The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #312: HOW TO STOP LETTING “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:59

HOW TO STOP LETTING "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS PODCAST #312  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about Not Good Enough: 3 things we can do right now to stop feeling "not good enough" Re-translating your "not good enough" voice The power of permission to help you feel "good enough" right now REVIEW OF THE WEEK: mossdabossmossy She changed my life. You deserve this. Ok, I started to listen to Trish about two years ago. I was in a dark place. Outside, everything looked fine. I had a great job and I made a lot of money. I had my college education. I had plenty of rich friends and a lot of downtimes to just do what I wanted to do. But my confidence was so low. I hated my life. I felt like every day I was grating my skin against a cheese grater. But this was the best I could do. Then I started listening to Trish. I looked up "confidence" in podcasts, and she showed up. It changed my life. Little by little, I received words of encouragement and doses of inspiration. I didn't know it then, but these incremental changes were affecting me. Eventually, I had the courage to leave my job and start my dream business. I've taken chances on my job, my education and my relationships. And I've come to realize that I am enough. And someone believed in me, long before I ever did. Thanks to Trish, her inspiring words, I've made changes to make my life better. It all started with her. Thanks to her faith and her belief, I've been infected with the power of God and of love. And I will always be thankful for that. I will always be thankful that she had the courage to spread her words and teach me about confidence. I've come to realize that we all deserve to listen to Trish. Sometimes we think we don't have the time or we don't deserve this love, but thanks to Trish, I've discovered the opposite. Love yourself and listen to her. You'll find yourself changed for the better. I couldn't thank her more. She is awesome. God bless this podcast and Trish, may she continue to inspire others as she has me. Now I'm living a completely different and loving life. - SPONSORSHIP NOTE: Today's podcast is sponsored in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter has single-handedly transformed my relationship with my skin, with beauty and with my confidence in my self-care routine. More than that, Beautycounter is a company that puts health first and is a company who is making waves in the US and Canada at demanding that other companies do the same. Shop for your own Beautycounter and become a customer of mine (and yes, I love to love on my customers, so you’ll hear from me with overwhelming thanks!) at WHY DO WE FEEL "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" AND 3 THINGS TO CHANGE RIGHT AWAY The roots of deep inadequacy or the feeling of Not Good Enough are pulled up by cleaning the soil where they are planted and gardening our minds accordingly. We know that "not enough" is aggravated when we compare ourselves when we "feel behind" and when we overschedule life, but other than forcing habit change, how do you really modify your behavior and create real change? We don't feel "good enough" because we have lost sight on what matters to us. Instead of focusing in on creating meaning in our lives, we get pulled apart and stretched thin, spreading our focus and creating a major distraction. Distraction Comparison Doing versus being Earning versus living Staying busy versus slowing down Slow down. Do less. Listen more. Keep a journal. Track your champagne moments. Prioritize. Simplify and know what matters to you.

 #322: STOP CARING WHAT YOUR FRIENDS THINK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:15

STOP CARING WHAT YOUR FRIENDS THINK  PODCAST #322 In this week of The Confidence Podcast we are chatting about: How to stop the cray cray of caring too much Why we care so much anyways The real reason you might be stuck right now SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This week's podcast is brought to you by my partnership with Beautycounter. Look, I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at REVIEW OF THE WEEK: From: Jdannireid "Wow" Trish, I just started listening to this week and wow. This is exactly what I needed. You are so real and passionate about what you do. You have brought me to tears several times already. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK Make sure you listen to the original coaching episode on this...How to Stop Caring What People Think, episode #187 of The Confidence Podcast. You can listen directly at In that episode, we talk about ... How to stop wasting so much emotional energy and effort worrying about and caring about what other people think about us 5 specific ways to start changing how you let people interfere with you living your best life yet and your full version of yourself – how to really live free as who you were created to be A powerful mantra to use when you find yourself sucked into the siphon of self-comparison and self-doubt that is birthed from worrying about what people think about you More specifically, in relation to caring about what your friends think, I want to go deeper.  The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent, when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls. –Elizabeth Cady Stanton 5 WAYS TO STOP CARING ABOUT WHAT YOUR FRIENDS THINK:  Think about what you love about the people you love. Act as if you only have 36-more months to live. Be honest about what you have missed out on. Stop being so afraid to be alone. Resist the desire to cheapen who God made you to be. WHY WE CARE SO MUCH ANYWAYS We look at the wrong places to get our worth. We compare and give ourselves a place in this world in relation to the comparison. We were taught to strive for approval. We yearn to fit in, yet to also be different. We are afraid of being weird, left out, isolated, unnoticed, forgettable. THE REAL REASON YOU MIGHT BE STUCK RIGHT NOW  Being in a place where you are caring too much will always keep you stuck. It will keep you from hearing God's voice (because instead, you are listening for the voices of others) It will keep you from generating and stepping into self-trust, which is what you need to take action on an idea, dream, goal or life change that matters It will keep you striving to conform to being "enough" in the opinions of others - which are fleeting and constantly changing, meaning that your confidence will also be in an eternal state of flux and fluidity, leaving you exhausted chasing the finish line that always moves ANNOUNCEMENTS:  If this week's coaching resonated with you, then you're going to want to be more focused and proacti...

