The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #308: BODY CONFIDENCE IN A WAY YOU’VE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:47

BODY CONFIDENCE IN A WAY YOU'VE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT  PODCAST #308 This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: How to use touch to get back in touch with your body What does body confidence mean Understanding what about your body is really tripping you up or keeping you down The switch that changed my stress-levels about my body SPONSORSHIP NOTES:  This episode is brought to you today by my FREE micro-course, the Quick Confidence Boost. That little voice inside that's telling you-you're not enough? It's lying. It's mean. It's a bully. And it's keeping you from the life God created you to live. I say "no more!" My self-bully used to shame me. It kept me small, scared and in a state of self-sabotage. Then I got tired of it, and I learned how to stand up to the bully. I'll teach you the step-by-step process to start doing the same thing. Join my FREE micro-course, a 7-day confidence coaching course, and you feel changes in your internal self-talk with these quick, 3-minute FREE coaching videos. I spent too many years of my life silenced by self-doubt. I will do anything in my power to help free other women from having to suffer any longer. You were created to shine light into this world, but to shine brightly we've gotta get rid of the bully that's keeping you from living muted. Start the FREE micro-course today at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Swidz! "Obsessed with Trish" I've been meaning to write a review for a WHILE now. Trish Blackwell is an absolutely incredible person and confidence coach. Whenever I am feeling down, I immediately turn to her positive words of encouragement and it immediately brightens my day. She is real and doesn't hold back from sharing her struggles from her past and day to day life. My sister found this podcast when she was going through a very tough time in her life and shared it with me. And I can say with confidence that this podcast saved her and I cannot thank Trish enough for that. Through tough days or good days, Trish is a voice to be listened to! She's a superstar and I am forever grateful for her. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! HOW TO USE TOUCH TO GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH YOUR BODY You are fearfully and wonderfully made. But are you treating your body that way? Do you really appreciate your body for the miracle it is? For the wondrous things, it does? Touch and thank-you technique. Touch a body part. Thank God for creating this part of you. Thank your body for being your body. Touch and say thank you specifically for how this part looks. Touch and say thank you specifically for something this part allows you to do. Move onto the next body part. A few other touch methods. > Lotion and self-acceptance love > Two-hand heart touch + speaking to your inner child. > Stretch and touch with breath work. UNDERSTANDING WHAT ABOUT YOUR BODY IS REALLY TRIPPING YOU UP OR KEEPING YOU DOWN What story have you told yourself about yourself? Do you really see yourself as others see you? What would happen if you got a professional photo shoot done? How would the people who love you the most describe your body? What would happen if you just accepted yourself? Are you afraid to let go of your own self-hate? Do you feel like you're supposed to be dissatisfied? How is not liking your body serving you? What is it doing for you? Do you really want to change and to feel free, or do you like the comfort of having this be your main problem and main excuse? What facade is your body image issue really protecting you from?

 #307: OVERWHELM IS POISONING YOU – HOW TO STOP IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:29

OVERWHELM IS POISONING YOU - HOW TO STOP IT  PODCAST #307 This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: Overwhelm, what is it and how is it poisoning you? Finding the definition of overwhelm How does the poison of overwhelm work? 7 things you can do to stop overwhelm, starting today. SPONSORSHIP NOTES:  This episode is brought to you today by my FREE micro-course, the Quick Confidence Boost.  That little voice inside that's telling you-you're not enough? It's lying. It's mean. It's a bully. And it's keeping you from the life God created you to live. I say "no more!" My self-bully used to shame me. It kept me small, scared and in a state of self-sabotage. Then I got tired of it, and I learned how to stand up to the bully. I'll teach you the step-by-step process to start doing the same thing. Join my FREE micro-course, a 7-day confidence coaching course, and you feel changes in your internal self-talk with these quick, 3-minute FREE coaching videos. I spent too many years of my life silenced by self-doubt. I will do anything in my power to help free other women from having to suffer any longer. You were created to shine light into this world, but to shine brightly we've gotta get rid of the bully that's keeping you from living muted. Start the FREE micro-course today at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Jo-Lee Woods "Where have you been all my life?!" I went into 2019 with the goal of increasing my confidence. I didn't know exactly what would entail or how I was going to do it but listening to Trish has been the best thing God could have sent my way. She has made me start to really dig deep into who I am and asks questions to get to the root of where my insecurities lie Within the short time I've been listening I can see tremendous steps toward a living a life of confidence.e I've recommended this podcast to numerous family and friends after seeing how much Trish has been able to help me! OVERWHELM, WHAT IS IT AND HOW IS IT POISONING YOU? It's a victim mindset. A mindset that says things are happening to you, rather than you are living your life through a set of circumstances. Overwhelm is fear-based. It's a result of poor time management, lack of prioritization, perfectionistic expectations, people pleasing, performance-based-worth life theories. It happens from not thinking intentionally - it's careless thinking. It happens when we step away from faith and try to do it all on our own ... whether that is simply not asking for help from others and being a control freak, or if it means that we're not reaching out to the God of the universe, the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, all-loving God who created us and who wants to walk alongside us. Take yourself out of the "I'm so overwhelmed state" There will always be "things" to do - the option to "feel behind" or "not enough" will always be a choice. Most people choose this choice, but will you choose the road less traveled? Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves, no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh

