The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: PODCAST #319<br> THREE THINGS MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT BEING CONFIDENT<br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:<br> <br> The 3 things most people don't know about being confident<br> The real reason I am so passion about confidence <br> The Confidence Formula - how to really be and feel more confident, even if you're busy<br> <br> <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> "No more Limiting Myself - I can accomplish what I dream!" <br> <br> Proverbs 31 Mommy of 3<br> <br> Trish has been such a blessing to hear. All the adult life I've struggled with self-doubt and feeling unworthy. I finally reached a boiling point and searched for confidence podcasts and this podcast come up first! I was thrilled to see that you too are a Christian and your point of view comes from your confidence in who God made you, after all, shouldn't we all be confident in who God made us, because He never makes mistakes. I listen to you every morning and feel much more confident in myself. This podcast has helped me realize that my thinking and behavior patterns are what has been limiting me all this time. In essence, in sabotaging myself, and fear of success can be a real thing. BUT NOT MORE! In closing I just want to add that it's pretty cool when my kid walk in the bedroom in the morning as I'm getting ready for work and listening to your podcast, and I turn it off, and my teenagers either ask for me to turn it back on, or give feedback on what Trish said, which in turn leads me to turn you back on! Keep on blessing people Trish!<br> <br> <br> <br> "Life changer"<br> <br> KayKayFez<br> <br> Your podcast is the pill I take every morning to start my day with presence and confidence.<br> <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE: <br> Just a quick note to let you know how much I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating, and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at www.beautycounter.com/trishblackwell<br> THREE THINGS MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT BEING CONFIDENT<br> I have to listen to something multiple times to "get it"<br> <br> (Sometimes an 11-day journey takes 40 years - but it doesn't have to)<br> I don't always have that confidence voice in my brain<br> (self-doubt never disappears, we just turn down its volume)<br> I am good at making decisions not because I don't feel indecisive, but because I know the key to confidence is to make a decision and move on.<br> (not needing to know if your decision is perfect is part of the process of confidence, 70% is my marker point to knowing that it's good enough)<br> WHY AM I SO PASSIONATE ABOUT CONFIDENCE? <br> Confidence is the key that opens us to the activation of the gifting that God has divinely planted inside of us.<br> <br> My work in confidence is my calling - and I am a simple encourager, a cheerleader, a coach to help facilitate millions of others to live the lives God created them to live. I believe that, by coaching confidence, I am helping make the world a better place.<br> <br> This is so much more than the "feel goods" or the perfect body or not feeling anxious or insecure. This is about stepping out of the shadows of shame and into the light and hope of freedom.<br> <br> I am passionate because I know what life without confidence feels like. I know the deep regret of living incongruently and with a deep yearning for more in your heart.<br> THE CONFIDENCE FORMULA<br> -How to really feel and be more confident, even if you are too busy to work on your confidence or feel too overwhelmed and distracted by life to make changes that matter.