The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #352: HOW TO BE A “HEALTHY” OVERACHIEVER [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:42

The difference between overachievers who change the world and those who don't is simply that the ones who do have learned to live out a healthy version of the overachiever personality. HOW TO BE A "HEALTHY" OVERACHIEVER [FAITH EPISODE] Thought of the Week: In the world, but not of the world. Be different. Traveling with my family - saw lots of people, lots of coming and going, y'all the world is big, and so is the number of people in it, and so is the rise of depression, suicide, anxiety and desperation to be someone of significance. You are significant. Don't buy into the hustle and bustle of the world. Be counter. You can achieve great and significant things without the mentality of overachieving.  Verse of the Week: Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) Matthew 5:13-16 You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and tramples underfoot as worthless. You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.  Prayer of the Week: Father, We praise You for giving us a different way to live. Thank you for the peace we have the privilege to walk in through the blood of Christ and for the purpose you have placed within us that guides us with meaning and significance all the days of our lives.   We confess we get caught up in the mundane and monotony of this world. We are pressed in on all sides with pressure, comparison, challenges, media and competition, and the stress can consume our souls. It steals of peace, robs us of joy and pushes us into places of anxiety you never intended for us.  Thank you for leading us beside still waters and for restoring our soul.  As you tell us in the Psalms, we have nothing we need when we walk with You. You are our provider, our supplier, our peace, our refuge, our comforter, our joy, our power, our everything. Thank you for shepherding us and commanding us into a life of rest, trust and goodness in You, thank we might be in this world, but not of it.  We believe fully that surely goodness and joy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we pray that You would use the light and love you are pouring into us to overflow into the lives of those around us. Let us be salty and bright, shining hope, peace, and open love in this world to all those who are struggling in hopelessness, stress, darkness and overwhelm.  We believe that you will continue to give us more and more boldness to stand firmly on the hill that you have placed us and let our light shine far. Equip us with continued wisdom as you grow us, prune us and transform our minds ... we praise you for the miracles you are doing in our lives and for the mountains you are moving. What an adventure it is to walk this life under your watchful and wonderful eye.In Jesus's Name,Amen 

 #351: 5 MINDSET DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE TO BE CONFIDENT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:01

In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about mindsets, more specifically: Mindsets that keep us stuck (I've identified 12 of them!)5 mindset decisions that will make you more confidentHow to actually train your mindset, in real life SPONSORSHIP NOTE: FREE WEBINAR! "LEARN HOW TO BELIEVE BOLDLY IN YOURSELF" And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this!Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK Lori, Life-Changing Podcast, 5-Stars I have worked with Trish for many years now and can't say enough about how much she has changed my life for the better. Her upbeat attitude and positivity are infectious. I recently joined the College of Confidence and am loving all the courses she offers for self-improvement. I am also really enjoying her new weekly podcast that is more faith-based. She has so much to offer and is the most joyous person I've ever met. If you want to start to move your life in the right direction, she is the person to seek out to make that a reality.  MINDSETS THAT KEEP US STUCK:  Mindset of comparison Mindset of criticism Mindset of scarcity Mindset of fear Mindset of inadequacy  Mindset of not-enough-time Mindset of being behind Mindset of ingratitude Mindset of blame Mindset of unawareneess Mindset of business  Mindset of victim / the-world-is-against-you MINDSET DECISIONS TO MAKE TO BE CONFIDENT  Mindset 1: I control my thoughts and my thoughts are powerful. -Know your power -Know why you have been stuck in the past -Know that it's your thoughts, not your circumstances that determine your future Mindset: I am thriving because I am growing.-I prioritize my growth strategically and daily -I don't need to compare myself because I am on my own way -I am doing better than I have ever done, so I can walk in peace  Mindset 3: I am thankful for my mistakes and challenges.-I love growth and need resistance to grow -I live with gratitude, not self-criticism -I am free from the expectations of perfection and instead I show up in life Mindset 4: I am where I need to be today.-I accept where I am with awareness and I lean into the future, I don't dwell on the past or stay stuck because I am distracted by comparing myself -I bloom where I am planted, whether or not I like where I am -I believe in the changing of seasons and that I'm being prepared for my next season Mindset 5: I am who I am supposed to be and I am free to be me.-I thank God for creating me so uniquely and with purpose -I accept the things about myself that I don't understand or wish I could change