 #306: GOD SAYS YOU ARE WONDERFUL: HOW TO BELIEVE IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:44

GOD SAYS YOU ARE WONDERFUL: HOW TO BELIEVE IT.  PODCAST #306 This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: Why does God think you're wonderful in the first place? Is this really true? 5 lifestyle steps to take daily to activate this from your head to your heart How to believe that you are wonderful in an active, real-life, confident way God says this is true! SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  This episode is brought to you today by my FREE micro-course, the Quick Confidence Boost. That little voice inside that's telling you-you're not enough? It's lying. It's mean. It's a bully. And it's keeping you from the life God created you to live. I say "no more!" My self-bully used to shame me. It kept me small, scared and in a state of self-sabotage. Then I got tired of it, and I learned how to stand up to the bully. I'll teach you the step-by-step process to start doing the same thing. Join my FREE micro-course, a 7-day confidence coaching course, and you feel changes in your internal self-talk with these quick, 3-minute FREE coaching videos. I spent too many years of my life silenced by self-doubt. I will do anything in my power to help free other women from having to suffer any longer. You were created to shine light into this world, but to shine brightly we've gotta get rid of the bully that's keeping you from living muted. Start the FREE micro-course today at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Mermaid13355 Before listening to your podcast, I was always the victim of my dramas, I was safely on the sidelines of life...outside looking in, my mind was stuck in my regrets of the past, or paralyzed with dread of the future. After years of listening to your podcasts, and becoming a recent member of The College of Confidence, I have a lot more moments of being victorious rather than a victim. I am more present in my moments rather than transpired to past or future. I have learned to say yes to events and people that sparkle my soul and say no to events and people that are toxic. I am giving back more to my world...and this feels awesome! Thank you, Trish...God has given you a gift to inspire others to choose joy instead of sadness in their lives! GOD SAYS ARE YOU WONDERFUL, WHY? Because you have a life. Because He does not make mistakes. Because this world needs light, love and of the 7 billion+ humans alive right now, there needed to be you. Because there is no one who has existed before like you. Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made - look at the science of biology and the chances of you being born. (1 in 400 trillion) Because you are valuable and have dignity. Do you realize what has to happen for you to be born, and the chances you came out as you? The odds of you being born as you are about 1 in 400 trillion, or more. OK, I GET IT, NOW WHAT? 5 LIFESTYLE STEPS TO TAKE DAILY. Write out your power truth of the day. Have an active plan to detox negative, distracted thinking that doesn't serve you. (gratitude, old vs new me, action, breath work, anxiety) Live with a mindset of simplicity. (don't overcomplicate, reduce comparison, limit technology, track how you spend your time and know what you want) Spend time with God (ask for Him to show you what He sees in you) Get obsessed with the positive and with your ownership over your feelings (process your feelings, your thoughts, your perspective, your statements - "I'm so busy" > Hunter boots example, slow down, take action and prove to yourself that you aren't actually as busy as you think" BELIEVE IT INTO AN ACTIVE PLACE Repeat, repeat, repeat. Focus on progressive growth and micro-belief changes.

 #305: HOW TO SILENCE SELF-DOUBT FOR GOOD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:27

The thing that is keeping you from reaching your goals, from the relationships you crave to have, or from feeling completely comfortable and confident in your skin isn't as complicated as you think. It's self-doubt that is sabotaging your confidence. Self-doubt manifests itself at different times of day and in different ways for different people ... in this episode we cover all the ways it peeps its ugly head and discuss how to make positive and empowering changes. Learning how to silence self doubt can revolutionize how you feel about yourself and about what is possible for you in life. Learn how to turn down the volume of self-doubt and up the volume of self-belief in this podcast episode, get the full show notes at

 #304:HOW TO BE OKAY WITH THE RISK OF PEOPLE NOT LIKING YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:39

PODCAST 304 HOW TO BE OKAY WITH THE RISK OF PEOPLE NOT LIKING YOU In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to be okay with the risk of people not liking you Some ways to dive into taking the risk of being yourself The most freeing question to ask yourself SPONSORSHIP: This episode is brought to you today by my FREE micro-course, the Quick Confidence Boost. That little voice inside that's telling you-you're not enough? It's lying. It's mean. It's a bully. And it's keeping you from the life God created you to live. 

