The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #398: How to Believe You’re Smart Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:36

How to Believe You're Smart EnoughPodcast #398 Having confidence in your intelligence has nothing to do with how "smart" you are and everything to do with how you think about yourself and your brain. When you embrace a mindset of being a lifelong learner, reestablish your relationship with failure and stop worrying about what people think, you can learn to trust your intelligence and your ability to do anything you set your mind to.  In this episode, we're diving into: How to believe you're smart enough The trap of intellectual comparison The trick to trusting yourself, your capability and your potential   SPONSORSHIP NOTE: How to Stop Caring What People Think Webinar Save your spot at Our most popular episodes here on The Confidence Podcast are always around the same topic: how to stop caring what people think.  So, ya'll, I'm going deeper on this topic than ever before.  What you'll learn.... In this 20-minute webinar, you'll learn how to stop getting distracted from your dreams and purpose because of what people *might* think about you.  When I finally learned let go of caring too much what other people *might think* the gateways of success opened! The tools I am going to teach you have allowed me to  write 3 best-selling books, win the North Face Trail Marathon, build a solid 6-figure online coaching business, and reach millions of people around the world with encouragement  If you're ready to push play on your purpose with confidence and freedom, then this webinar is for you.  In class we'll cover... The real issue and how to tackle it.  You'll learn how caring too much what people think is so destructive to our happiness and why we get trapped in this toxic pattern of thinking.  The first 3 things you can do right now to change how you feel. You'll learn 3 things you can start doing differently right away to get free from the restriction of caring what people think  The easiest way to go after your purpose with total confidence. You'll get advice on the exact next steps to take to have more confidence and courage to go after your dreams without being distracted or delayed, by comparison, overthinking, or self-doubt.   REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Can't get enough! by mhammond2020 I found this podcast when I needed it the most. I moved to a new city and the pandemic hit.  I've always tried to be more confident but gave up because I didn't know how to break the "I'm not good enough" thought cycle. Trish is the voice inside my head now! I really enjoyed just listening to her at first but to my surprise, I realized that I'm being kinder to myself now. Thank you so much, Trish!   WHY DO WE DOUBT OUR INTELLIGENCE ANYWAYS? What I've noticed: High achievers often have the lowest sense of self-esteem with their intellect. Collecting degrees, certifications, and checklists don't make you feel any smarter. Everyone who struggles with this usually thinks they're the only ones. What do smart people do? They train their brains. They exercise. They eat a brain-healthy diet. They work with coaches, leaders, and teachers. They read and invest in their mindset growth.  We have 60,000 thoughts per day. Intelligence isn't stagnant. It's perpetually in growth.   HOW TO BELIEVE YOU'RE SMART ENOUGH: First, it's imperative to know that intelligence is not stagnant. -It's fluid, and flowing, and changing, and expresses itself differently.-We actually only tap into about 10% of our mental capabilities.  You are as smart as you need to be as long as you are willing to grow and learn something every day.You are as smart as you need to be as long you believe that ...

 #397: HOW TO KEEP GOING AND HAVE CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU’RE TIRED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:54

HOW TO KEEP GOING AND HAVE CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU'RE TIRED  PODCAST #397 Knowing how to not feel discouraged when you're tired, and how to keep going when the going is tough, long, hard or boring, is one of the key elements of staying confident in the face of challenge. If your year has been filled with curveballs, or if you're feeling intimidated and overwhelmed with just how much longer you need to keep going, keep climbing and keep trying, then these confidence strategies are for you. Nothing will feel too big for you when you learn to think with confidence. In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we'll be covering: How to not get discouraged when you are feeling exhausted or something feels too bigPutting 2020 into perspective and pivoting with power10 ways to strengthen your confidence when something feels too big ahead of you SPONSORSHIP NOTE: Today's show is brought to you by Beautycounter, the safer beauty company who has a mission to disrupt the beauty industry with a demand for clean beauty. If you eat clean but don't use clean products, then today is the day to give Beautycounter a try.  Beautycounter is the main brand you will see throughout my house and on my family - we are a Beautycounter family. Right now if you've never purchased Beautycounter, you can get 10% off as a first time customer. Just go to and start shopping!  DON'T FORGET:   You can support the show, just click the button on the show notes, or go to Patreon and search for The Confidence Podcast.   A special shout out of thanks to listener Marlisa Hostetler, our newest patron supporter, who went above and beyond the $5, and edited her pledge to $20.    RIGHT, SO HOW LONG WILL THIS KEEP GOING?   We don't get to know how long things will take -Choose to be responsive, not reactive -Choose to be accepting, not anxious -Choose to be growing, not grumbling -Choose to be without all the answers, not speculating   2020, what a year!  -Keep a journal of the good things -Keep a historical record of what we're walking through -Keep a mindset of openness and flexibility -Keep focused on what matters -Keep your routine simple and habits high-level  -Keep asking yourself what this now makes possible   It's okay that everyone reacts differently -This is hard for everyone -Everyone hard is hard -You can do hard things -Not everyone needs to agree with you -It's okay to be different   THERE'S POWER IN A PIVOT What does this now make possible?  Go on, make a list for what you can now see are possible that weren't before now. (Maybe this is relation to 2020 itself, or maybe a broken relationship, a personal loss, a disappointing outcome, etc.)  10 WAYS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU FEEL TIRED   1. Ground yourself in gratitude 2. Get excited about the growth potential  3. Fight for your faith - strengthen your mind against fear 4. S3: Super, Simple, Steps - focus on one foot forward at a time  5. Create micro-milestones to look forward to 6. Look ahead but not too far ahead: get an ariel view, but then go be where you are 7. Get outside more- Vitamin D - it helps with energy and happiness 8. Prioritize sleep - good sleep hygiene will not only energize you but will boost your metabolism and help you resist emotional fatigue and the onset of overwhelming sadness 9. Know that you are not alone in how you feel; talk to someone 10. Fill your soul with the substance that strengthens you  