 #321 : HOW TO INCREASE CONFIDENCE THROUGH SELF-COMPASSION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:52

HOW TO INCREASE CONFIDENCE THROUGH SELF-COMPASSION  PODCAST #321    In this week of The Confidence Podcast we are chatting about:   The secret, often untapped power of self-compassion Why you definitely shouldn't be shrugging off self-compassion as something for "other people" Practical ways you can intentionally activate self-compassion for more confidence       SPONSORSHIP NOTE: This week's podcast is brought to you by my partnership with Beautycounter. Look, I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at  REVIEW OF THE WEEK: From: BarbellsAndBaking "My Absolute Favorite Podcast!" Hi Trish! I just wanted to let you know that I love your podcast so much! I know we have never met, but I feel like you're a best friend. I always look forward to Tuesdays when a new episode comes out. You have been such an inspiration in my life and have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and finally start my own blog...something I've been thinking about for some time but haven't done until recently because of what people might think or because what if I fail? Thank you so much for everything you do! You're amazing!      THE UNTAPPED POWER OF SELF-COMPASSION AND WHY WE NEED IT The toxic effects of my perfectionism and my eating disorder perpetuated for years long than it should have because I lacked a basic level of self-compassion.  Self-compassion includes forgiveness, grace, patience and perspective. For someone with all-or-nothing tendencies, it felt impossible and out-of-character for me to ever experience.  The cycle of self-pressure is toxic, and it is fueled when self-compassion isn't available. When I pump self-compassion into me, it feels foreign, because I lived most of my life without it, but it feels good; freeing. Self-compassion is the ability to walk in the grace that God already gives us. When I push away self-compassion, when I try to punish myself and just "do better" and "expect more" then I am saying to God ... thanks for your grace, and thanks for Jesus, but I'll just take full responsibility here to be perfect. I know I'm human  - flawed and weak in my flesh, but I'll take help in all the other areas aside from this one. Ya'll, it doesn't work like this.  We need it because we thrive when -we walk in grace -when we know that we don't have to be perfect -when it's safe to fail and fumble -when our growth comes from something bigger than ourselves -we don't have to live in a rush, on a timeline or in comparison  WHY SELF-COMPASSION IS FOR YOU, NOT JUST "OTHER PEOPLE" Self-compassion isn't weak - it doesn't slow you down - it doesn't hold you back.  Self-compassion is actually character strength, not weakness. Too often, we have been brainwashed to believe that we need to work, work, work, perform, perform, perform and sweat, sweat, sweat to be successful ... and that then, when we reach where we want to go, that then we can relax.   PRACTICAL WAYS TO IMPLEMENT SELF-COMPASSION Active self-forgiveness Spiritual alignment each day Celebrating the progress  Radically slowing down Practicing self-kindness Nurturing self with sleep, touch, good food Listening to your body Resting and talking back to the "not enough" voice

 #320: THESE TWO WORDS WILL MAKE YOU MORE CONFIDENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:15

THESE TWO WORDS WILL MAKE YOU MORE CONFIDENT PODCAST #320 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The two words that will make you more confident instantly How to simplify your thinking so that you have better thoughts The process to really become more confident  SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  Just a quick note to let you know how much I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at REVIEW OF THE WEEK Brenna Garcia Trish, I stumbled across this podcast while searching for inspiration to better myself. I've spent the last 5 months taking little steps to become the person I'll be proud to be; turn my life around, and I have to say this podcast is the tool I didn't know I was searching for. A little about me: I served 4 years in the military, learning the life lessons that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world, but I also walked away with emotional and mental damage that I'm still working on years later. Just after listening to several episodes, I feel ready to tackle and get to the bottom of my issues instead of using the "fake it till you make it" approach. I LOVE the idea of women empowering each other, keep doing what your'e doing. Will continue to binge watch. :) WHAT ARE THE TWO WORDS? "All well." Why does it work? Because it frees us from the pressure we put on ourselves Because it frees us from caring too much about what people think about us Because it frees us to make mistakes and be able to move on Because it frees us from the holds of perfectionism Because it frees us to take action without fear or overthinking Because it frees us to work through our past with forgiveness and separation LOLA SPONSORSHIP: I have to come clean with you all. One thing I would never talk about publicly because I worried about what people thought of me, was the personal parts of my health care. I’m over that, which is why I wanted to tell you about my newest obsession, the 100% natural brand, LOLA.  LOLA is a female-founded company offering a line of organic cotton tampons, pads, liners and all-natural cleansing wipes.No toxins, mystery fibers, or doubts about what’s going in your body. LOLA products are all gynecologist-approved and hypoallergenic. Major brands use a mix of synthetic ingredients in their products including rayon and polyester. Their feminine care products may also be treated with harsh chemical cleansing agents, fragrance, and dyes; I can’t believe I used such harsh chemicals inside my body for so many years, and I am so glad I have found an alternative solution. Plus, LOLA products come in a simple, customizable subscription. LOLA will deliver exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. I personally love how my monthly supply is delivered right to my door, in beautiful, clean packaging, might I add, which makes life as a busy mompreneur just a little bit easier for me. For 40% off all subscriptions, visit and enter