PODCAST #350  HOW TO HAVE CONFIDENCE DESPITE THE UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE [FAITH EPISODE] Life can feel overwhelming. But we can have confidence in spite of the uncertainty of life by focusing on moving from victory to victory, and glory to glory, through the strength and power that comes from God. About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but a deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes, you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Travel with toddlers across the world ... embracing the adventure of life by creating an adventure. Life is an adventure, even if you don't leave your hometown. -flying back, the unknown -anything can happen -trusting God's goodness and sovereignty -accepting our humanity and small understanding VERSE OF THE WEEK: 2 Corinthians 3:18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord- who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.  (NLT) ...and so ... our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become live him. (MSG) And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (NIV) But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. (KJV) PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Lord, we praise You for the power of the Holy Spirit that you have placed with us. It is you, within us, and you have given us full access to your limitless power. The same power that raised Christ from the dead and that gave Christ the power to do miracles, is within us, through Christ and through you. Let us never forget that you are always with us and we will never be alone. The world can feel overwhelming. We confess that we sometimes let the uncertainty of the unknown intimidate us, daunt us or keep us stuck. You want more for us. You did not create us to live in fear or anxiety. You have given us a spirit of power and peace, and we step into that through you. Thank you that we are never alone and that the story you are writing with our lives is in your hands. We don't have to have it figured out, we just have to trust you. Thank you for the gift that you give us - that we can spend less energy "trying" and more energy "trusting." What a gift we have in this life you have given us - to look at in through the lens of an adventure, with you writing the narrative. Surround us with your angels and protection everywhere we go. We thank you in advance for the people, challenges and circumstances that will come our way, and we pray that you would fill our hearts with peace, our mind with flexibility and openness and our perspective with a leaning towards learning and adventure.  In whatever our struggle and challenge will be today, we praise you that you carry us from glory to glory, victory to victory. Keep our eyes on the next victory and our next step as we trust in you and your provision.

 #349: HEALTHY CONFLICT RESOLUTION: HOW TO DO IT WITH CONFIDENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:14

PODCAST #349 HEALTHY CONFLICT RESOLUTION: HOW TO DO IT WITH CONFIDENCE Communicating well through conflict resolution is a healthy manifestation of a confident person with congruent relationship management.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:  How to communicate and speak up for yourself with confidence (and without being pushy or emotional) 8 Ways to navigate healthy conflict resolution The challenge of being in conflict with yourself and how to work through it SPONSOR NOTE:  MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE. Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Joyful Living Spaces ( I cannot say enough about The Confidence Podcast. Trish is my go-to-girl, mentor, coach, motivator, spiritual leader, mom-friend, woman and friend. Her podcast provides me with shade in the heat, light in the dark, faith for the Lord and energy in the chaos of the life we all live and love. If you do not have this one on your daily list, you are missing out!!! 5 stars isn't enough! HOW TO COMMUNICATE AND SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF WITH CONFIDENCE Conflict becomes larger than it needs to be from poor communication. Always be communicating (ABC) Communication is an art form and something to practice daily and progressively. Seek examples of healthy communication and look to healthy dialogue. Don't apologize for your perception of something or your preferences - but communicate them fairly and with balanced emotion or expanded flexibility. Remember - all relationships, from parent-child, to spouse-to-spouse, to friend-to-friend, to co-worker-to-co-worker, are growing. Communication waters a relationship and gives it life, lack of communication will make it whither when the sun shines brightly. Seek to learn and listen as much as you seek to be understood and heard.  8 WAYS TO NAVIGATE HEALTHY CONFLICT RESOLUTION STICK TO THE ISSUE don't add in other issues or overcomplicate LEAD WITH GRACE grace and positive assumptions AVOID OUTLANDISH STATEMENTS like "never" "always", etc. WORK TO FIGHT FAIR listen, take turns, give space, communicate, resolve to express love, always KEEP A SHORT LIST OF OFFENSES stand up for what is right, but learn to let go of what doesn't matter remember that you are flawed too and have hurt others, keeping track of hurts doesn't serve anyone. it can help guide you for boundary setting, but shouldn't be held against people.  AFFIRM THE RELATIONSHIP  Affirm the relationship before clearly defining the problem. For example, “Our relationship is important to me. But when you don’t return my calls, I feel rejected and unimportant.” Avoid blaming the other person and saying, “You make me feel…” Instead, say, “When you do ‘A’, I feel ‘B’.”Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, How to Have That Difficult Conversation You’ve Been Avoiding (Grand Rapids: Zondervan0 2005), 51.


