The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: PODCAST #301:<br> 33 PRACTICAL WAYS TO STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU<br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast  we are talking about:<br> <br> How I've struggled with worrying what people think about me in my past (and how I've learned to move past it)<br> Sign to help you know if you struggle with this<br> 33 practical ways to stop worrying about what people think of you<br> <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP<br> This podcast is sponsored today by my online membership, The College of Confidence, the one-stop membership site for increasing confidence. Enrollment and access has been closed for months, but we are now opening the doors and inviting you to join us for the most affordable and engaging coaching services around. Join us for as low as $20 and get the coaching you need to equip you with confidence as you pursue your calling.  Find out more and get started at www.collegeofconfidence.com<br> <br> And of course, y'all know I love me some Beautycounter. If you're into clean eating and tidying up your life, then adding clean beauty is going to be your jam. Go shop and see why I love it so much at beautycounter.com/trishblackwell <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK: <br> Mrs. ZQD <br> <br> I started listening to Trish's podcast after going through a really tough time in my life, mentally. Trish's podcast along with her book have allowed me to work through that in a possible way. I love the different tips, and "homework" she gives you. This par helps the most because you get to journal about your feelings and really think about what you really do want in life. I also LOVE how it is all connected to God. Trish makes you feel comfortable and she doesn't make you feel alone, she is in this with you! I definitely recommend giving it a listen, you won't regret it!<br> HOW I HAVE STRUGGLED WITH THIS IN MY PAST<br> <br> The first time I heard "I beat Trish Blackwell" in the locker room - I realized people talked about me behind my back<br> I wanted people to think I was special - a superstar in swimming; I wanted to be someone people talked about positively<br> Friendships; being an elite athlete, and also homeschooled made me different, I was desperate to fit in and have people like me so I turned into a huge people pleaser.<br> High school; I was the poorest kid in a prestigious boarding school. I relied on kindness and my social leadership skills to be a "social floater" and it worked - everyone "liked" me, but it all felt superficial and I spent enormous amounts of energy managing these relationships, and more importantly, my image.<br> College; wanting to be cool and to be the perfect balance of a Division I student-athlete sorority perfect student with both party friends and Christian friends.<br> Scholarship pressure; fear of not deserving it, impostor syndrome, pressure to perform, worry that people would think I didn't deserve it.<br> Adulthood; dating the wrong men because I wanted status (models, pro athletes), and compromising my values in the process. Partying and acting out someone I wasn't in order to have the respect of cool adults - I wanted the status and image that I was carefree and successful.<br> Body Image; thinking that if I had a perfect body - in high school, college and also as a trainer in my career - that then people would think higher of me or have more respect for me, and for the times (which was most of the time) when I felt like I failed living up to that image, I want to hide from the world and felt like a failure.<br> Hair; my natural insecurity with hair (stemming from a moment I was too sensitive with something my mom said) - fear that I am not pretty and that people are judging me by my hair.<br> Business and my first book / building my brand; putting yourself out vulnerably is terrifying, but in order to help people and serve the audience I felt God was calling me to serve,