 #319:THREE THINGS MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT BEING CONFIDENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:27

PODCAST #319 THREE THINGS MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT BEING CONFIDENT In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: The 3 things most people don't know about being confident The real reason I am so passion about confidence  The Confidence Formula - how to really be and feel more confident, even if you're busy REVIEW OF THE WEEK: "No more Limiting Myself - I can accomplish what I dream!"  Proverbs 31 Mommy of 3 Trish has been such a blessing to hear. All the adult life I've struggled with self-doubt and feeling unworthy. I finally reached a boiling point and searched for confidence podcasts and this podcast come up first! I was thrilled to see that you too are a Christian and your point of view comes from your confidence in who God made you, after all, shouldn't we all be confident in who God made us, because He never makes mistakes. I listen to you every morning and feel much more confident in myself. This podcast has helped me realize that my thinking and behavior patterns are what has been limiting me all this time. In essence, in sabotaging myself, and fear of success can be a real thing. BUT NOT MORE! In closing I just want to add that it's pretty cool when my kid walk in the bedroom in the morning as I'm getting ready for work and listening to your podcast, and I turn it off, and my teenagers either ask for me to turn it back on, or give feedback on what Trish said, which in turn leads me to turn you back on! Keep on blessing people Trish! "Life changer" KayKayFez Your podcast is the pill I take every morning to start my day with presence and confidence. SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  Just a quick note to let you know how much I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating, and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at THREE THINGS MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT BEING CONFIDENT I have to listen to something multiple times to "get it" (Sometimes an 11-day journey takes 40 years - but it doesn't have to) I don't always have that confidence voice in my brain (self-doubt never disappears, we just turn down its volume) I am good at making decisions not because I don't feel indecisive, but because I know the key to confidence is to make a decision and move on. (not needing to know if your decision is perfect is part of the process of confidence, 70% is my marker point to knowing that it's good enough) WHY AM I SO PASSIONATE ABOUT CONFIDENCE?  Confidence is the key that opens us to the activation of the gifting that God has divinely planted inside of us. My work in confidence is my calling - and I am a simple encourager, a cheerleader, a coach to help facilitate millions of others to live the lives God created them to live. I believe that, by coaching confidence, I am helping make the world a better place. This is so much more than the "feel goods" or the perfect body or not feeling anxious or insecure. This is about stepping out of the shadows of shame and into the light and hope of freedom. I am passionate because I know what life without confidence feels like. I know the deep regret of living incongruently and with a deep yearning for more in your heart. THE CONFIDENCE FORMULA -How to really feel and be more confident, even if you are too busy to work on your confidence or feel too overwhelmed and distracted by life to make changes that matter.