    PODCAST #348  WHAT GOD REALLY THINKS ABOUT YOU AND HOW TO ANSWER "DOES GOD LOVE ME?" [FAITH EPISODE] We are wired as humans to wonder "does God love me?" The way we answer this question is the most important thing about us.  About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but a deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes, you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: AW Tozer quote Whispers of intimacy - to pull us closer, not to make God distant and uncaring Delight - He doesn't just love us, He delights in us.  W. Tozer: What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is pure or base as the worshiper entertains high or low thoughts of God. For this reason the gravest question before the Church is always God Himself, and the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like. We tend by a secret law of the soul to move toward our mental image of God. This is true not only of the individual Christian, but of the company of Christians that composes the Church. Always the most revealing thing about the Church is her idea of God. -A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (New York: HarperCollins, 1978), 1. VERSE OF THE WEEK: He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because He delights in me. (Psalm 18:19) He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because He delights in me. (2 Samuel 22:20)  PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Lord, thank You for choosing to create us, and for the love You have for us. It is love we can't fully understand, but Lord, we ask for You to expand our minds and hearts this week to understand it even more than we ever have before.  Open the depth of our emotions and in what we see around us to experience Your presence in ways we have never previously considered before.  Forgive us for any time in the past when we have doubted Your presence. We confess that we struggle and we have turned to our own strength rather than that of what You have extended to us, with Your hand and arms always out. Thank you for whispering to us, and that your whispers are even more profound proof that you want us to draw near to you and that You love us.  We thank you that, as you tell us in James 4:8 that when we draw near to you, that you will draw near to us. You are faithful and good, Lord.  Though it has been a journey to answer, we thank you for wiring us with the yearning for your love. Thank you for putting a God-sized hole in us, that it might pull us to your grace, your hope, your power and your love. We truly can do all things through Him who gives us strength. Thank you for igniting us with a deeper passion to know you and to know your love for us.


PODCAST #347 CONSISTENCY IS KEY AND HABITS THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR YOU In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: What habits are and what they do for you How to make consistency the key to your success How to get habits to work better for you Identifying which habits are keeping you stuck, and which ones SPONSOR NOTE: MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE. Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Hey Trish, here's the love - 5 stars. I was going through some crazy. I was jealous in ways that I did not understand and I really just wasn't feeling like me anymore. I found your beautiful face and podcast in searching for ways to build my confidence because I believe a lot of jealousy stems from insecurity.  I love love love your strong amazing effort towards helping all of us strangers in being better to ourselves! You have helped me climb out of the box that is my head and now I only feel like I only have one-foot int it! I think you deserve to know that you are inspirational and what you do really does matter! Thank you, thank you! I could tell a difference in how I feel on the days I do not listen and I always return. I recommend you in shameless ways to everyone I know! Much love to that lovely southern snowboarding lass! WHAT ARE HABITS AND WHAT DO THEY DO FOR YOU? Habits are rituals and behaviors that we perform automatically, allowing us to carry out essential activities such as brushing our teeth, taking a shower, getting dressed for work, and following the same routes every day without thinking about them. They automate our lives and give us the ability to use our willpower and focus on things that we want and need. People who learn how to master consistent, high-level habits are people who are able to change the world, live beautifully and feel the flow of life. HABITS ARE PLANNED Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit, which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex. -Norman Vincent Peale The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an habit, you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny. -James Allen Procrastination is a habit, and action is a habit. Which will you choose? Procrastination is like a credit card, it is a lot of fun until you get the bill. -Christopher Parker Not about will power Not about discipline Not a reflection of how hard you can work More of a reflection on how strategically you can think Also a reflection of how kind you are to yourself People who create high-level habits for themselves, and who follow through on them consistently, are kind towards themselves because they know how to make life easier. THE HABIT RESET PROCESS Identify Rewrite Repeat MY HIGH-LEVEL HABITS THAT HAVE CHANGED EVERYTHING Gratitude journaling

