THR 11/14/15: THR 11/14/15: Marco Rubio Smacks Rand Paul's Isolationism

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: After the most important clips from the latest GOP debate, Larry Elder challenged the merits of the minimum wage. Dennis Prager discussed the GOP victory in Kentucky and the difficulty of polling with John Fund of the American Spectator. Bill Bennett spoke with Pastor Ed Young about a bill that was stopped in Houston that would have allowed biological males to use women's restrooms. Hugh Hewitt chatted with Arizona AG Mark Brnovich about the EPA. Peter Kirsanow, a black conservative on the United States Commission on Civil Rights, spoke with Bennett about the political correctness on college campuses. Dennis Prager talked with Rasha Athamni, an Arab Israeli who is a youth delegate to the United Nations.