 #318: 36 LITTLE THINGS THAT TRANSFORMED MY CONFIDENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:13

36 LITTLE THINGS THAT TRANSFORMED MY CONFIDENCE PODCAST #318 This week on The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: One reason every single one of us can have more confidence each day The 36 little things that transformed my confidence A new, systematic approach to the confidence I am excited to introduce REVIEW OF THE WEEK: R + J Amazing, amazing podcast. A couple of months ago, I began community to work and found myself looking for something to listen to on my hour to two-hour drive. I was not expecting to find something actually worth listening to: I was taken aback by Trish's podcast and find myself irritated when I have to stop listening once I actually arrive at work. She is so incredibly positive, upbeat and encouraging without being fake. She's entirely real and down to earth and simply lovely to listen to. Not only do I feel better after listening to every episode, I feel stronger, wiser and much more sure of myself and where I am headed. An absolutely life-changing podcast. This is a must-listen. :) Ya'll! We're ranked #158 in all health podcasts. Total podcasts out there? 700,000 (according to podcasting insights and blubrry. SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  Just a quick note to let you know how much I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating, and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at HOW CAN YOU GUARANTEE YOURSELF TO HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE EVERY DAY? What makes me so sure that you have the ability to be more confident each day, even if you don't "feel" the changes happening? It's one thing we all have in common: we are aging. And with age, comes repetition - and wisdom, and perspective and, repetition again. Y'all, this is my birthday week, and if you've been on brand with me for the past few years, you'll know that I absolutely love aging. Past episodes I've done around my birthday include: #266: 35 Power Mantras to Improve Your Confidence and Courage #210: Aging Confidently and Beautifully #162: 33 Unexpected Things to Be Thankful For #110: My Best 32 Shares #58: 31 Ways to Boost Your Confidence THE 36 THINGS THAT TRANSFORMED MY CONFIDENCE Real change happens in the littlest of things. (Story about my mom and the dishwasher - let all that I do be done to the glory of God). Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me ... happy birthday to me!  Gratitude journaling Getting a coach Therapy Focusing on champagne moments and progress Seeing myself as a new creation Compartmentalizing my past Slightly changing my name Letting go of trying to impress other people Journaling Running Chasing failure Eleanor Roosevelt Permission to be a student The color pink Making a fool of myself Doing things that make me very uncomfortable Learning sales by fire Worship music Keeping my word to myself Deciding who I am and giving myself powerful attributes Reading every day Going for B- work instead of A+ work Deciding to be the friendliest and kindest per...

 #317: ARE YOU GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAY? THIS IS HOW TO STOP SELF-SABOTAGE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:03

ARE YOU GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAY? THIS IS HOW TO STOP SELF-SABOTAGE... PODCAST #317 This week on The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to know if you're getting in your own way or if life is getting in your way Understanding the real root of self-sabotage  3 ways to stop getting in your own way REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Emwarrxox I am so blessed to have come across your podcast one day searching for something to help build up my confidence and I've been listening to it religiously every morning while I get ready for work to get in a good confident headspace. During your podcast, you mention asking for topic requests from your viewers and something I struggle with daily is that I find myself making excuses for people that treat me badly and accepting it. I struggle with standing up for myself and realizing when it's OK to stop making excuses for other people's actions and to stop over apologizing to those people when in fact they are the ones who should be apologizing. I just always feel like I'm in the wrong Trish, and I'm tired of it. I hope this makes sense. I love your podcast so much, thank you again for everything you do and for being so open and honest about your life and your struggles. I can't thank you enough - Em SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  FREE WORKSHOP: ALL HAPPENING THURSDAY NIGHT, MAY 9TH at 8:30 PM EST! The Supermom's How-To-Guide to Living With Less Stress and More Joy. 

 #316: HOW TO DECLUTTER YOUR MIND AND DETOX OVERWHELM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:20

HOW TO DECLUTTER YOUR MIND AND DETOX OVERWHELM PODCAST #316  This week on The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to Marie Kondo Your Mind (and organized and simple process) What overwhelm is actually doing to your confidence and your life The secret to continual tidying up of the mind REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Bambi K Trish I just recently came across your podcast and I wish I had found it earlier. I instantly started binge listening to it and every single episode speaks to me. Being a perfectionist, recovering from an eating disorder from multiple relapses, and having no self-esteem or confidence, your podcast is changing my life. I started to challenge myself to dare to do things, to not care what other people think and it feels amazing. Even my husband keeps mentioning how (unusually) confidence I am lately. I am so grateful for you and we need more people like you in this world. This makes me think about my girl, Lourdes from The College of Confidence who recently shared: Hi Trish! My hubby of 39 years complimented me today.. “ You have become solid! I’m so proud of your progress!” Thank you Trish, my sister, I’m having so many, many Mermaid Martini Moments! SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  This episode is brought to you today by my FREE micro-course, the Quick Confidence Boost. That little voice inside that’s telling you-you’re not enough? It’s lying. It’s mean. It’s a bully. And it’s keeping you from the life God created you to live. I say “no more!” My self-bully used to shame me. It kept me small, scared and in a state of self-sabotage. Then I got tired of it, and I learned how to stand up to the bully. I’ll teach you the step-by-step process to start doing the same thing. Join my FREE micro-course, a 7-day confidence coaching course, and you feel changes in your internal self-talk with these quick, 3-minute FREE coaching videos. I spent too many years of my life silenced by self-doubt. I will do anything in my power to help free other women from having to suffer any longer. You were created to shine light into this world, but to shine brightly we’ve gotta get rid of the bully that’s keeping you from living muted. Start the FREE micro-course today at HOW TO MAIRE KONDO YOUR MIND It's organized, simple and systematic. With tidying up, come clean and open space and the ability to enjoy life. “When deciding what to buy, remember that some things are easy to buy—but then we have to use them. If they're not used, they don't enhance our lives; they just contribute to guilt and clutter.”  -Gretchen Rubin The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. -Marie Kondo To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose. And if you no longer need them, then that is neither wasteful nor shameful. Can you truthfully say that you treasure something buried so deeply in a cupboard or drawer that you have forgotten its existence? -Marie Kondo Have gratitude for the things you're discarding. By giving gratitude, you're giving closure to the relationship with that object, and by doing so, it becomes a lot easier to let go. -Marie Kondo Effective tidying involves only three essential actions. All you need to do is take the time to examine every item you own, decide whether or not you want to keep it, then choose where to put what you keep. Designate a place for each thing. Marie Kondo What does your mind actually look like?  Clean and organized? Open and airy? Cluttered and confusing? Dumping ground and outdated?