 #346 HOW TO CAST YOUR CARES ASIDE [FAITH EPISODE] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:01

PODCAST #346 HOW TO CAST YOUR CARES ASIDE [FAITH EPISODE] Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. -1 Peter 5:7 About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:  A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but a deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes, you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: We are bombarded by reasons to worry. How do we actually not live with the weight of worry? VERSE OF THE WEEK: Matthew 6:25-27  “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” (NIV) "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life - whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? (NLT) PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Lord, what a gift that You give us in Jesus, whose burden is light and yoke is easy. We confess that ours doesn't feel that way and we thank You for being our hope. Forgive us for letting worry steal from our lives and from our faith and trust in You. We let it go. We give it to you. Thank you for taking our worries, our anxieties, our fears ... all that is unknown in our hearts and granting us permission to walk in peace. It is hard, Lord, to let go. Please hold our hands tightly, that we might be reminded throughout the day today of Your presence, Your power and Your plan for our lives. Because we trust in You we walk in safety, in the refuge, and in peace. The world will continue to challenge us, distract us and pull us from You. We pray that You keep our hearts humble and our eyes fixed on You, that we might remember we are not responsible for the things bigger than us, the things out of our control, the things that are higher than our human thoughts. Our hearts hurt with the unknown, the fears and the burden, but Lord, we praise You for You are our healer, our salvation, our hope, and our strength.  We know that you are a good God and a good, good Father and that you work all things together for those who love You.  Give us faith to trust what You say and to turn our cares over to you each day, each hour and each minute. We thank You for the gift it is to walk with peace alongside still waters and green pastures with You by our side, no matter what is going on in our lives. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' Name, Amen

 #345: HOW TO STOP BEING SO SELF-CRITICAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:59

PODCAST #345 HOW TO STOP BEING SO SELF-CRITICAL Beating yourself and being self-critical is the more surefire way to ensure that you stay stuck in whatever it is that is frustrating to you about yourself or your life. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:  Why we have convinced ourselves that beating ourselves up is effective motivation for change Why beating ourselves up doesn't work - and what it is really doing to you How to stop the crazy cycle of pressure and self-beratement so that you can actually create change in your life. SPONSOR NOTE:  MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE.  Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Maria Bradley It's about time I just take a moment and say THANK YOU and just write a dang review! I am so grateful I found your podcast. After listening for a while I finally became a member of the College of Confidence. I love having your happy voice at the touch of a button. It's like having a little bit of sunshine in my pocket. Things I love about this podcast: positive - encouraging - inspiring - life-changing. Seriously, thank you!! WHY WE THINK BEATING OURSELVES UP IS EFFECTIVE  Perfectionistic mindset - one of the toxic side-effects of believing our worth is based off our performance. "Why Perfectionism Prevents You from Being Confident" > listen to the episode at We measure the wrong things. Measurement by looking outward instead of looking inward. It's a lack of belief and self-trust ... that we doubt our ability to show up, to follow-through and that our efforts can be multiplied. WHY SELF-CRITICISM DOESN'T WORK (AND WHAT IT'S REALLY DOING TO YOU)  The more pressure we put on ourselves, the more poorly we typically do. The art of freedom is to live without being restrained ... and pressure restrains us. Personal example: Pressing myself and shaming myself to stop overeating and binge eating. The self-hatred I had about changing my body was the mean push I thought I needed to actually change. The harder I pushed, the meaner I was, the worse I felt and the more I swang in the pendulum. HOW TO STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP AND HOW TO USE THE STRATEGY OF BEING NICE TO YOURSELF AS A WAY TO ACTIVATE CHANGE Be radical - dare to try something different. -Admit that what you're doing isn't working. Look for modules to emulate -Be inspired, study their example Desire congruency -You're not actually a nice person if you're not first nice to yourself Get comfortable with being uncomfortable -It's going to feel weird, and like you're doing something wrong; like it shouldn't have been this easy and this obvious ANNOUNCEMENTS:  I am cheering you on - if you've been thinking about getting a coach, or about taking this confidence thing / personal development thing to the next level, then I want to personally invite you to join us in The College of Confidence (www.