 #396: BEING HAPPY WHERE YOU ARE AND NOT FEELING BEHIND | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:14

BEING HAPPY WHERE YOU ARE AND NOT FEELING BEHIND PODCAST 396 Being happy where you are is an internal decision that can change the course of your life and life-satisfaction. When you learn how to be happy where you're at, you're able to release the self-doubting thoughts that creep in suggesting to you that you're behind or not enough. This podcast episode will help you learn how to rest well, live with joy, and bloom right now where you're planted, all while still growing and expanding towards the goals that you have for your future. To get the full show notes, go to In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: How to claim confidence for where you are, and stop feeling so behind. 10 mindset shifts and tiny habits to help you be happier nowThe small ways you can start to change your brain (which changes your life)  SPONSORSHIP NOTE: How to Stop Caring What People Think WebinarSave your spot at most popular episodes here on The Confidence Podcast are always around the same topic: how to stop caring what people think.  So, ya'll, I'm going deeper on this topic than ever before.  What you'll learn.... In this 20-minute webinar, you'll learn how to stop getting distracted from your dreams and purpose because of what people *might* think about you. When I finally learned let go of caring too much what other people *might think* the gateways of success opened! The tools I am going to teach you have allowed me to  write 3 best-selling books, win the North Face Trail Marathon, build a solid 6-figure online coaching business, and reach millions of people around the world with encouragement  If you're ready to push play on your purpose with confidence and freedom, then this webinar is for you.  In class we'll cover... The real issue and how to tackle it.  You'll learn how caring too much what people think is so destructive to our happiness and why we get trapped into this toxic pattern of thinking. The first 3 things you can do right now to change how you feel. You'll learn 3 things you can start doing differently right away to get free from the restriction of caring what people think The easiest way to go after your purpose with total confidence. You'll get advice on the exact next-steps to take to have more confidence and courage to go after your dreams without being distracted or delayed by comparison, overthinking or self-doubt.  REVIEW OF THE WEEK This girl knows what she's talking about! - 5 Stars! by Sydnie Anne New listener here! :) Your positivity, genuine care about others and passion for what you talk about makes this podcast worth the listen in and of itself. What I love the most is that you talk about training your brain. It's incredibly real for any skeptics out there! I've done it since I was a teenager after being diagnosed with a chronic illness and became quickly covered is psoriasis from head to toe. This past winter it was worse than its ever been before and my headspace got really dark and I was stuck there for a while. This podcast is helping me tap back into that mindset again and I'm excited to listen to all of them!  THOUGHTS TO GET YOU STARTED: Being behind isn't possible. You simply are where you are.Feeling behind is a mindset you can choose to release.Our feelings are dictated by our thoughts (head, heart, hands) - do thinking, don't let thinking do you. Being present is the antidote to drinking the "I'm behind" kool-aid. Believing that you are behind is simply lazy thinking. You are not behind, you are where God has placed you for now.

 #395: HOW TO STOP THINKING ABOUT FOOD ALL THE TIME | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:50

HOW TO STOP THINKING ABOUT FOOD ALL THE TIME PODCAST #395 Thinking about food all the time is a challenging hurdle for most people who want to lose weight or who are fighting to create a healthy relationship and their body image. When you can learn to stop thinking about food all the time you are able to step into a place of freedom and balance with your diet and calorie intake. Ultimately, when we stop thinking about food all the time we are free, more confident and we have an increased sense of self-trust. Get the full coaching and show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: How to stop thinking about food all the time, and why we do it in the first placeWhat big feelings around food looks like and feels like - and why we get stuck there8 very practical things you can do right now to stop being controlled by your thoughts about food SPONSORSHIP NOTE: How to Stop Caring What People Think Webinar Save your spot at Our most popular episodes here on The Confidence Podcast are always around the same topic: how to stop caring what people think.  So, ya'll, I'm going deeper on this topic than ever before. What you'll learn.... In this 20-minute webinar, you'll learn how to stop getting distracted from your dreams and purpose because of what people *might* think about you. When I finally learned let go of caring too much what other people *might think* the gateways of success opened! The tools I am going to teach you have allowed me to  write 3 best-selling books, win the North Face Trail Marathon, build a solid 6-figure online coaching business, and reach millions of people around the world with encouragement  If you're ready to push play on your purpose with confidence and freedom, then this webinar is for you.  In class, we'll cover... The real issue and how to tackle it. You'll learn how caring too much what people think is so destructive to our happiness and why we get trapped into this toxic pattern of thinking.The first 3 things you can do right now to change how you feel. You'll learn 3 things you can start doing differently right away to get free from the restriction of caring what people thinkThe easiest way to go after your purpose with total confidence.You'll get advice on the exact next-steps to take to have more confidence and courage to go after your dreams without being distracted or delayed by comparison, overthinking or self-doubt. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: By Kelsey VL Trish, I just wanted to thank you so much for your podcast. I am going through a really hard time in my life with my career and feeling stuck and scared for the future. I found your podcast when I needed it the most. I am a struggling perfectionist and struggle wiht always not feeling good enough. Your podcast has helped me considerably to change my mindset and attitude! You have an infectious kind spirit and a genuine personality! I 'm so thankful I found your podcast and highly recommend for anyone struggling to find their way in life and with their capabilities. There are so many insightful and helpful topics you discuss! Thank you again and your story and background give me hope I can change my life for the better as well. WHY ARE WE ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT FOOD ARE THE TIME? We buffer. We have a distorted sense of self-care.

