The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell

Summary: The Confidence Podcast is the podcast for women who struggle with perfectionism, self-doubt, and a self-critical voice. If you know you have potential and purpose, but you still secretly feel like you're behind, not enough, or even an impostor, then this podcast is for you. In each episode, world-renown Confidence Coach Trish Blackwell will teach you how to live confidently and courageously as the woman God created you to be. This podcast is your weekly resource to train your thoughts, take them captive, and use them to help you live with joy, abundance, peace, power, and, of course, confidence. Get FREE instant access to the Confidence Masterclass to learn exactly how to have more confidence with the 3-part "Confidence Formula" at


 #489: Sports Confidence Hacks for Any Athlete | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:27

Sports confidence is the key to supreme athletic performance, but most athletes don't know how to tap into their most confident athletic self. Explore the 10 confidence mistakes that keep athletes from peak performance, creating self-doubt and unhelpful self-pressure. Then, learn the 12 confidence hacks that the top athletes in the world employ to train their brains as successfully as they train their bodies. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #488: Self-Pity is Keeping You Stuck and What to Do About It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:27

Feeling sorry for yourself, or over-personalizing how hard things are for you is a sure-fire way to sabotage your confidence. Not only that, self-pity will make things feel 10x harder than they need to be, and will mentally and emotionally exhaust you. This episode will teach you to know if you're indulging in self-pity, and what to do about it. You'll learn how to move from self-pity to self-compassion, and then activated momentum forward, all just in the small shift of a mindset. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #487: What to Do About Overwhelm: How to Reduce It and Move Through It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:41

Overwhelm is an indulgent emotion that will keep you stuck. You can cut through overwhelm by learning how to talk back to it and move through it with confidence and strategy. This coaching episode will teach you exactly how to reduce overwhelm, what to do to avoid an overwhelm overload, and 5 specific things you can do when overwhelmed. Goodbye overthinking and overwhelm, hello peace and presence. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #486: Being Hard on Yourself: It Doesn’t Work and How to Stop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:31

Being hard on yourself might be the very thing keeping you stuck. We think that being hard on ourselves means that we are driven, or have high standards, but being too tough on yourself is an ineffective approach to any goal you have in life. Being hard on yourself increases stress, decreases results and is a mindset that is driven from self-doubt and insecurity. Learn 10 proven ways to break the pattern of being too hard on yourself, even if you have been hard on yourself your entire life. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #485: The Art of Happiness, Even if Your Life is a Mess | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:36

Everyone wants to be happy, but most people aren't. You can learn how to tap into a life of happiness, even if your life is a mess, once you learn the art of happiness. In this coaching podcast, learn why happiness sometimes eludes you and how you can create more happiness in your life, without your circumstances changing. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #484: Why It’s Easier For Other People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:33

If you struggle with comparison, or with the assumption that no one else is having a hard time like you are, then this episode is for you. In this episode we're coaching on how to stop being jealous of others, how to stop comparing yourself, and how to see that your life is going better than you think it is. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #483: Self-Validation: The Art of Not Needing Other People to Tell You “Good Job” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:53

Self-Validation, or the art of not needing other people to tell you "good job," is a skill that the most confident people learn how to master. Even if you consider yourself a words of affirmation person, you can learn how to self-affirm and self-validate. Self-validation keeps you from the traps of people pleasing, of striving and of hamster wheel of external validation. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #482: How to Stop Giving Up On Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:40

The way to stop giving up on yourself is through knowing how to follow through on your belief in yourself and your belief in a goal. Confidence Coaches Trish Blackwell and Christina LeCuyer jam out on a powerful and strategic episode to teach you how to have belief, faith and follow-through that really produces results in your life. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #481: Enoughness: How to Feel Enough and Increase Your Self-Worth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:46

If you've ever felt "not enough," this episode is for you. However the voice of inadequacy speaks to you, this coaching will give you practical ways to talk back to the feeling of "not enough" and "feeling behind" so that you can talk yourself to a place of secure self-worth. When we know that we are 100% worthy we can start to do bigger, bolder, braver things in the world -and you were made for such a time and thing like this. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #480: Having Relationships with Confidence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:38

