The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: HOW TO STOP STRESSING YOURSELF OUT WHEN LIFE IS BUSY<br> PODCAST #296<br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:<br> <br> Stress and how to reduce it in your life<br> How to be rebellious - in the good girl kind of way that will make you healthier and happier<br> Deciding who will have the louder voice in your life: you or stress<br> <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP:<br> This podcast is brought to you by my FREE online confidence course, Quick Confidence Boost, the perfect mindset reset for you to close out 2018 with as you prep your confident mind for all that is to come in 2019. Get the free coaching course now at www.trishblackwell.com/quickconfidenceboost<br> <br> It is also sponsored by my partnership with Beautycounter; Beautycounter is a beautiful B-Corp company committed to getting safer products in the hands of everyone. If you are passionate about your health and about wellness, but aren't using Beautycounter products yet, then you're missing a huge part of the health equation - that is, making sure that the products you use aren't filled with harmful ingredients.  Shop for your first Beautycounter at www.beautycounter.com/trishblackwell<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK: <br> eeyore4evr<br> <br> LOVE this podcast. I found it by searching podcasts on the app and I'm so glad I did. Trish is inspiring, confidence-boosting, and is that encouraging coach everyone needs to propel them to action towards achieving their goals. I feel so inspired every time I listen to an episode!<br> STRESS + HOW TO REDUCE IT<br> Reference #257, Stress Podcast, listen to it in full to supplement today's show at www.trishblackwell.com/257<br> <br> Overwhelm happens when we succumb to a stress overload.<br> <br> Decide to live "stress free"<br> <br> If there was one thing to do to improve your health in 2019 it would be to reduce stress completely from your life.<br> <br> For me, detoxing stress from my life is an act of surrender.<br> <br> I have to protect that surrender - it is constantly challenged (by my mom, by old thinking, by the pressures of society, etc.)<br> HOW TO BE REBELLIOUS - IN THE GOOD WAY<br> DECIDE TO GO UPSTREAM<br> <br> -Understand that by saying no to stress, you are going against what's normal<br> <br> -What to expect when you go against the flow (resistance, second guessing, leadership)<br> <br> -Really lock in on what matters to you and on what you want from life<br> <br> -What one area of your life isn't flowing<br> WHO WILL HAVE THE LOUDER VOICE IN YOUR LIFE <br> Love or Fear?<br> LISTENER OF THE WEEK: <br> Hey Trish,<br> <br> I just wanted to take 5mins out of my day to touch base with you. I have just read this wonderful email and it really got me thinking - as it really hit home with me.<br> <br> I am 25 years old, and I have spent 24 years of my life feeling like I wasn't enough - hearing those exact things that society constantly speaks to us, "you're not smart enough, you're not skinny enough, you're not pretty enough, you're not achieving enough". As you say, we hear things like this so consistently that it's a huge battle to break the cycle and realise that there is actually a whole different way of living your life.<br> <br> This year has been a game changer for me, 1 random post on Facebook began a massive change in my life. That post was either from you or about you - one way or another it lead to me finding your podcast and downloading every episode available on iTunes and starting from the very beginning. You have honestly opened my mind not only to a new way of thinking, but also made me realize that there is a whole other world that I can choose to live my life in - a world that is educating, positive and uplifting and full of great and special people, like those involved in your community.<br> <br> There is no way to describe the changes you have made to the life of a fairly average...