 #394: YOUR OWN WORST CRITIC? HERE’S HOW TO STOP. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:48

YOUR OWN WORST CRITIC? HERE'S HOW TO STOP.  PODCAST #394 Being your own worst critic is a recipe for low self-esteem, heightened anxiety and a life of frustration. You can learn how to stand up to your inner bully and how to start talking back to the bully in an effective way. This podcast episode will teach you how to do just that. Get the full show notes at This week on The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: What is actually going on when you are hyper-self-critical or have mean internal self-talkHow to stop being so self-critical and your own worst enemy - 10 things you can start to do right away8 sample sentences that work when it comes to talking back to the inner critic or bully SPONSORSHIP NOTE: How to Stop Caring What People Think Webinar Save your spot at Our most popular episodes here on The Confidence Podcast are always around the same topic: how to stop caring what people think.  So, ya'll, I'm going deeper on this topic than ever before. What you'll learn.... In this 20-minute webinar, you'll learn how to stop getting distracted from your dreams and purpose because of what people *might* think about you. When I finally learned let go of caring too much what other people *might think* the gateways of success opened! The tools I am going to teach you have allowed me to  write 3 best-selling books, win the North Face Trail Marathon, build a solid 6-figure online coaching business, and reach millions of people around the world with encouragement  If you're ready to push play on your purpose with confidence and freedom, then this webinar is for you.  In class we'll cover... The real issue and how to tackle it. You'll learn how caring too much what people think is so destructive to our happiness and why we get trapped into this toxic pattern of thinking.The first 3 things you can do right now to change how you feel. You'll learn 3 things you can start doing differently right away to get free from the restriction of caring what people thinkThe easiest way to go after your purpose with total confidence.You'll get advice on the exact next-steps to take to have more confidence and courage to go after your dreams without being distracted or delayed by comparison, overthinking or self-doubt. HISTORICAL NOTE: I live in Virginia, close to DC, and at the time of this recording, the cornavirus is hitting my area exceptionally hard, and the streets are flooded at night with both peaceful protests and violent riots. Conflict is everywhere - pain is rampant - people are trying to do the right thing and being upturned by opportunists who are looting and destroying towns. We are desperate for racial reconcilation and equal rights - for proper judiciary justice and for the abolition of racial profiling. Good and love are pouring out from all ethnicities - and in the same areas, those groups also have representatives spewing hate. Hate destroys everything. I record today with the thought of what bullying does - what hatred does. Our world is groaning in pain. It feels like it's swirling and intensifying, making it easy to feel uncertain of how to move forward. I ache alongside you, and simply hope to offer a few notes of encouragement for you to tuck into your heart this week.  Confidence is the state of heart of being able to walk with certainty in a life that is filled with uncertainty. So, with that in mind,

 #393: HOW TO ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:09

HOW TO ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT PODCAST #393 Asking for what you want is a confidence skill that can transform every element of your life. Learning how to ask for what you want can be a key tool. The more you practice this 4-step process, you more proficient you will be at asking. Most people don't know how to ask for what they want because they don't know what they want and because they don't feel capable or courageous enough to ask. In this podcast episode you'll learn the framework you need to start feeling confident enough to courageously start asking for what you really want in life. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: Why we chicken out when we want to ask for what we want How to figure out what you actually want anyways 4 steps to start asking for what you want REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Perfect balance of faith + self-help by LeahRKole For those of us with inner demons that try to sabotage our potential, Trish is the voice and guide that cuts through all the lies and recenters you in truth. Thank you, Trish, for your unique perspective in all areas of confidence, success, sports + fitness, female leadership, and living the vibrant abundant life we were all made for. I have so appreciated your vulnerability and your confidence - especially in speaking about faith and the hope of heaven. It's hard to find speakers and coaches who walk the tightrope between self-help and Christian faith and you do that so incredibly well! If you need a pick-me-up or a life-makeover, Trish is your gal! If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission! The first step to getting what you want is to have the courage to get rid of what you don't. -Zig Ziglar Go for it now, the future is promised to no one. -Wayne Dyer I'm a big believer that life changes as much as you want it to. -Martin Freeman Not getting what you want either means you don't want it enough, or you've been dealing too long with the price you have to pay. -Rudyard Kipling The most effective way to do it, is to do it. -Amelia Earhart You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You have to go out there and make it happen for yourself! -Diana Ross The world needs dreams and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do! -Sarah Ban Breathnach The great secret of getting what you want from life is to know what you want and to believe you can have it. -Norman Vincent Peale You only get in life what you have the courage to ask for. We don't get what we deserve. We get what we design. Confidence is at the root of being able to get what you want in life, in your relationships, in your career, and in your opportunities. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING FOR TO HAPPEN? Are you waiting for permission? Are you waiting to be called out? Are you waiting to be ready? Are you waiting for someone to tell you you're enough? Are you waiting for the right time? Are you waiting for "other reasons?" Other reasons ... -I'm not supposed to ask -Who I to think -Why would they discount that for me -Does that opportunity even exist -What if they think I'm pushy -Will I come off arrogant or ungrateful Maybe you want to ask for a raise, an opportunity, for a chance, for a mentor, for a discount, for help, for support, for chocolate milk for breakfast ... you will only get it if you dare to ask for it. Maybe it feels too hard, or you feel lazy, or you've convinced yourself that your "woe-is-me" storyline is just too strong...whatever it might be, you are only ensuring that nothing happens.