PODCAST #344  SLOW DOWN TO FEEL MORE CONNECTED AND CONFIDENT IN LIFE (AND HOW TO PROCESS TRAGEDY) [FAITH EPISODE]  About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but a deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes, you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: Life is precious, fleeting and too fast. We must slow down. Be generously kind and serve with our love. Honor Miemo and Christina. VERSE OF THE WEEK: Psalm 39 and Psalm 138:8 Proverbs 9:11 New Living Translation Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. (Proverbs 9:11) New Living Translation The LORD will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me. PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Lord, we praise You for the gift of life right now. Thank you for the years you have added to our lives, for each day, for each moment, for each memory with another human being.  There is so much unknown in this world - so many things that exceed our comprehension or understanding. Thank you for being bigger than it all. Thank you for holding us in Your powerful hands. We have peace in our hearts because we are confident that you will work out your plans for our life. Thank you for reminding us of the fragility of life. And for the countless times your angels have protected us, surrounded us and wrapped us in safety.  Give us eyes to live with a deeper gratitude and appreciation for the love you have for us and the ways you protect us. We will not live in fear or worry and we thank you for the hope you give us in your presence. Teach us how to live with joy beyond explanation and to have a heart overflowing with abundance for life and each precious gift You shower on us. We love you, In Jesus' Name, Amen

 #343: WHY THINKING BIGGER IS SCARY BUT ABSOLUTELY LIFE-CHANGING | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:50

PODCAST #343: WHY THINKING BIGGER IS SCARY BUT ABSOLUTELY LIFE-CHANGING  Thinking bigger about what is possible in your life feels risky, but it's the most important thing you can dare to do.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:  How to even start thinking "bigger" and why you should do it Why thinking bigger makes some of us freeze 5 ways to start thinking bigger SPONSOR NOTE:  MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE.  Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along with the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Maria Kench - Absolutely Amazing! I have been listening to your podcasts for a few weeks now. Trish you are just absolutely amazing! I'm a mom with three kids and a hausband who works the midnight shift. So being able to juggle being a working mom, three kids and managing my household can be challenging. I have found your podcasts to be truly inspiring and I love listening to at least once a day. thank you for all you do for the community! You deserve 10 stars! Thank you for giving me that boost in the right direction to becoming more confident. HOW TO START THINKING BIGGER  (AND WHY TO DO IT)  Some quotes to get you inspired to think bigger:  “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.” “Action cures fear.” ― David J. Schwartz, “Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn't stuck with the present” ― David J. Schwartz, “Look at things as they can be, not as they are.” ― David J. Schwartz, “The point is this: Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures in their own minds and in the minds of others. To think big, we must use words and phrases that produce big, positive mental images.” ― David J. Schwartz, The Magic of Thinking Big Starting to think bigger comes from deciding to.  Dare to live as thing can be - with faith and optimism  Decide that you want to be a person of significance, not simply success. Significance comes from thinking bigger than oneself. Book Recommendations: The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz  (1987, 6 million copies sold) > Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny, by Tony Robbins > WHY THINKING BIGGER MAKES US FREEZE  Thinking bigger makes us freeze because it's -vulnerable -risky -unknown And it rises up thoughts and questions about -our potential -our power -our worthiness We freeze most frequently because we think "who am I to..." We freeze because we are driven by comparison - either other people are more qualified and we write ourselves off,