 #315: IF YOU WANT TO BE CONFIDENT AND HAPPY, YOU’VE OUTGROWN THIS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:31

IF YOU WANT TO BE CONFIDENT AND HAPPY, YOU'VE OUTGROWN THIS... PODCAST #315  This week on The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about The things it's time to drop in your life How to drop them for real The deliberate lifestyle that leads to more happiness, more confidence, and better results REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Katie Schroeder This woman is beyond words. Her dedication, time and love she puts into her lessons are seriously life-changing. I've tried to jump into multiple self-development podcasts/books/groups and couldn't stick with anything simply because nothing held my interest. Then I found Trish. She has something valuable to say in EVERY single podcast. Her words have changed my way of thinking and my overall mental health in ways I'll never be able to thank her enough for. I have struggled with anxiety for years and worry about things constantly down to if my shoelaces look weird how they are tied. It's nice to be able to laugh at myself over that now but at the time it was the LEAST bit funny. It's been a tough road pulling myself out of that mindset. But I've done it! It's a learning process and I've come so far. This podcast and the COC is undeniably the breath of fresh air I've been looking for. After 2 episodes  I signed up for the College of Confidence because I knew I wanted to dive in deeper with Trish's teachings. Since then I have looked at myself in the mirror differently, proudly, loving what I see. Gained happiness back that has been long, long gone and I never thought I would see again. I've found journaling again. I found a community of women who are cheering me on right alongside with Trish. Every day she shows up and has all of our backs. Every day she is your cheerleader. Thank you so much for everything you do! I love you, sister! SPONSORSHIP NOTE:  This podcast is brought to you in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. To find out more about my journey to safer beauty with Beautycounter, read more at YOU'VE OUTGROWN THESE THREE THINGS: Caring what people think Being in a rush Cluttered thinking CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK There are different levels of breakthrough in this area, and each new level brings new levels of freedom. Here are some thoughts and truths that have helped me step more into a place of freedom in this area of my life: Every opinion is different, and it's not my business what people think about me. The only opinion that matters to me is God's opinion, and He created me. I expect people to have contradictory opinions about me. If I am not polarizing, I am not standing for anything of value. You can't please everyone. I want to spend my emotional effort living, not thinking about things out of my control. Trying to control what people think about you is like chasing the wind. For an entire episode on how to stop caring about what people think of you, be sure to catch episode #301 of The Confidence Podcast, 33 Practical Ways to Stop Worrying About What People Think of You at BEING IN A RUSH And I don't just mean for a time in your day-to-day, I mean in life. Not believing you are where you need to be, and wishing you were "farther along" communicates a few things subconsciously: 1) that you don't trust God's timing in your life or His plan for you 2) that you are living in regret and disappointment, over-focused on the past and the future, unable to be in the present How to stop being in a rush with the timeline of your life? Realize that what matters in life isn't what you accomplish, but the meaning with which your life. It is not about how beautiful you can make your life ...