 #392: BEING CONFIDENT EVEN THOUGH YOU AREN’T YET WHERE YOU WANT TO BE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:01

BEING CONFIDENT EVEN THOUGH YOU AREN'T YET WHERE YOU WANT TO BE PODCAST #392 If you value progress more than perfection, then it's possible to feel confident and capable, even if you don't yet feel like you "deserve" to. Confidence has no finish line or destination. It is a muscle that we work and strengthen through how we choose to think about who we are and where we are at as we progress along the journey of life. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: The questions about being confident that I am most often asked How to really, really believe that you can do something and feel confident, even if you aren't "there" yet The 3-steps to progressing towards anything you want with more confidence REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Just the best podcast ever - 5 stars by Liv'in'progress A long-overdue review here, I just wanted to express how grateful I am for Trish and her amazing energy, positivity, and ability to be inspiring every day. I sincerely look forward to my commute so that I can learn from Trish and get guidance for those tricky issues in life. Every time I listen, I immediately feel as though I'm entering into a "me time" moment that I don't want to be interrupted and I become centered and inspired to be a better version of myself. I frequently rewind over and over to re-listen to a little phrase that hit hard for me - there are so many. Trish feels like the friend that I wish I had, someone who will actually call me out in an effective yet nonjudgmental way. I just listened to an episode where she suggested that certain things or behaviors in life you have to realize that you've outgrown. This was a little reality slap that I needed today. I also really love the faith-based episodes. As someone who grew up with parents always bickering about their interpretation of the Bible, I really align with your insights on faith. Thank you, Trish, for showing up for us all - your love and goodwill is overwhelmingly evident. Much love. Questions I am often asked: How can I feel confident if I am not even close to where I want to be? How can I stay confident if I keep having these setbacks? How can I act confident if I know I don't have the experience that I wish I had? How can I remain confident if I fail visibly or embarrass myself? How can I walk confidently if I've gained the weight back or if my business regresses or must pivot? How can I be confident if I feel keep beating myself up or feel like I'm behind or making the same mistakes over and over again? Ultimately, we are asking: How do I have confidence in progression, not perfection? We must change what soul ties we make. We must pay attention to the agreements we make with our beliefs. We must decide that since our thinking can change that we also can change. CONFIDENT ANTICIPATION Mindset of optimism -Looking at what could go right, not wrong -Seeing your commitment, not the inevitable challenges -Believing there will be joy and adventure along the way Eagerness to learn -Freedom from the belief that you need to know it all -Release from the pressure to execute perfectly Grounding in gratitude -Gratitude is your propeller -Gratitude journaling, flash gratitude -Perspective flexibility CONFIDENT PROGRESSION Simple steps and slowing down -Forward is a pace -Champagne moments and micro-milestones -Resist the rush (why are you rushing anyways?)

 #391: 37 WAYS TO HAVE MORE JOY AND PEACE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:49