 # 342: HOW TO LOOK AT YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY [FAITH] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:33

PODCAST #342  HOW TO LOOK AT YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY [FAITH] Learning how to like yourself starts with learning how to see yourself how God sees you.  About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: We shrink from life and make ourselves small because we don't realize that God delights in us. He sings songs of love around us. He does miracles in our lives. And if we were able to see or understand just how loved we really are, then we would be filled with joy, confidence, and hope in all that we do. Song to help you remember that God is a God who is still in the business of miracles >>>  This is a Move, Bethel Music with Brandon Lake and Tasha Combs VERSE OF THE WEEK:  Zephaniah 3:17 New International Version The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. New Living Translation For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. PRAYER OF THE WEEK: Lord, make the scales from our eyes fall. We are blind to how you really see us - as your beautiful, perfectly crafted works of art and creativity. More than just objects of your creation, you love us so much that you want to be in a relationship with us. And not just a friendship, sonship, a daughter-ship, a family relationship with inheritance, unending love and power and protection. We confess our obsession with ourselves and the pride that trips us up over how we look and how we want others to see us. We know Lord that the only thing that matters is how You see us. And that you see us as perfect, through the blood of Jesus Christ. Our bodies are still under the weight and pressure of the world, and we fall prey to the pressure Father. Sometimes, we confess, we feel dead in ourselves - overwhelmed from the weight of not-enoughness and of comparison of ourselves to others. You Lord, are still in the business of raising bodies from the dead. Raise ours. Raise our spirit above the pressures of this world and far from the pressure of perfectionism that burdens us and holds us back from the calling and purpose you have intended for us. Thank you for giving us new eyes, for filling us with hope and strength and for being our strength that we might never be weary as we run the race of our life. May we learn to walk from this day forth with powerful confidence because of a deeper understanding of your love for us and who we are in you. We thank you for this wisdom and freedom, and for the love that makes us absolutely beautiful, capable, powerful and enough, right now, today. In the beautiful name of Jesus, Amen.


PODCAST #341: THE MINDSET THAT IS REALLY KEEPING YOU STUCK, AND HOW TO CHANGE IT  Your mindset is the narrator of your story and will determine the outcome and impact of your life. Change your mindset, change your life.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:  How a mindset keeps you stuck and how to make a mindset change Which one is the most dangerous? The 5 most important steps to take to start thinking differently SPONSOR NOTE:  MY FREE MASTERCLASS ON CONFIDENCE.  Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along wiht the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Shey11112222 "One of the most influential podcasts on the airwaves" - 5 Stars It took me a long time to do this as I've been an active listener for almost a year but I have to say this. Trish Blackwell is one of the reasons I was able to take accountability and grab a hold on my life. Life can be so chaotic and unpacking all the layers can become so overwhelming. Having Trish's podcast is like having a therapist at the touch of a finger. No matter what you might be dealing with she has enough content for you to align with whatever it is you're dealing with. She has taught me so much about the importance of honoring your process and taking action with faith as your warranty. This does not necessarily mean "god" but more trusting that what is beyond you and your control with aligning with what you're trying to accomplish. Trish Blackwell is the reason why I stepped up and created my own podcast Vitamins for Breakfast, aiming to connect people through real-life conversation. Trish always expresses her real-life experiences and how she is using them to be a light to others. Knowing this, I decided to create a podcast that gathers people of all walks of life and allows them to use the bumps in their journey to serve a lesson for others. This is a concept that was born from me listening to Trish EVER.SINGLE. DAY. Now that I have created and launched my podcast I sit back overwhelmed with how far I've come and I have to come on here and honestly say Trish is a big part of this accomplishment. Trish, thank you so much for choosing this to be your purpose, God makes no mistakes and I'm sincerely and forever grateful. HOW A MINDSET KEEPS YOU STUCK: Your mindset is either a key or a lock to your future. Show me a mindset and I will be able to see a measurement of how far that person is capable of going or able to go. Our minds create the atmosphere in which we live and narrate the story of our lives. Which "mindset team" will you play for? Powerful mindset teams: Limited or Limitless Pouting or Praising Grumbling or Grateful Victim or Victorious Complaining or courageous WHICH MINDSET IS THE MOST DANGEROUS FOR SUCCESS? The "I am not doing enough" mindset. It makes you feel always behind and constantly overwhelmed. It keeps you from having joy, being present, or successfully thriving wherever you are. It drives comparison and scarcity deep into your brain.