 #303: 10 WAYS TO HAVE BETTER FRIENDSHIPS THAT MATTER  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:18

PODCAST 303 10 WAYS TO HAVE BETTER FRIENDSHIPS THAT MATTER  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The relationship between relationships and confidence 10 ways to have better friendships that matter 3 surprising thing I learned about friendship in the past year  SPONSORSHIP This podcast is sponsored today by my online membership, The College of Confidence, the one-stop membership site for increasing confidence. Enrollment and access has been closed for months, but we are now opening the doors and inviting you to join us for the most affordable and engaging coaching services around. Join us for as low as $20 and get the coaching you need to equip you with confidence as you pursue your calling.  Find out more and get started at The College of Confidence is the essential resource for anyone at any stage of personal confidence growth.  If you're still figuring out how to silence self-doubt or like the reflection you see in the mirror, this is the place for you. Or, if you're already pretty self-assured are just looking for ways to chase your dreams with more courage and gusto, then The College of Confidence can help you get to the next level. With our extensive course library, monthly trainings, live coaching calls and exclusive ask-anything forum, you get the more affordable and accessible coaching support available online. The College of Confidence is a supportive, active community to help you along the way, with feedback, encouragement and advice. Memberships are available, specializing in self-confidence, social confidence and professional confidence and start at the affordable price of just twenty dollars. It the perfect place to be for anyone looking to be free from the bondage of self-doubt or self-sabotage. It is the place where we coach you to step confidently into the calling that God created you to live out. Check it out and join us today at And of course, y'all know I love me some Beautycounter. If you're into clean eating and tidying up your life, then adding clean beauty is going to be your jam. Go shop and see why I love it so much at  REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  haileyes I started listening to your podcast. And since you every day on my way to and from work! I am backtracking on your episodes and trying to catch up! But I also don’t want to catch up because you’re so amazing! You have seriously CHANGED my life. I can relate to a lot of it is! You have helped me overcome my eating disorder. Yes. I can’t believe it myself after all these years trying to get help, if I only know that all I had to do was listen to your podcast. Not only that I’m an entrepreneur and started my own business and you give me all the tools I need to succeed. I could go on anon, I’m so grateful for you and this podcast. It changed my life. I recommend you to everyone. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELATIONSHIPS AND CONFIDENCE We are wired for connection. We were created to contribute. We feel oxytocin when we are in agreement with others. Those feel good feelings translate to our own internal dialogue and give us a natural confidence boost as a result. 10 WAYS TO HAVE BETTER FRIENDSHIPS THAT MATTER Prioritize connecting with others. Practice being vulnerable. Put communication high in your value system Pour out kindness in small ways Pass on judgements, grudges, gossip and criticism Be the first person to say hi, to invite, to reach out, to follow up Be yourself (and don't worry about being nerdy or awkward)

 #302: THE A-Z GUIDE FOR CONFIDENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:07

PODCAST 302  THE A-Z GUIDE FOR CONFIDENCE  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast  we are talking about: The importance of fundamentals in your personal growth How to not feel "behind" in your confidence journey 26 ways to have more confidence  SPONSORSHIP This podcast is sponsored today by my online membership, The College of Confidence, the one-stop membership site for increasing confidence. Enrollment and access has been closed for months, but we are now opening the doors and inviting you to join us for the most affordable and engaging coaching services around. Join us for as low as $20 and get the coaching you need to equip you with confidence as you pursue your calling.  Find out more and get started at The College of Confidence is the essential resource for anyone at any stage of personal confidence growth. If you're still figuring out how to silence self-doubt or like the reflection you see in the mirror, this is the place for you. Or, if you're already pretty self-assured are just looking for ways to chase your dreams with more courage and gusto, then The College of Confidence can help you get to the next level. With our extensive course library, monthly training, live coaching calls and exclusive ask-anything forum, you get the more affordable and accessible coaching support available online. The College of Confidence is a supportive, active community to help you along the way, with feedback, encouragement and advice. Memberships are available, specializing in self-confidence, social confidence and professional confidence and start at the affordable price of just twenty dollars. It the perfect place to be for anyone looking to be free from the bondage of self-doubt or self-sabotage. It is the place where we coach you to step confidently into the calling that God created you to live out. Check it out and join us today at And of course, y'all know I love me some Beautycounter. If you're into clean eating and tidying up your life, then adding clean beauty is going to be your jam. Go shop and see why I love it so much at  REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Meghan1978   THE A-Z OF CONFIDENCE  A  Always be the first to smile. B Breathe with intention, especially when you feel anxious or nervous. C Cultivate courage with every opportunity that presents itself. D Detox comparison of all types from your life. E Explore life as if it were an adventure. F Focus on love, always. G Ground yourself in gratitude. H Help others. I Invest in your personal growth. J Joke around more. K  Keep your mind focused on what matters. L Let go of who you think you should be and be who you are. M Make time for self-care as a priority. N Never compare yourself. Not to others. Not to expectations. Not to your past. Not to where you think you should be. Comparison steals your joy and your ability to be in the present, and it is impossible to be confident unless you are walking in the moment. O Organize your priorities to prevent overwhelm or feeling "behind" P Permit yourself to be yourself, you have permission from God to be so, so why would you ever doubt it Q Question the status quo. R Reenergize and recharge yourself with daily self care and self-kindness. S Stand tall, smile broadly, speak loudly. T Take yourself less seriously than you do. U Understand that you are made with purpose, and to for fill that purpose and make a difference in this world, you need to choose to show up with confidence encourage every day. It is a choice to show up,