37 WAYS TO HAVE MORE JOY AND PEACE PODCAST #391 When you learn how to have more joy and more peace in your life, you will naturally begin to overflow with confidence. Here are 37 simple and practical ways to help you have more joy and peace in your life, starting today. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: How to get more peace in your life, more specifically, 37 ways to do so The shifts I have made that helped me turn my anxiety into joy Why joy and peace will make you more confident REVIEW OF THE WEEEK: Time well spent! 5 stars, by Ashtyn C This review is long overdue. Trish is an amazing source of light and encouragement! She gives practical advice and incredible insight. As an avid reader myself (and forever the knowledge seeker), I appreciate the work she puts into her content. This has been a podcast staple for me for several years now. Listening to her podcast is always time well spent! Highly recommend! WHY JOY & PEACE WILL MAKE YOU MORE CONFIDENT: Joy is sustained, deep happiness; radiance, if you will. It takes something beautiful and makes it magnetic. Peace is confidence. It is security, safety, presence, and an absence of anxiety, strife, turmoil, pressure, or anything that is typically related to insecurity or self-criticism. The core issue of most confidence challenges is a lack of peace. I struggled with confidence because I didn't have peace in who I was, in my body weight, in my place in the world, in whether or not I was loved and belonged, etc. You will live in peace and joy. The mountains and hills will burst into song and the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12 37 WAYS TO GET MORE JOY AND PEACE IN YOUR LIFE Joy and peace are the opposite of how I would have described my life prior to my work in confidence coaching. They are not adjectives I would have ever chosen to describe myself. I didn't have joy - I was focused and self-critical. I didn't have peace - I was always pushing myself harder. I didn't have joy - I wasn't sure how to be myself, or if I was allowed to be. I didn't have peace - I felt like I was behind. I didn't have joy - I thought life was supposed to be super serious. I didn't have peace - I worried that God was disappointed in me and He felt far from m. I didn't have joy - I was stuck in addiction and numbing, and didn't have full access to full emotions I didn't have peace - I didn't know how to accept love and be present 1. Journal daily 2. Intentionally detox my toxic thoughts 3. Remember that if I'm growing, I'm going 4. Mindfully choose peace, not pressure 5. Spend more time laughing 6. Sit on the floor more 7. Frequent outside walks without technology 8. Meditate and proclaim the phrase: God, I trust You. 9. Gratitude journaling 10. Flash gratitude. 11. Less TV at night 12. Established nighttime routine 13. Consistent mental wellness with my therapist 14. Patience by focusing on progress, not perfection 15. Celebration of progress with champagne moments 16. Permission to do less 17. The daily goal of learning, not accomplishing 18. Reduced exposure to things that drive comparison in my mind 19. Writing out my prayers, increase conversation with the Lord 20. Exercise to feel alive, not to burn calories 21. Dates with family members - making time for people 22. People over projects (needing to remind my self of what often should be obvious) 23. Explore creative expression - dance, writing, songs, organization, coloring 24. Hopeful confidence in what doors God will open (focus,

 #389: BEING CONFIDENT WHEN LIFE IS FILLED WITH UNKNOWNS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:29

BEING CONFIDENT WHEN LIFE IS FILLED WITH UNKNOWNS PODCAST #389 It is possible to have confidence even when the future is unknown. Finding peace and confidence when life is filled with so much unknown, especially when life feels tumultuous, is the cornerstone of being able to have joy in all circumstances. In this podcast episode, we're talking about how to have confidence and peace when the unknowns of life feel too big and also how to release your need to know about what is to come in the future. Comparative suffering and ambiguous grief - the unknown vortex we are in Can you really live with confidence and peace if life really is all unknown? How to release your need to know ANNOUNCING: NEW FREE WEBINAR!!!! Have you ever wondered if you could write a book? Or maybe you're daydreaming about being a successful entrepreneur? Maybe you've got an idea for a charity stirring inside you or possibly a desire to share your art - whether it is your canvas, your words, your music or your voice - with the world? I want you to know that whatever is stirring in your heart is stirring for a reason. I believe it was breathed into you by God and that when you show up and go all-in on where you're feeling led, that you will light the world up in your own important way. You don't have to keep wondering if your dream is possible. You don't have to keep making excuses about why you're not "ready" to start. You don't have to believe the critics or the comparison that is holding you back. You just need to learn how to believe in yourself - to really believe in yourself. I want to teach you the mindset behind how the most confident and most successful people think. You can think that way too, and when you do, you'll take that dream on your heart, and you'll start to actually do it. Join my free, limited-time webinar today, I'll get you started on the mindset you need and I'll give you all the next steps needed to take that God-given potential and bring it to life. Click here to save your free spot > REVIEW OF THE WEEK: I love this podcast!!! [5 Stars] by Deemoflowers It's been a great topic and good encouragement. Thanks for sharing your ideas! LET'S THINK ABOUT ALL UNKNOWNS THOUGH: Relationships, finances, the economy, health, whether or not people like you, what kinds of things your kids are interested in, the outcome of projects you pour yourself into. COVID-19 Death toll counts. Desensitization. Isolation. Guilt over happiness. Desperation for life to resume. Speculations - divisions, and unity. ULTIMATELY ...  It's a giant unknown in the world. If you want some positive perspective and haven't yet listened to the podcasts I have already don't specifically on how to stay confident and filled with peace during COVID-19, here are the direct links: #381 - How to be positive during the coronavirus pandemic (not panicked) #382: Psychological immunity and perspective shifts for a pandemic #383: How to stay nice when you feel stressed #385: Staying motivated when you are sad or scared I have found peace and release by learning how to let go of the outcome and become more interested in the process. For example, I just poured my last six weeks - every free waking minute of them - to the creation of my newest program, The Dream & Do Project. I have big goals for how many people's dreams I want this program to launch and awaken (and how many I know it can help) ---- but ultimately I can't make you or anyone click the register button. I can do all the marketing and promotion that I know how to do and that the industry recommends,

 #388:CAN YOU REALLY DO ANYTHING? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:47