 #340 DEEPEN YOUR CONFIDENCE THAT YOUR LIFE MATTERS [FAITH] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:38

PODCAST #340  DEEPEN YOUR CONFIDENCE THAT YOUR LIFE MATTERS [FAITH] About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? THOUGHT OF THE WEEK Life is more than just getting through - we have the choice for something greater, for deep fulfillment and intimate purpose. Knowing this can help give you confidence when you don't have it, feel peace when you're overwhelmed with pressure, and be joyful no matter the circumstances you are experiencing. It's easy to get lost in the world, get distracted in comparison, and then wonder if you really matter or if there is any point to anything you do.  Which is why it's imperative to know that yes, your life matters. Yes, there is something larger than just you in control. Your breath is not accidental. Your purposes are God-breathed. The Lord has no equal. Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale? Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord? Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him? Has the Lord ever needed anyone's advice? Does he need instruction about what is good? Did someone teach him what is right or show him the path of justice? (Isaiah 40:12-15) No, for all the nations of the world are but a drop in the bucket. They are nothing more than dust on the scales. He picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand. God sits above the circle of the earth. The people below seem like grasshoppers to him! He spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent from them. (v22) Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (v28-31) VERSE OF THE WEEK Philippians 1:6,9 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (v6) I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. (v9) PRAYER OF THE WEEK Lord, You are with us every day. We praise You for the life you put into our body. In this world that can feel aimless, overwhelming and beyond our understanding, we celebrate the gift it is that we can lean on...

 #339: HOW TO NOT JUST GET THROUGH YOUR DAYS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:34

HOW TO NOT JUST GET THROUGH YOUR DAYS PODCAST #339 We were created to rejoice in the days were we given to live, not to simply "get through them" or to live in survival mode.  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:  Training yourself to have a mindset "get to" versus "have to" Discovering a deeper purpose than just existing Finding delight in the daily and beauty in growth and setbacks GET FREE COACHING TO GET UNSTUCK: Don't forget to sign up for our free "get unstuck" webinar masterclass at In the 30-minute class you'll learn: *Why you're stuck or feeling discouraged *How to use different thoughts to get better results *The next steps you should take to get your next major breakthrough When you register, be sure to check your email. I'll send you a free workbook gift right to your inbox to get you prepped to get the most out of our coaching class. Bring your questions and be sure to watch all of the Q&A's because at the end of the coaching you'll get an offer to get over $700 of free confidence coaching! Here's what's different: It's short and sweet. (30-minutes!) It shows you how to get your next breakthrough. (Um, amen, right?!) It's is free of any sound/tech issues. (Hallelujah!) And since I know you're all about your personal growth and your next breakthrough right now, you gotta jump into this! Grab a spot, we have a session with some seats still open today! Go to and register. I'll send you a free workbook to go along wiht the masterclass, so check your email as soon as you register ... this is a POWER-PACKED PUNCH to your confidence. I'm convinced that this is the start of your next breakthrough. REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  bbb20161 Thank you!!! - Five Stars Ok, so I guess I'm taking some of your advice and just doing this review right away instead of waiting for the right time. I've only just started listening to your podcast (started last week) and all I can say is WOW! I knew I struggled with anxiety and confidence but for you to articulate the things I'm feeling in a way that I have never been able to put into words or to hear that the perfectionistic thoughts I have that I thought were just part of "who I am" or "what gives me drive" are in fact only negative manifestations of my personality, not my actual personality, and that I can actually work to ignore those thoughts and instead focus that energy in a positive way, has helped me tremendously. I have already recommended your podcast to a number of people in my life who struggle with the same issues. I thank you for putting yourself out there and talking about these issues to help other people in such an amazing way!  SHIFT YOUR ATTITUDE, SHIFT YOUR LIFE -The magic of "get to" versus "have to" -Consider your unfair advantage (this will keep you from looking at everyone else's perceived advantages) -The key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it’s the hand you wanted. Kaitlin Walsh  -I always had a good attitude, but I never locked in on or really believed I could have a solid, unwavering base. I thought powerful thinking was a one and done, but it's not - it's daily training and hour-by-hour choices.  GOING BEYOND JUST EXISTING  -Refer back to episode #329 - you have a purpose, episode "Why I know You're Not Average"  -Look around > the world needs you. Never underestimate the power of the butterfly effect. -Ask God, wrestle with Him - seek for significance, look for wisdom -Serve others; leave the world better because you were in it