 #301: 33 PRACTICAL WAYS TO STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:06

PODCAST #301: 33 PRACTICAL WAYS TO STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU In this episode of The Confidence Podcast  we are talking about: How I've struggled with worrying what people think about me in my past (and how I've learned to move past it) Sign to help you know if you struggle with this 33 practical ways to stop worrying about what people think of you SPONSORSHIP This podcast is sponsored today by my online membership, The College of Confidence, the one-stop membership site for increasing confidence. Enrollment and access has been closed for months, but we are now opening the doors and inviting you to join us for the most affordable and engaging coaching services around. Join us for as low as $20 and get the coaching you need to equip you with confidence as you pursue your calling.  Find out more and get started at And of course, y'all know I love me some Beautycounter. If you're into clean eating and tidying up your life, then adding clean beauty is going to be your jam. Go shop and see why I love it so much at  REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Mrs. ZQD  I started listening to Trish's podcast after going through a really tough time in my life, mentally. Trish's podcast along with her book have allowed me to work through that in a possible way. I love the different tips, and "homework" she gives you. This par helps the most because you get to journal about your feelings and really think about what you really do want in life. I also LOVE how it is all connected to God. Trish makes you feel comfortable and she doesn't make you feel alone, she is in this with you! I definitely recommend giving it a listen, you won't regret it! HOW I HAVE STRUGGLED WITH THIS IN MY PAST The first time I heard "I beat Trish Blackwell" in the locker room - I realized people talked about me behind my back I wanted people to think I was special - a superstar in swimming; I wanted to be someone people talked about positively Friendships; being an elite athlete, and also homeschooled made me different, I was desperate to fit in and have people like me so I turned into a huge people pleaser. High school; I was the poorest kid in a prestigious boarding school. I relied on kindness and my social leadership skills to be a "social floater" and it worked - everyone "liked" me, but it all felt superficial and I spent enormous amounts of energy managing these relationships, and more importantly, my image. College; wanting to be cool and to be the perfect balance of a Division I student-athlete sorority perfect student with both party friends and Christian friends. Scholarship pressure; fear of not deserving it, impostor syndrome, pressure to perform, worry that people would think I didn't deserve it. Adulthood; dating the wrong men because I wanted status (models, pro athletes), and compromising my values in the process. Partying and acting out someone I wasn't in order to have the respect of cool adults - I wanted the status and image that I was carefree and successful. Body Image; thinking that if I had a perfect body - in high school, college and also as a trainer in my career - that then people would think higher of me or have more respect for me, and for the times (which was most of the time) when I felt like I failed living up to that image, I want to hide from the world and felt like a failure. Hair; my natural insecurity with hair (stemming from a moment I was too sensitive with something my mom said) - fear that I am not pretty and that people are judging me by my hair. Business and my first book / building my brand; putting yourself out vulnerably is terrifying, but in order to help people and serve the audience I felt God was calling me to serve,

 #300: HOW TO FIND WINS IN YOUR CONFIDENCE GROWTH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:49