PODCAST #388                      CAN YOU REALLY DO ANYTHING? Can you really do anything you set your mind to? And if you can, how do you "set your mind' and really do anything? This podcast will help you break down the behind-the-scenes of the mindset of achievers so that you can also learn how to set your mind and belief that you can really do anything. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: Can you really do anything? How do you figure out what to do and what not to do? What is the magic difference between those who achieve and those who don't? SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: FREE WEBINAR ON HOW TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING If you have a dream that God has stirred in your heart and aren't sure where to start, save yourself a spot on my newest free webinar. Unlike other online classes I have offered, this webinar will only be available the first few days of May, so save your spot now.  Go to to save your free spot. In the webinar, you'll learn The 5 Secrets of Having Confidence How to Achieve Anything How to Know if Your Dream is Achievable How to Take the "Dream" and Do It.  REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  This is exactly what you need in your life! 5 Stars. I had been looking for an encouraging podcast to listen to while I run and this one is beyond perfect. I've listened every day for the past few weeks in hopes to increase my confidence. Not only has it helped me in my journey of growing confidence but it has also improved my overall happiness and relationship with God. It had made me realize that I'm not alone in my personal growth journey and thata God is with me every step of the way. He continues to heal my eyes so I can see my true beauty, which I have struggled with in the past, and guides me to love myself and others as much as He does. Trish is the perfect person to spend time with everyday to focus on myself and growth. She's such a positive light in this world and a true gift from God. LIFE IS SHORT: LEAN INTO THAT DREAM ON YOUR HEART Life is precious. Thank you to my dear friend Amy for deepening my love for life. Amy was relentlessly humble, private, and positive. Cancer took her life after years of battling. Amy, I pay you honor and tribute today. You will not be forgotten. Amy, you have impacted my heart. I will live with an intimate understanding that life is short. I will not be afraid of what people think of me. I will not worry about being cheesy or too nice and I will reach out and love with every opportunity I get. I will stay centered, positive, and present the way you so valiantly demonstrated as I had the privilege of watching you live out your last painful, yet incredibly beautiful years. I will save the photos we have and the videos of the kids jumping in puddles in the pouring rain and the lazy afternoons we spent just intertwining hours of non-descript life-moments together. Those moments matter and I love them. I love you and I thank you for reminding me of the hope we have in Heaven. I will see you again soon dear friend in that beautiful place with Jesus where every tear is wiped away.  CAN YOU REALLY DO ANYTHING? “To achieve the impossible, you must attempt the absurd” ― Jon R. Michaelsen A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein  You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor. -Aristotle We can do anything we want if we stick to it long enough. -Helen Keller  If you're not making mistakes you're not doing anything.


HOW TO HAVE DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS WITH CONFIDENCE AND WITHOUT COWERING EPISODE 387 You don't have to cower from having difficult conversations anymore. This podcast episode will coach you on exactly how to be confident when having intimidating or difficult conversations.  Learn how to have difficult conversations. No more avoiding, no more buffering, no more sweeping things under the carpet - it's time to confidently connect better with the humans in your life. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: How conflict can lead to confidence The 10 fundamental things to remember before having hard conversations Turning the table: how to have hard conversations with yourself How to have difficult conversations with confidence How to have difficult conversations without cowering SPONSORSHIP:  My partnership with Beautycounter. If you've never purchased Beautycounter before, this is the time to do so. This month only when you go to and opt-in to Beautycounter's email address, you'll receive a 20% off coupon code to use on your first purchase. My family and I are rounding out day #24 of our COVID-19 quarantine, and since we live in Virginia, we know that we're in this thing for the long haul - until June 10th. I do appreciate how slowing down and simplifying have really brought the small things of life to light. One small thing that just made my week was my Beautycounter delivery that just arrived. Getting packages right now feels wonderful, but getting clean beauty packages? That's next level loveliness. You better believe that I have a few hours of pampering ahead of me, thanks to Beautycounter. I suggest that you might want to do the same! Go ahead, indulge in something lovely for yourself. Click here to shop > REVIEW OF THE WEEK: Thank you Trish! 5-Stars. By Sophia abc. / I have been listening to this podcast for a month or two by now and DANG!!! It has helped me improve my everyday life by appreciating what I have and how to use it. Her wise words have helped me become a much more confident woman everywhere, every day and around everyone. I think that everyone needs a little Trish in their life so I totally recommend this podcast!!! HOW CAN CONFLICT LEAD TO CONFIDENCE? Conflict > Conversations > Communication > Connection > Confidence 10 FUNDAMENTALS ON HOW TO HAVE DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS Value bravery. (Being emotionally brave is more impressive than being physically brave.) Remember conflict leads to connection. Honor other people's perspectives. Seek to understand and not always be understood. Release expectations (let go of trying to control their feelings and reactions) Use The 5-Second Rule (Mel Robbins) Speak from the heart and be humble. Listen as well as you talk. Seek connection, not your own resolution. Define a purpose (objective to be transparent, to express oneself, etc.) HOW TO HAVE HARD CONVERSATIONS WITH YOURSELF These are perhaps the most important conversations to be having in the first place. You don't have to go these alone - use prayer, and your journal to guide you. Braindump onto paper - and stop using the excuse that you're worried that someone will look at what you write; y'all people are not interested in what you're thinking about, you're safe. Pay attention to your own avoidances and what you are resisting. We all run away in our own ways - seek emotional maturity enough to look at what is actually going on within yourself.