 #338: HOW TO CHASE A DREAM WITHOUT BEING DISCOURAGED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:54

PODCAST #338  HOW TO CHASE A DREAM WITHOUT BEING DISCOURAGED Discouragement doesn't have to derail you from your dreams when you focus instead of the delight of chasing the dream itself.  About A Confident Spirit, Our Quick-Hit, Faith-Focused Episodes:   A confident spirit is our bonus weekly confidence podcast that is meant to bring you a brief, but deep blessing to your confidence growth. In these micro episodes you'll get a quick hit of confidence coaching for your soul. These episodes are faith-based and intended to help you with clear and practical ways to fill your soul with confidence as you grow in your relationship with God. For me, the core and essence of all my confidence comes from Him. It is God who freed me from my insecurities, who fills me with worth as a daughter of the king, and who gives me the gift to walk in peace and joy all the days of my life. If you want to grow a more confident spirit, these faith-focused episodes are for you ... let's dive in, shall we? Thought of the Week: Delight is detached from the outcome.   It doesn’t need an objective, a finish line, or a planned element to it.   If you haven’t recently spent time with a two-year-old at the beach, allow me to paint you a picture of the beautiful disaster it is. The entire objective is to tire your child out, while also keeping them alive and not getting fried by the sun. This is a delicate mission, as the best time of the day for this is midday, also the hottest part of the day. You can forget hoping for a free minute to sit down, or the fantasy of being able to sit in the shade of an umbrella. An eternal optimist, I still always bring a book and magazine with me. Just in case, I tell myself. But, truth is, with a two-year-old, you move the whole time. Recently, during a four-hour jaunt on the beach with my son Baker I managed to rack up 22,000 steps in the sand alone. People compliment me all the time on how fit my legs look. Some of it is from running, and some is from being a parent to two very active kids. What can I say, I’m always looking for a silver lining to the things that inconvenience me or exhaust me. Now, back to things that exhaust me: small kids at the beach. My little guy has a system. First, he would run full speed towards the ocean. Next, he would belly flop into a crashing wave, sometimes to successfully pick himself back up, and other times to be tossed around in the surf, needing rescue. Clean and wet, he liked to run back up the beach to our stuff, grab his toy truck, and take off full speed towards every neighboring beach-goer peacefully reading a book. Waving to the readers and garnishing the smiles of new fans, he would then push his truck full speed towards anyone nearby building sandcastles. Seeing a target, the truck gets abandoned and Baker becomes a Godzilla-like monster, rushing towards the delicate masterpieces, and me sprinting to get ahead of him to block the way. Averted, it turns into a game of tag and chases with us, leading us back to his beloved and faithful truck. He pushes the truck for ten minutes, and then the cycle starts over. He pauses to yell out “boat” or “airplane” to anyone passing by and stops to show his truck to the constant flow of beach walkers at the edge of the water where he plays. Baker’s truck captures his heart. It has his full attention. Except when a sandpiper shows up. When the sandpipers arrive on the scene, everything gets abandoned and Baker chases them. The way he runs is different than the way he runs after anything else. He runs with delight. The smile on his face is curious and elated, simultaneously convinced that he will catch said little sandpiper. He obviously never does,


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