The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: HOW TO INCREASE CONFIDENCE THROUGH SELF-COMPASSION <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> PODCAST #321 <br> <br> <br>  <br> In this week of The Confidence Podcast we are chatting about:<br>  <br> <br> <br> The secret, often untapped power of self-compassion<br> Why you definitely shouldn't be shrugging off self-compassion as something for "other people"<br> Practical ways you can intentionally activate self-compassion for more confidence<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE:<br> This week's podcast is brought to you by my partnership with Beautycounter. Look, I love all things clean - clean thinking, clean living, clean eating and clean beauty. I'm sure you're seeing my favorite clean beauty brand all over the news ... we were literally the top Googled beauty trend of 2018 and we are truly effecting change through beauty.  If you haven't fallen in love with Beautycounter yet, you're the one missing out. Shop for safer beauty and let me love on you a little as a customer ... you can place your order at www.beautycounter.com/trishblackwell <br> <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> From: BarbellsAndBaking<br> "My Absolute Favorite Podcast!"<br> Hi Trish! I just wanted to let you know that I love your podcast so much! I know we have never met, but I feel like you're a best friend. I always look forward to Tuesdays when a new episode comes out. You have been such an inspiration in my life and have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and finally start my own blog...something I've been thinking about for some time but haven't done until recently because of what people might think or because what if I fail? Thank you so much for everything you do! You're amazing! <br>  <br> <br>  <br> THE UNTAPPED POWER OF SELF-COMPASSION AND WHY WE NEED IT<br> The toxic effects of my perfectionism and my eating disorder perpetuated for years long than it should have because I lacked a basic level of self-compassion. <br> Self-compassion includes forgiveness, grace, patience and perspective. For someone with all-or-nothing tendencies, it felt impossible and out-of-character for me to ever experience. <br> The cycle of self-pressure is toxic, and it is fueled when self-compassion isn't available.<br> When I pump self-compassion into me, it feels foreign, because I lived most of my life without it, but it feels good; freeing.<br> Self-compassion is the ability to walk in the grace that God already gives us.<br> When I push away self-compassion, when I try to punish myself and just "do better" and "expect more" then I am saying to God ... thanks for your grace, and thanks for Jesus, but I'll just take full responsibility here to be perfect. I know I'm human  - flawed and weak in my flesh, but I'll take help in all the other areas aside from this one. Ya'll, it doesn't work like this. <br> We need it because we thrive when<br> -we walk in grace<br> -when we know that we don't have to be perfect<br> -when it's safe to fail and fumble<br> -when our growth comes from something bigger than ourselves<br> -we don't have to live in a rush, on a timeline or in comparison <br> WHY SELF-COMPASSION IS FOR YOU, NOT JUST "OTHER PEOPLE"<br> Self-compassion isn't weak - it doesn't slow you down - it doesn't hold you back. <br> Self-compassion is actually character strength, not weakness.<br> Too often, we have been brainwashed to believe that we need to work, work, work, perform, perform, perform and sweat, sweat, sweat to be successful ... and that then, when we reach where we want to go, that then we can relax.  <br> PRACTICAL WAYS TO IMPLEMENT SELF-COMPASSION<br> Active self-forgiveness<br> Spiritual alignment each day<br> Celebrating the progress <br> Radically slowing down<br> Practicing self-kindness<br> Nurturing self with sleep, touch, good food<br> Listening to your body<br> Resting and talking back to the "not enough" voice<br>