 #386:HOW TO EXUDE CONFIDENCE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:51

HOW TO EXUDE CONFIDENCE  PODCAST #385 To become someone who exudes confidence, you become someone who also becomes a magnet to success and happiness. This episode breaks down exactly how to train your confidence and thoughts about yourself in order to exponentially grow your confidence to that "exude" level that is contagious. Your contagious confidence has the power to encourage the world; it's worth the work it takes to get there. Get the full show notes at  In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: What makes someone exude confidence  The fundamentals to being more confident - how to start exuding yourself (training) The difference between "capability confidence" and "character confidence" You exude confidence - and I want to know how to have that. The answer? It's a commitment to curiosity, challenging myself and congruency.  SPONSORSHIP:  My partnership with Beautycounter. If you've never purchased Beautycounter before, this is the time to do so. This month only when you go to and opt-in to Beautycounter's email address, you'll receive a 20% off coupon code to use on your first purchase.  My family and I are rounding out day #24 of our COVID-19 quarantine, and since we live in Virginia, we know that we're in this thing for the long haul - until June 10th. I do appreciate how slowing down and simplifying have really brought the small things of life to light. One small thing that just made my week was my Beautycounter delivery that just arrived. Getting packages right now feels wonderful, but getting clean beauty packages? That's next level loveliness. And another way to exude confidence. You better believe that I have a few hours of pampering ahead of me, thanks to Beautycounter. I suggest that you might want to do the same! Go ahead, indulge in something lovely for yourself and exude confidence at the same time. Click here to shop > REVIEW OF THE WEEK Do yourself a favor - 5 stars, by Kirsten Trish is the best!!! Always what I need to hear when I need to hear it. The enthusiasm, the encouragement, the positivity and different perspective she gives is such a blessing and so empowering! So grateful to have found this. podcast. Trish, you are so loved and appreciated girl! TRAIN YOUR THOUGHTS TO EXUDE CONFIDENCE  How we think in general determines how we feel about ourselves and our capabilities. Which contributes to how we exude confidence. Take the training of your thoughts seriously: Journal Add openness to your life. Get a coach Read and study Notice and celebrate growth KNOW WHAT'S NORMAL & WHAT'S NOT  It's normal to have a little voice of self-doubt. It's normal to care about the opinions of others. It's normal to feel awkward and quirky being yourself. It's normal to self-sabotage and create blocks in your own path  It's what you do with what's normal that makes you confident.  Don't allow these normal things make you freeze or not move forward.  "Being yourself" doesn't always come easy or feel natural - in the same way that starting a workout never really "feels good" - but it gets easier, feels amazing and is always worth it once you get past that.  The key to confidence is to take action no matter what. Become an "action-taker" and you will naturally build your courage muscles, which lead to more confidence and capability, which renders results and which then ultimately perpetuates a new cycle of more action-taking, courage, confidence, and results. 

 #385: STAYING MOTIVATED WHEN YOU ARE SAD OR SCARED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:46

STAYING MOTIVATED WHEN YOU ARE SAD OR SCARED PODCAST #385  How can you stay motivated when things feel like they're falling apart around you? If you're overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life, or learning how to process ambiguous grief or the uncertainty of the unknown, then this episode is for you. You'll learn how to stay motivated when you are sad or scared and how to make the most of what you have available to you. Get the full show notes at In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about: Ambiguous grief in the time of COVID-19 and how to process itHow to stay motivated when you are sad, mad or scared at this timeMaking the most of the hand of cards you have REVIEW OF THE WEEK:  Blissful Encouragement - 5 Stars by TravelerSB Trish gives me such encouragement with her amazing energy and loving spirit. The content she provides shifts my mindset into a positive place,  often when I need it the most. Thank you, Trish,  for sharing your light and your gifts with the world in this way! AMBIGUOUS GRIEF: GIVE IT SPACE -Loss of control -Upturning of big life events -Balancing deep sadness with deep gratitude to be alive and healthy -Feelings of unrest and wasted effort Ambiguous loss is a loss that occurs without closure or clear understanding. This kind of loss leaves a person searching for answers, and thus complicates and delays the process of grieving, and often results in unresolved grief. You might be experiencing ambiguous grief for the following reasons as a by-product of COVID-19: Missed athletic championship, missed athletic season, canceled graduations, isolated Easter holidays, loss of a job, furloughed family members (and potential guilt for not being in the same position), uncertain global economic conditions, rescheduled vacations, postponed weddings, inability to connect with loved ones to mourn the loss of life, missed birthday plans, compromised family Spring traditions, closed gyms and training facilities, rescheduled major tests or opportunity for promotion, lost progress on financial goals, or just loss of general sense of normalcy.  ACKNOWLEDGE THE LOSS Nothing is wasted - not your work, not your planning, not your efforts leading up to this point. Whatever it is that you are letting go of and grieving, allow yourself the space to feel what you feel.Journal and express what you feel into sentences; put words to your heart. Honor what is lost and decide what matters most to you moving forward. Remember that with loss always comes life and a gift of deeper appreciation.  HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED: DECIDE HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF WHAT IS PRESENT Enjoy - thrive - live today well. Create a schedule - everything has a place: workouts, creative time, cleaning, food prep chill time, etc. Differentiate between weekday schedules and weekend schedules and identify what days you do certain things versus what days you don't. Identify your daily transition points- use music, fresh air, a Netflix break, a phone call to your mom, etc. to create a sense of daily normalcy; which will increase your overall productivity. Utilize social media effectively, not obsessively.Set time limits to your scroll, unfollow certain people and use apps that connect you in real-time socially with others.  Ground yourself in gratitude.When you use gratitude effectively it reminds you of al...