 #314: GETTING THE HELP YOU NEED TO REACH YOUR GOALS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:52

GETTING THE HELP YOU NEED TO REACH YOUR GOALS Podcast #314  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about ... How to know if you need a coach or if you need a therapist Helping yourself and consistently coaching yourself The real secret to reaching your goals REVIEW OF THE WEEK  RMAnnJo Trish's podcast is so uplifting!!! She shares wise thoughts on most topics that I am interested in knowing more. I would DEFINITELY recommend listening to her when you have a team. And Trish, God bless you for listening and abiding by His plans for you. :) HELPING YOURSELF Identify your time slumps + your energy slouches -Anticipate them -Track your impulse control -Set yourself up for success around these -Temper your expectations -Prepare in advance (coffee, shoes out, etc) Identify your highlight times + best energy you -Maximize them by having a plan -Identify a daily highlight -Have a mission statement to daily direct you and deepen your fulfillment and purpose COACHING YOURSELF Setting up accountability Breaking down your breaking points and creating a better system Journaling Getting a coach for check-ins Create arbitrary deadlines and achievements Reward yourself more consistently Create meaning in what you do and know where you are going You are never doing this on your own, you're doing this with God Watch out for infinity pools Dare to be different (to not watch certain shows, to turn off social media, to not have tv in your room, to express your real feelings and preferences) Know what trips you up (me, it's sloppiness in my slumps, so I have to create structure around this) THE REAL SECRET TO REACHING YOUR GOALS To have a goal. To go for the goal. Most of us think about goals. We talk about them. We imagine them. We wish them for ourselves, but we never really commit. We get afraid. We are afraid of failing. We don't want to look foolish. We don't want to be disappointed in ourselves. The only disappointment you can have in yourself is a disappointment for never having tried. For only having gone through the motions of life, and never having actually dared to live. Know The Best-Case Scenarios Best Case - Success Second-Best Case - Failure Not Optimal Case - Giving Up After Trying Once Worst Case - Not Trying at All or Procrastinating The key to this all is action. I have two major strengths in life: enthusiasm and action. So, listen, you don't have to have this all figured out. You don't have to do this on your own. That's why you have me, and coaching from me, like the coaching you get in The College of Confidence or by working with me privately. Learning how to take action if you're someone who has never taken action before is less about discipline and will power and all about mindset, belief, and strategy. I'll coach you. I'll teach you. I'll push you. I'll catch you. I'll help you get back up. I'll celebrate you. BOOKS REFERENCED IN THIS PODCAST: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky LISTENER OF THE WEEK: I just finished your Confident Boost videos and the bonus video.  I have been thinking of joining the College of Confidence and I look forward to hearing back from you.


GROWING YOUR IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS WITH MORE CONFIDENCE PODCAST #313 This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: Creating relationships in your life that give you confidence and that you trust The danger of "small offenses" in the relationships in your life How to grow the relationships that matter to you, and move on from the ones that don't REVIEW OF THE WEEK: thanks, Trish :) I randomly found this podcast while struggling with the public speaking portion of my job. Trish has been very helpful professionally and personally ... insightful, and worth a listen if you're looking for something but not sure what. She helps me compartmentalize my thoughts and have tools that help me with self-love and forward progress in my life. CREATING THE IDEAL RELATIONSHIPS IN YOUR LIFE  You have a relationship with everything and everyone. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. Relationships are the foundation of a meaningful life.  In a 2010 review of 148 studies, researchers found that social relationships improve lifespans. People in healthy long-term relationships are 50% less likely to die prematurely than people without them. Types of relationships: Familial, friendship, amorous, neighborly, acquaintances We were created for connection. Connection demands communication. (Communication is the key to life - Tim Kelley, Davidson College)  What do relationships give us: A sense of safety A support network A feeling of purpose Longevity Healthier and more balanced emotions Healthy relationships bring compassion to that relationship space, which helps us regulate our emotions, calm our primal alarm systems and promote longer periods of health. In healthy relationships, people learn that they can safely manage worries, fears, hopes and dreams.  This capacity builds intimacy, closeness, and a sense of security that has a far-reaching impact. (from Pro Psych Central)  Good relationships appear to protect our brains. "Being in a securely attached relationship is protective in your 80s. Those people's memories stay sharper longer," says Dr. Waldinger  (Harvard Review) According to Blue Zones (Dan Buettner), optimize your face to face relationships to optimize your health and your longevity. While diet, exercise, and overall health all seem like they’d be the best predictors of how long you’ll live, Julianne Holt-Lundstad at Brigham Young University found that the following are three important predictors of longevity: Drinking/smoking habits: Are you a moderate drinker? Do you or don’t you smoke? Did you quit? Close relationships: These are your closest friends, the people you can call on a bad day, the friends you know will support you in bad times. Social integration: These are the interactions with people as you move through your day and includes both strong and weak bonds. It could be the coffee barista you see on your daily commute, the postman, or the woman behind you in line at the grocery store. The face-to-face interactions you have on a daily basis are one of the strongest predictors of how long you’ll live. For the record - I used to be awful at relationships. I grew up in a family with constant fighting. I was homeschooled. I was a highly gifted athlete - which made me a loner. I had friends, but I didn't have a lot of practice. Boarding school helped, but then I had toxic relationships.  It's never too late to get better at relationships ... and we do so with an open heart, vulnerable spirit and a deep desire to connect to others and to allow ourselves to be known an...

