said that the attack could have been prevented. Senator Tom Cotton warned Bill Bennett of the danger of allowing NSA data mining to lapse. House Speaker Paul Ryan weighed in on Obama’s address to the nation on the Michael Medved Show. Senator Marco Rubio talked with Hugh Hewitt about national security issues. Former Vice President Dick Cheney blamed Obama for the rise of ISIS on the Hugh Hewitt Show. Columnist Robert Costa explained The Donald’s support on Hewitt’s show.