PODCAST #300 HOW TO FIND WINS IN YOUR CONFIDENCE GROWTH  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: The secret to learning how to really believe that you are doing better than you think you are and how to celebrate progress, not perfection as you pursue excellence in your life How taking more risks leads to winning more Special Milestone Celebration FREE Coaching Session Announcement! REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Rebecca9496, "My Favorite Podcast!" I have been a faithful listener for a while now, I originally discovered Trish on 104.7 The Fish and immediately looked up the podcast. I have found so much encouragement, insight, inspiration and just love this podcast so much. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for not only a life coach but someone that they would totally go and grab a coffee or a glass of wine with. Trish has helped me to uncover so many things in my own life, change my perspective on things, and given me inspiration to step outside of my comfort zone when it comes to social confidence. Thank you, Trish, for providing such outstanding content, for consistency showing up for us, and just for being you. SPONSORSHIP NOTES: This podcast is sponsored today by my online membership, The College of Confidence, the one-stop membership site for increasing confidence. Enrollment and access have been closed for months, but we are now opening the doors and inviting you to join us for the most affordable and engaging coaching services around. Join us for as low as $20 and get the coaching you need to equip you with confidence as you pursue your calling.  Find out more and get started at This podcast is sponsored in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter has single-handedly transformed my relationship with my skin, with beauty and with my confidence in my self-care routine. More than that, Beautycounter is a company that puts health first and is a company who is making waves in the US and Canada at demanding that other companies do the same. Shop for your own Beautycounter and become a customer of mine (and yes, I love to love on my customers, so you'll hear from me with overwhelming thanks!) at HOW TO FIND WINS You're happier and more successful than you might think. Happiness is a state of mind, not a state of conditions. Winning is a mindset shift. Happiness is not far away - but available right now. Believe that you are already winning. Celebrate progress. Proclaim who you want to be - I'm a winner, I'm happy, I'm an action-taker, etc. Practice giving yourself credit for doing better than you think you are .... practice this by looking for champagne moments! LOOK FOR CHAMPAGNE MOMENTS Find them in all areas of your life. Champagne is a mental status, a mindset of excellence and optimism. 507 reviews, we are celebrating our 300th episode! (Let's go for 1K reviews!) Almost 2 million downloads. Listener champagne moments:  Eating disorders healed Major speaking gigs landed Businesses started Debt cleared and financial freedom reached Books are written Podcasts launched Marriages rebuilt Toxic thoughts detoxed Marathons run Self-Kindness and self-forgiveness learned New hobbies explored Friendships improved Career paths decided Charities launched Anxiety and overwhelm quelled Oh, and, as a community, just in the past month, we forged together to give $2,575 to Faith Aid and helped 10+ impoverished children in Africa.  Because of your generosity and your willingness to ta...

 #299: 10 THINGS TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST YEAR YET | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:14

10 THINGS TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST YEAR YET PODCAST #299  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: 10 things you can do to make this year your best year yet What I'm doing this year that's different than I've ever done before A sneak peak of what to expect for our celebration of the 300 episode mark! REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Shelby.Eichstat BEST LIFE-CHANGING PODCAST I HAVE EVER LISTENED TO! SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This podcast is sponsored in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter has single-handedly transformed my relationship with my skin, with beauty and with my confidence in my self-care routine. More than that, Beautycounter is a company that puts health first and is a company who is making waves in the US and Canada at demanding that other companies do the same. Shop for your own Beautycounter and become a customer of mine (and yes, I love to love on my customers, so you'll hear from me with overwhelming thanks!) at 10 THINGS TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST YEAR YET: 1. Get a Focus Word -Word of the year -Feeling of the year -The power of power statements and written truths 2.Get a Goal -A goal is a dream that has a commitment - it is a dream being chased -Know what you want, and what you don't want -Dare to share your goal 3.Get a Plan -Take your goal and make it manageable -Set up champagne moment celebrations -Write the plan out and create a system 4.Get Grateful  -Make gratitude a daily practice -Review last year with gratitude lens -Recognize that gratitude separates you from the past you 5.Get Progress-Obsessed  -Progress, not perfection -Frees you from overthinking, just gets you to take action -Keeps you in your lane, celebrating baby steps and champagne moments 6.Get Boundaries -Social time, work time, fitness time, family time, admin / life time -Seasons of focus throughout the year -Start saying yes to what you want and no to what you don't 7.Get Connected  -Better relationships, better conversations -Deeper rooted into your community -More present with your family 8. Get Disconnected  -Be mindful of technology distractions -Turn off the TV and social media at specific times -Detox the comparison feeding machine 9.Get a Coach -Coaches help you make yourself value, give you radical follow-through -You aren't on your own -Everyone needs strategy, guidance and encouragement. You can't afford to not get a coach! 10.Get in a Mastermind -We become who we surround ourselves with -Personal growth and dream chasing doesn't have to feel so lonely -The College of Confidence is the perfect place to start! WHAT I'M DOING DIFFERENTLY THIS YEAR I'm slowing down - stressing less, sleeping more, simply being present. I'm challenging my mindset limitations. I'm praying through the concept of "being enough" and "being loved." I'm deciding to be different than the world around me. ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Annual Guidebook! Get your growth with a guide and take some of the guesswork out of it for yourself, for FREE! Download your copy of the 2019 Guidebook at DRUM ROLL.....NEXT WEEK! Join me for a live workshop on Facebook,  How to Silence Self-Doubt  2019! Save your spot for FREE at College of Confidence!  Our doors are open again!!! Go to and enroll today!