 #384:GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

PODCAST #384:GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: Getting the right people to like you is a result of learning how to stop caring what people think. This podcast episode will teach you how to let go of caring what people think about you. You'll also learn how to find and create the right friend group for yourself. Get the full show notes at How to get the right people to like you and how to  The two major types of people and how to distinguish between them A challenge to help you let go of caring too much REVIEW OF THE WEEK: 5-Stars - 5 Stars by jaylaBillions This is an awesome podcast. It changed my life. GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU Well, we can't control people's opinions of us, but we can control whose opinions we esteem and who we spend the most time with.  How are you supposed to confidently make good friends with good people? How do you break the cycle of trying too hard to get people to like you? How do you learn to figure out who will be life-giving or soul-sucking in your life? It all comes down to learning how to assess what type of person someone is. Or, more accurately, what season of growth they are in in their lives. We are humanly capable of being both types, but to be the type that builds great relationships and thinks beyond themselves, we have to do some soul growth and work.  COVID-19 REVEALED TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE: Self-focused people. Other-focused people. This is non-age-discriminate, non-gender based and not socio-economically tied.  SELF-FOCUSED PEOPLE Interested in self-promotion, in getting attention, in getting praise Thinks about proving themselves and wanting to stand out from the crowd Driven to be better than others because they want to be special or famous and noticed Mindset of scarcity and competition - always thinking about what's next OTHER-FOCUSED PEOPLE Interested in making a difference, in having authority, in living out their purpose Thinks about how they are loved and how to share that with others Driven to have influence over others because they want to make a positive difference Mindset of abundance and collaboration - working to be present and grateful THE "THEY'RE ALLOWED TO NOT LIKE ME" & GETTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU CHALLENGE Write out the names of 3 people who you worry might not like you Then write out what it would really mean if they didn't? Ask yourself if you even really like them, and why their opinion of you matters. Be honest - does their opinion of you challenge your overall happiness or life? Repeat out loud: people are allowed to not like me.  PATREON PODCAST SUPPORT:  If this podcast show has blessed your life, this is my personal invitation to become an official supporter of the show. Did you know that it costs me approximately $400 to produce a podcast episode? This is my labor of love, and worth every minute I spend on it - whether I have one listener, or one million, I will continue to show up for you. You matter to me. For just $5/month you can become an official supporter, a patron, we call it, of The Confidence Podcast. But hey, I don't take asking for money from you lightly - you better believe that becoming a patron means that you'll get extra bonus podcast episodes and other encouraging content from me. Yep, exclusive, podcast episodes that I call "faith takes," are released 2x/month for our patrons. To start supporting the show just go to www.patreon.

 #383:HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:15

HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED PODCAST #383 In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about: How to not loseyour cool - your confidence, your joy, and your sanity - while stuck at home or living a new norm in your work or home lifestyle How to not beat yourself up for the moments that you don't like yourself in how you react with the people close to you How to keep life engaging even if it feels dull, monotonous and isolated - how to not believe the fear that this will last forever. REVIEW OF THE WEEK: HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED  When things dramatically change in a short period of time, it's important to remember that: -Adjusting to the new normal will take time, and comes with a learning curve -Feeling an overwhelming and varying amount of emotions is normal -It's natural to behave in ways that are less than your ideal -Your people are on the same team as you - and working through their own adjustments as well -Each situation is a learning opportunity for personal growth, you don't need to beat yourself up -These are defining moments, they are growth moments. New temporary normal: My family unit of 4. Extraverts, staying in. Two people working from home. Unpacking and cleaning new house. No gym; working out happening at 6:30 AM No friend time for my kids. No doggie play dates for my dog. STIR CRAZY TIME CHEZ LES SYNANS Temper tantrums. Kids jealous for my attention and fighting constantly. Free time trying to organize new home and clean up messes left by previous owners. Dog with anxiety at new transition. Social life altered. Family gatherings suspended. If you were my husband you would see: A woman waking up energized at 6AM A woman feeling alive and filled with peace after time with God and journaling A woman using music to lift the mood of the house A woman motivated to create a beautiful home A woman determined to have a positive attitude about the opportunity of this season A woman thankful for curbside delivery and the gift of technology A woman who sometimes cries out of frustration A woman who feels shame when she breaks and raises her voice at her kids A woman who hurts for her kids who see new friends they can't meet A woman who feels conflicted for wanting to use screen time too much and also to do every mom craft that her friends post about A woman irritated that she has to keep Amazon packages on the front porch to air out A woman who hates having to wipe down what was purchased at curbside pickup My point, y'all? Humans are multilayered, multifaceted, complex and deep feelers. Now, throw us into unknown territory and uncertainty, take away any sense of control we ever thought we had and these natural ups and downs we are all inevitably going through makes sense. Please look at the facts in every situation. Please give yourself space to feel the feelings you have. Please extend yourself - and others - extensive grace like never before. Please get connected with a coach or a community. Please remember that this too shall pass. Please determine to ground yourself in gratitude. Please be extra kind and encouraging to others. HOW TO STAY NICE WHEN STRESSED? Put self-care at the top of your to-do list. Ask for help. Modify your expectations. Increase your communication. Get more sleep. Eat clean, healthy food.


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