 #312: HOW TO STOP LETTING “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:59

Feeling "not good enough" can not only slow you down as you chase your dreams, but it can make you lose belief in your potential completely. Listen to this episode to hear practical, tactical strategies on how to rewire your thinking against the onslaught of messages we hear daily that make us feel "not enough," "behind" or "overwhelmed." Get the full show notes at

 #311: HOW TO LET GOD TRANSFORM YOUR CONFIDENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:42

PODCAST #311 HOW TO LET GOD TRANSFORM YOUR CONFIDENCE In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're talking about How God is responsible for the transformation of my confidence My experience with personal development - doing it on my own versus doing it with God The tools I use on a daily basis to grow spiritually and to confidently live out my life with joy, happiness, abundance, peace and purpose, even though I never thought those things were available to me REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Heatherdutko Trish's podcast is not only uplifting and motivational but offers real, step-by-step ways to actually change your life for the better. So many positive changes in my life I can directly trace back to the advice and practices I've instituted because of Trish. SPONSORSHIP: This podcast is brought to you by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter is a B-Corp company, good for people and for the planet, and together we are spreading safer beauty and better health across the United States and Canada. To shop for your own Beautycounter and to be in my VIP customer list, then go to BLOG POST REFERENCED BY TODAY'S PODCAST: MY EXPERIENCE WITH PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT -ON MY OWN Lots of reading and consumption, but no implementation. Overwhelm and impatience. Confusion of who to learn from and what was important. Responsibility to do it all on my own. -ON GOD'S SIDE  Presence and peace. Progress and teamwork, to not be doing it all on my own. Confidence that I would be guided as needed. Freedom to know that I need to show up, and then to let God be God and do the rest. Why is worship music important to personal development?   I used to be embarrassed to let people know about the central role of worship in my life.  When I first starting dating my husband, I was worried he wouldn’t like how much I needed to have worship music on. He was a Christian, so I knew he wouldn’t be offended by it, but it still made me nervous to be vulnerable to the real role of worship in my life. It felt so nerdy and so weak. But I am weak. We all are. I need worship because I need God. I need to be close to Him, I need His strength and I need His truth. Worship connects me and fills me in those ways. Now my husband knows that worship music plays as the background in our house, and in the mornings, when the kids are both screaming at the same time that the dog is barking at a squirrel, I can see him smile at me, happy that we have a peaceful way to process everyday life without losing focus on what matters. (That said, as equally as I love worship music, you will also hear hip hop and reggeaton pumping through our walls). I’m writing about worship and personal development because to me, a Christian life coach, they are interdependent upon one another. Over the past few years, I have received countless messages from podcast listeners, book readers and coaching clients wanting to know how I really found freedom from my anxiety, my eating disorder, my broken life. I’ve done therapy, coaching, journaling work and have read thousands of books. I have gone on retreats, gotten prayer, fasted and done cleanses. Those things are all good, but the single most powerful factor to my breakthroughs in my personal growth has been worship. Worship and personal development are interdependent, cohesive partners that help us become who God created us to be.  CLICK TO TWEET People report being impatient in their personal growth, wanting to move through the transformation faster than comes naturally. I get it. It’s something I used to struggle with too.

 #310: 5 SNEAKY WAYS SELF-DOUBT IS WRECKING YOUR ABILITY TO BE CONFIDENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:39