 #298: HOW TO SET GOALS SUCCESSFULLY FOR THE NEW YEAR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:42

HOW TO SET GOALS SUCCESSFULLY FOR THE NEW YEAR PODCAST #298 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: Successful goal setting How to follow through with more consistency than ever before What to do to make sure you succeed this year SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This podcast is sponsored in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter has single-handedly transformed my relationship with my skin, with beauty and with my confidence in my self-care routine. More than that, Beautycounter is a company that puts health first and is a company who is making waves in the US and Canada at demanding that other companies do the same. Shop for your own Beautycounter and become a customer of mine (and yes, I love to love on my customers, so you'll hear from me with overwhelming thanks!) at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Dani528 Tris is so uplifting and encouraging! It is evident that she cares about her listeners and empowering other women. I love listening to her podcasts on my commute on the way to work or school in the morning. It works to set a positive vibe for the day to come. Thanks for all of your dedication and advice Trish! BE SINGULARLY FOCUSED Pick one goal that matters the most to you. Write it down every day. Bonus -  You can think about one major goal for every area of your life. How to not get overwhelmed -  Set up accountability Simply and don't overcommit Create a schedule, break it down into bites Identify how PROGRESS makes you feel - and that progress is happiness. Personally - I love a word of the year. I love doing my Annual Guidebook. I love setting categories. I love creating an image for myself to see. I love having a main goal for each area of my life. I love having family specific and travel goals. I love and hyper focus on my experience goal - my soul goal. SEE YOURSELF AS YOU WANT TO BE + DON'T OVERTHINK IT! -Pull-up story -One singular goal - that made me uncomfortable -Wrote it down Thinking affects our physical performance by 50% Use descriptive words that move you and change you - that speak to the person you are becoming Speak to those you love as the person you see them becoming too - practice this on others as you do on yourself STEP OUT OF THE SHADOWS YOU HAVE PUT YOURSELF IN What do you need to change about yourself this year? What is non-negotiable? What have you continually used as an excuse that needs to go? Why aren't you allowing yourself to grow? I was scared for years - I stayed in my disorder because I didn't know what life would be like without it. I had fear over not knowing what to do next - but remember, God always brings the teacher when you are ready. You are not alone. You do not have to figure this, life or your next step out alone or on your own. You are not defined by how many times you haven't succeeded. ANNOUNCEMENT:  Annual Guidebook! Get your growth with a guide and take some of the guesswork out of it for yourself, for FREE! Download your copy of the 2019 Guidebook at LISTENER OF THE EPISODE: Cindy Wasmundt Dear Ms. Blackwell, I’ve just found your podcasts and I believe you creating these are an answer to my prayers.  There is so much I could say, but I won’t at this time. OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS!!!! I plan to continue listening. I was married for 25 years and the majority of it was a nightmare.  Remarried now for 3.5 years.

 #297 : HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THIS WORLD WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL READY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:18

HOW TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THIS WORLD WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL READY PODCAST #297 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to make a difference, even when you aren't sure how your little will help The secret to not being overwhelmed when you are trying to help others Where to start when you have a dream to make a difference SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This podcast is sponsored in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter has single-handedly transformed my relationship with my skin, with beauty and with my confidence in my self-care routine. More than that, Beautycounter is a company that puts health first and is a company who is making waves in the US and Canada at demanding that other companies do the same. Shop for your own Beautycounter and become a customer of mine (and yes, I love to love on my customers, so you'll hear from me with overwhelming thanks!) at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Lottie6789753 I am a new listener, and Trish has already helped me so much. My favorite podcast episode so far is 293, since I have listened to it I have been trying to replace my negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Thank you so much Trish! What is episode #293? An episode on GRATITUDE. "Gratitude: The Gateway to the Good Life." You can listen at We have a special guest, my good friend Lauren Fraher, on today's show, and Lauren will wow you with her and her husbands' story on how they started to change the world, one child at a time.   FAITH AID: MOVE MOUNTAINS No child should die from treatable conditions. QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY LAUREN:  1). How did the idea of FaithAid get started? How did you and your husband decide that you could make a difference, that you could be part of moving the mountain of unnecessary child mortality on a different CONTINENT?  Tell us more about The Under Five Initiative and about how your belief that all children deserve a chance at life motivates you. 2). Now, real life questions. How did you not feel overwhelmed? Did you all ever feel less than or underprepared because of your age or because of where you lived?  How do you stay focused on one child at a time when you know you have millions to help?  How the heck do you time manage running a non-profit on another side of the world while raising three kids three and under? 3). I love the statement you make on your website: "Because behind every suffering child is a family praying for a miracle." You see these families yourself, you interact with them, you have their photos on your phone, intermixed between your own children's photos.  .... could you share how your process of selecting who to work with and how to fundraise works for Faith Aid?  How can someone give and/or get involved? 4). Faith Aid is such a shining light of an example that we all can do so much more - that every though we can each find 1000x reasons why it might not work, why we aren't ready to show up for our calling, why we are afraid to try or to put ourselves out there, why we short-sell the difference we can make by making a difference in the life of even just one person ..... what advice / encouragement could you offer to someone listening who knows God has put something on their heart to do in this world, but who don't know (1) where to start (2) how to have the confidence that they really can make a difference and (3) how to really rest in the truth that God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called? ABOUT LAUREN: Lauren Fraher is mom to three wonderful kids. She studied English at Creighton University where she met her husband, Jacob. Together, they run Faith Aid a nonprofit that provides access to life saving medical treatment for impoverished Kenyan child...

