The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: 10 THINGS TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST YEAR YET<br> PODCAST #299 <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:<br> <br> 10 things you can do to make this year your best year yet<br> What I'm doing this year that's different than I've ever done before<br> A sneak peak of what to expect for our celebration of the 300 episode mark!<br> <br> <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK: <br> Shelby.Eichstat<br> <br> BEST LIFE-CHANGING PODCAST I HAVE EVER LISTENED TO!<br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE:<br> This podcast is sponsored in part by my partnership with Beautycounter. Beautycounter has single-handedly transformed my relationship with my skin, with beauty and with my confidence in my self-care routine. More than that, Beautycounter is a company that puts health first and is a company who is making waves in the US and Canada at demanding that other companies do the same. Shop for your own Beautycounter and become a customer of mine (and yes, I love to love on my customers, so you'll hear from me with overwhelming thanks!) at www.beautycounter.com/trishblackwell<br> 10 THINGS TO MAKE THIS YEAR THE BEST YEAR YET:<br> 1. Get a Focus Word<br> -Word of the year<br> <br> -Feeling of the year<br> <br> -The power of power statements and written truths<br> 2.Get a Goal<br> -A goal is a dream that has a commitment - it is a dream being chased<br> <br> -Know what you want, and what you don't want<br> <br> -Dare to share your goal<br> 3.Get a Plan<br> -Take your goal and make it manageable<br> <br> -Set up champagne moment celebrations<br> <br> -Write the plan out and create a system<br> 4.Get Grateful <br> -Make gratitude a daily practice<br> <br> -Review last year with gratitude lens<br> <br> -Recognize that gratitude separates you from the past you<br> 5.Get Progress-Obsessed <br> -Progress, not perfection<br> <br> -Frees you from overthinking, just gets you to take action<br> <br> -Keeps you in your lane, celebrating baby steps and champagne moments<br> 6.Get Boundaries<br> -Social time, work time, fitness time, family time, admin / life time<br> <br> -Seasons of focus throughout the year<br> <br> -Start saying yes to what you want and no to what you don't<br> 7.Get Connected <br> -Better relationships, better conversations<br> <br> -Deeper rooted into your community<br> <br> -More present with your family<br> 8. Get Disconnected <br> -Be mindful of technology distractions<br> <br> -Turn off the TV and social media at specific times<br> <br> -Detox the comparison feeding machine<br> 9.Get a Coach<br> -Coaches help you make yourself value, give you radical follow-through<br> <br> -You aren't on your own<br> <br> -Everyone needs strategy, guidance and encouragement. You can't afford to not get a coach!<br> 10.Get in a Mastermind<br> -We become who we surround ourselves with<br> <br> -Personal growth and dream chasing doesn't have to feel so lonely<br> <br> -The College of Confidence is the perfect place to start!<br> WHAT I'M DOING DIFFERENTLY THIS YEAR<br> I'm slowing down - stressing less, sleeping more, simply being present.<br> <br> I'm challenging my mindset limitations.<br> <br> I'm praying through the concept of "being enough" and "being loved."<br> <br> I'm deciding to be different than the world around me.<br> ANNOUNCEMENTS: <br> Annual Guidebook! Get your growth with a guide and take some of the guesswork out of it for yourself, for FREE! Download your copy of the 2019 Guidebook at www.trishblackwell.com/guidebook<br> DRUM ROLL.....NEXT WEEK!<br> Join me for a live workshop on Facebook,  How to Silence Self-Doubt  2019!<br> <br> Save your spot for FREE at www.trishblackwell.com/silenceselfdoubt<br> <br> College of Confidence! <br> <br> Our doors are open again!!! Go to www.collegeofconfidence.com and enroll today!<br>