5 SNEAKY WAYS SELF-DOUBT IS WRECKING YOUR ABILITY TO BE CONFIDENT PODCAST #310  This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: 5 sneaks ways self-doubt is wrecking your ability to be confident The antidote to self-doubt, belief, and how to activate more of it 3 solutions to silence self-doubt REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Natural Beauty Fitness I subscribed to this show in 2016. I listened to it on and off until 2018 when I realize that the thing I needed the most to help in my goals and my life was my confidence. I have a tendency to be very hard on myself when I make a mistake. The Confidence Podcast has helped me believe in myself and see that God has a great purpose for me despite my shortcomings. I stand taller now. THE 5 SNEAKY THINGS ABOUT SELF-DOUBT THAT ARE WRECKING YOU  Self-doubt makes you tip-toe towards what you want Self-doubt swirls around the comparison spiral Self-doubt creates stories that don't exist Self-doubt squashes your ability to reach your full potential Self-doubt keeps the doors to adventure, change and exploration closed off and locked. Keeps you from sharing your passions with the people you love Keeps you from exploring your beliefs and your limits, for fear that you might be wrong and embarrassed that you were wrong. Or for fear of offending someone else. THE ANTIDOTE TO SELF-DOUBT  An obsession with belief. Note: belief is more uncomfortable than self-doubt. Self-doubt it easy. It is natural. It doesn't require anything of us or from us. Belief requires faith - in ourselves and in above. Said differently, the antidote to self-doubt is a willingness to accept discomfort and uncertainty, because in many ways, that is what belief actually is. Practice believing. Believe you can change your attitude. Believe you are doing better than you think. Believe that a bad day doesn't define you (ice skating example) Believe that your past performance doesn't narrate your future one Believe that there is always something to be analyzed and learned, nothing is wasted Believe that you can believe better than ever before. THREE SOLUTIONS TO SILENCING SELF-DOUBT Become a student of go-getters and dreamers. Get obsessed with the positive points of failure. Put yourself around other people who are choosing to think and live differently FINALLY, SELF-DOUBT FESTERS IN "NOT ENOUGHNESS" MINDSET Overcome that mindset with mantras that keep you in the present. I choose peace, not pressure. I choose kindness, not criticism. I choose belief, not fear. I choose gratitude, not grumbling. I choose meaning, not pleasing. I close moments, not more. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The College of Confidence is your simple way to confidently show up in your life with more courage. Create authentic traction towards your goals, silence the self-doubt that is keeping you back, and to tap into your purpose so you can make the difference in this world that God created you to make with our cancel-at-anytime membership. This is faith-based life-coaching in a personalized, supportive and affordable way. Build your confidence in the truth that you are "enough" and are "doing enough." The College of Confidence will help you manage your mindset and to step into the potential that God created you to live out. I truly believe that by joining The College of Confidence, your life will be better. That's why I unapologetically invite you each and every week to join us. Trust me,

 #309 : HOW TO BREAK FREE FROM “NOT ENOUGH” SYNDROME | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:51

HOW TO BREAK FREE FROM "NOT ENOUGH" SYNDROME PODCAST #309  This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about: How "not enough" syndrome sneaks into our lives and manifests itself What the whispers of "not enough" keep you from The shift from "pressure" to "peace" as the game-changing mindset move that can break you free from the shackles of the "not enough" prison SPONSORSHIP NOTES:  New sponsorship note! This episode is brought to you today by my newest, FREE challenge, the "I Am Enough" Challenge, a 5-day challenge to less stress and more self-confidence. Rewiring our self-perception and understanding our true potential and capability can be life-changing in the pursuit of our goals and dreams. Often, the biggest thing getting in the way of our follow-through is our belief that we are enough, that we are capable enough and that we are doing enough. This "I Am Enough" Challenge is a five-day group challenge that finishes up with a private and exclusive live workshop to help you find peace, confidence, and freedom as you manage your mindset around a new way of seeing yourself. Join the challenge now, it starts tomorrow, Wednesday, March 13th.  Save your spot by going to REVIEW OF THE WEEK Mel_Mac123 Trish has literally changed my life! I was in my darkest hole and I found her podcast. I was like, why not? Maybe this is what I need? Because of her and her confidence boost daily (as I'm listening to ALL of the podcast episodes she has) I'm defeating post part because I'm learning how to take care of myself! She hits home on so many levels and gets in mentally somehow all at the same time. I recommend her podcast to all my friends! I'm so glad she's changing my life! FIRST WE NEED TO IDENTIFY "NOT ENOUGH SYNDROME"  NOT DOING ENOUGH -Also disguised as "overwhelmed," "not enough time," "behind", "not on the right timeline" NOT CAPABLE ENOUGH -Also disguised as "not lucky," "slow learner," "procrastination", "not meeting expectations" "just hard on myself" NOT ENOUGH -Also disguised as "insecurity," "self-doubt," "who I am syndrome," "I don't matter", "I don't have anything to offer," "not skinny enough" WHAT IS YOUR CORE STORY? -The core story of the world is "more" EACH "NOT ENOUGH" MANIFESTATION IS A CHAIN LINK List out your "not enough" and pay attention to what your mind has told you. Managing the mind is more important than managing one's health - because every element of physical health manifests itself from our mental state first. NOW, IT'S TIME TO BREAK EVERY CHAIN We don't do this on our own. We do it in a community. We do it by surrendering to God. We do it by recognizing that what we've done on our own in the past hasn't worked. We do it by daring to be different. KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT: PEACE OR PRESSURE To overcome "not enough" I meditate upon how I want to feel in life. I used to live a life of pressure and performance - and still do from time to time, but it drove me into a cycle of crazy and lack of fulfillment. The opposite of what I have known is simple: it is peace. In fact, the real benefit of confidence, real confidence, if you were to break it down, is peace. Peace in who we are. Peace in our place in the world. Peace in our relationships. Peace in our purpose. Peace in our provision. Peace in our body. Peace in our personality. Peace in our giftings and strengths. Peace is acceptance and celebration. It is freedom. Freedom from striving. Freedom from pressure. Freedom from scarcity.


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