 #296: HOW TO STOP STRESSING YOURSELF OUT WHEN LIFE IS BUSY | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:36

HOW TO STOP STRESSING YOURSELF OUT WHEN LIFE IS BUSY PODCAST #296 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: Stress and how to reduce it in your life How to be rebellious - in the good girl kind of way that will make you healthier and happier Deciding who will have the louder voice in your life: you or stress SPONSORSHIP: This podcast is brought to you by my FREE online confidence course, Quick Confidence Boost, the perfect mindset reset for you to close out 2018 with as you prep your confident mind for all that is to come in 2019. Get the free coaching course now at It is also sponsored by my partnership with Beautycounter; Beautycounter is a beautiful B-Corp company committed to getting safer products in the hands of everyone. If you are passionate about your health and about wellness, but aren't using Beautycounter products yet, then you're missing a huge part of the health equation - that is, making sure that the products you use aren't filled with harmful ingredients.  Shop for your first Beautycounter at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  eeyore4evr LOVE this podcast. I found it by searching podcasts on the app and I'm so glad I did. Trish is inspiring, confidence-boosting, and is that encouraging coach everyone needs to propel them to action towards achieving their goals. I feel so inspired every time I listen to an episode! STRESS + HOW TO REDUCE IT Reference #257, Stress Podcast, listen to it in full to supplement today's show at Overwhelm happens when we succumb to a stress overload. Decide to live "stress free" If there was one thing to do to improve your health in 2019 it would be to reduce stress completely from your life. For me, detoxing stress from my life is an act of surrender. I have to protect that surrender - it is constantly challenged (by my mom, by old thinking, by the pressures of society, etc.) HOW TO BE REBELLIOUS - IN THE GOOD WAY DECIDE TO GO UPSTREAM -Understand that by saying no to stress, you are going against what's normal -What to expect when you go against the flow (resistance, second guessing, leadership) -Really lock in on what matters to you and on what you want from life -What one area of your life isn't flowing WHO WILL HAVE THE LOUDER VOICE IN YOUR LIFE  Love or Fear? LISTENER OF THE WEEK:  Hey Trish, I just wanted to take 5mins out of my day to touch base with you. I have just read this wonderful email and it really got me thinking - as it really hit home with me. I am 25 years old, and I have spent 24 years of my life feeling like I wasn't enough - hearing those exact things that society constantly speaks to us, "you're not smart enough, you're not skinny enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not achieving enough". As you say, we hear things like this so consistently that it's a huge battle to break the cycle and realise that there is actually a whole different way of living your life. This year has been a game changer for me, 1 random post on Facebook began a massive change in my life. That post was either from you or about you - one way or another it lead to me finding your podcast and downloading every episode available on iTunes and starting from the very beginning. You have honestly opened my mind not only to a new way of thinking, but also made me realize that there is a whole other world that I can choose to live my life in - a world that is educating, positive and uplifting and full of great and special people, like those involved in your community. There is no way to describe the changes you have made to the life of a fairly average...