Dating gets better results when you date with confidence, curiosity and courage. Marriage is better when the relationship is approached with confidence, curiosity and connection. Get coaching on how to add the spark of confidence to the relationships in your life, either the relationships you already have, or the ones you hope to have. A life with confident, life-giving relationships is a life well lived. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #479: How to Stop Settling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:34

Nothing is more tragic than giving up on yourself. And often, this is done in subtle ways in life that we don't even realize are happening - like, with settling. This episode will help you figure out if you are settling or putting up with less than you deserve, the reasons why we settle and what to do to start creating positive change in this area. You don't have to settle or play small anymore; God put so much potential in you, it's time to water it and let it really bloom. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #478: Think Bigger, Believe Bolder (How to Do Both) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:25

Motivational saying tell us to think bigger and to believe in ourselves, but they don't tell us how. This podcast episode is going to teach you how to think bigger and how to believe bolder in a few practical ways that you can implement right away, starting today. The bigger you think, and the bolder you are in building belief around what you are believing for, the more you will accomplish in the world and with your life. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 Bonus Episode: Instantly Increase Your Confidence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:52

Bonus Podcast Instantly Increase Your Confidence The way to instantly increase your confidence is to learn to say "yes" to yourself. You can give yourself approval and permission to live a life worth telling a story about if you first believe that you're worth saying "yes" to. This episode will help you feel empowered to bet on yourself and to believe that your future is going to be greater than your past  The way to instantly increase your confidence is to SAY YES to yourself. You won't feel ready. You won't feel "good enough"You need to say yes anyway. Saying "yes" to an investment of belief in yourself. -be it of time -be it of money -be it a little or a lot It teaches your subconscious that you matter. It is literally an instant boost to your self confidence. No longer are you waiting for the perfect time. No longer are you needing approval from others. Saying yes to yourself - to getting coaching, to being educated on how to proactively live an intentional and fruitful life - is your first act of giving yourself approval - of giving yourself permission to thrive. When someone joins the COC for the first time, it is a proclamation to themselves that They are worth it * Their future matters * They want more powerful thinking * They have big goals and they are going for them * They have decided to live with no more excuses * They are advocating for themselves * They are giving themselves permission to do things differently than ever before * They will have a return on their investment * They deserve a coach and to be surrounded by positive people * They have decided that they're capable of more - and want to tap into their potential Click here to join us and become a member yourself.     ANNOUNCEMENT: LAST CHANCE OPPORTUNITY This is the LAST month you can join the COC for just $57. Plus, join us and you'll get access to everything we have going on this month: A new course…Mastering Your Money Mindset Activating Next Level Courage Workshop How to be Someone Who Does Big Things Workshop 2022 Goal Accountability Support Coaching  And of course, Q&A with me on a live call where you can get coached on anything.  Click here to join the COC at our lowest rate.    

 #477: How to Have the Courage to Be Disliked | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:23

Having the courage to be disliked gives you personal power. It gives you the freedom to be yourself. It elevates your emotional maturity and it frees you from the cycle of overthinking from worrying what other people think. If you want to learn how to stop caring what people think, stop people pleasing, or stop overthinking about your social life, this coaching episode is for you. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to

 #476: How to Believe in Your Big Goal with Confidence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:11

You were probably told to believe in yourself, and to believe in your dreams. But, where you ever taught how to actually believe? What the steps are? How to build belief? Approach your goals entirely differently, with more confidence and bold belief than ever before by learning how to believe in your big goal with confidence. This coaching podcast will teach you what you need to know to start believing with unwavering confidence. ________________ Take what you learn on the podcast deeper, and really experience massive life change by joining me RISK-FREE in the COLLEGE OF CONFIDENCE. Find out more and get started at Get my FREE EBOOK of faith-based affirmations, an instant download, my gift to you. Just go to To learn how to stop caring what people think, take my FREE INSTANT ACCESS MASTERCLASS. Just go to Order my customized journals from Amazon at Get a copy of my newest book, STRAIGHTEN YOUR CROWN. You can get the audiobook, Kindle or paperback version at Amazon by going to Want to get on my waiting list for my next 1:1 coaching spot? Fill out an application at For more notes from this episode, go to


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