 #295: THE MOST ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CONFIDENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:00

THE MOST ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CONFIDENCE  PODCAST #295 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The most frequently asked questions about confidence in general The questions I am most often asked as a confidence coach about my own confidence How to have more confidence more consistently  SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This podcast is brought to you by my FREE online confidence course, Quick Confidence Boost, the perfect mindset reset for you to close out 2018 with as you prep your confident mind for all that is to come in 2019. Get the free coaching course now at REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Elizabeth727 I'm a fairly new listener ... but I"m going through some rough times in my life and this podcast always provides a positive light and create advice, positive and just so much more! Will definitely be continuing to listen! Update - I've not been listening to Trish for over a year! She is one outs a few podcasts that I listen to regularly. She never fails to provide amazing value and messages that are so relatable and applicable to my life! Trish teaches us how to apply her message and love our best lives! So thankful for you Trish! THE 5 THINGS PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT CONFIDENCE Does being confident mean that you never felt self-doubt? Do you have to be extraverted to be confident? How do you become more confident? How long does it take to create real change with your confidence? What's the biggest threat to confidence?  (self-bullying + comparison) THE 5 THINGS I AM MOST ASKED ABOUT MY CONFIDENCE AS A CONFIDENCE COACH What do I do when I am feeling insecure, anxious or filled with self-doubt? How do you and your husband communicate so well together? What does my day look like / how do I manage my time? How did I learn to stop beating myself up and really let go of perfectionism? How do I convince myself that enough is enough when, by nature, I am programmed to do more, more, more? LISTENER OF THE WEEK: Hi Trish, I hope all is well!  I am a big fan of yours and hoping you can give me some advice.  I admire the way you created your own business doing what you love to do (help others through podcasting, writing, creating confidence programs, etc.).  I also enjoy self-help and recently started my own blog.  I'm at a difficult point in my career as a teacher and often question whether or not teaching is what I want to do.  Sometimes I think about the idea of creating my own business blogging and creating self-help material.  I'm scared that my business wouldn't be successful, especially since I have very few blog followers right now.  How did you get to where you are now?  How did you make the choice to leave the career field you were in before you started your own business?  How do I know if I should leave what I know and used to love to try something I might like?  Please let me know if you have a podcast episode about this already and I'll definitely check it out.  :) Thanks, Kaitlin

 #294: HOW TO FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:19

HOW TO FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT PODCAST #294  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: How to fake it till you make it The difference between bad faking it and good faking it How to step into being the person you've always wanted to be With special guest, someone who has made a significant difference in my own personal life: Caroline Lotinga, Client Strategy Director, MOI Global REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Cara Chavez Trish done a wonderful job with bringing real life issues to the table. Being a person who really has negative thinking about herself, especially coming into  adulthood, Trish has and continues to help me process the daily struggles. She has helped me change my perspective and is teaching me to give myself permission not FORGIVE myself and those around me. I am still on the "struggle bus" but with the help of this podcast, I am slowly getting off that bus!! Go me! INTERVIEW WITH CAROLINE - TAKEAWAYS: Decide who you want to be, and then have the courage to be that person. When you step into confidence and into your best self, not everyone will like it - that is the guidance you need to know who to keep in your life and who to let phase out. Look good, feel good, be good. Speak up and act your way into confidence. ANNOUNCEMENTS: This podcast is sponsored in part today by my upcoming Momboss Mastermind group launching in 2019. If you are a mom and you are an entrepreneur, and you want to double your income and double your free time in 2019 so that you can do more of what makes you happy, then this group is for you. Apply today, applications are closing soon and I don't want you to miss out. Go to for more details! LISTENER OF THE WEEK:  Marlisa Holester Hey Trish!! Thank you so much for all your amazing podcasts! I have been a faithful listener of yours for several years now and am so incredibly encouraged and motivated to keep growing. You are one of the most consistent voices of truth in my life and have helped me overcome/continue to work through disordered eating habits, abusive relationships, and self-sabotage as a result of hating myself. I have come a loooong way over the past 2 years but still have such a long way to go. I’m excited to see how God will continue to grow and heal me though.  One really exciting thing I absolutely had to tell you about was me and my husband’s newest venture we just finished. In March of this year we set out to hike the entire Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine and have just completed it on the October 14th. What a crazy hard but amazing adventure it was and it was so special to do it together with my husband who is the best man in the world and has been such a strong rock to me through everything. We celebrated our 5 year anniversary out there and are so blessed to have such a happy beautiful relationship and to also be able to complete this epic hiking journey.  I want to thank you though for your consistent truth you speak over us listeners on taking action, doing hard things, and taking control of our own success and happiness!  I did such a 180 turn in my thinking once I started listening and I just want to give you some of the credit for me completing this hike and say a big THANK YOU to you for all you invested in my life through your podcasts. I had down days sometimes on the trail and if I needed a little encouragement, I popped my earbuds in and turned my Trish podcast on! it worked!  Thank you for all the time you put in each week to deliver us listeners an amazing podcast and for faithfully showing up and using your gifts and your stories to bring truth and love to the world! You truly are making a beautiful difference in so many lives!️ -Marlisa P.S.


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