The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: HOW TO FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT<br> PODCAST #294 <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:<br> <br> How to fake it till you make it<br> The difference between bad faking it and good faking it<br> How to step into being the person you've always wanted to be<br> <br> <br> <br> With special guest, someone who has made a significant difference in my own personal life:<br> <br> Caroline Lotinga, Client Strategy Director, MOI Global<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> Cara Chavez<br> <br> Trish done a wonderful job with bringing real life issues to the table. Being a person who really has negative thinking about herself, especially coming into  adulthood, Trish has and continues to help me process the daily struggles. She has helped me change my perspective and is teaching me to give myself permission not FORGIVE myself and those around me. I am still on the "struggle bus" but with the help of this podcast, I am slowly getting off that bus!! Go me!<br> INTERVIEW WITH CAROLINE - TAKEAWAYS:<br> Decide who you want to be, and then have the courage to be that person.<br> <br> When you step into confidence and into your best self, not everyone will like it - that is the guidance you need to know who to keep in your life and who to let phase out.<br> <br> Look good, feel good, be good.<br> <br> Speak up and act your way into confidence.<br> ANNOUNCEMENTS:<br> This podcast is sponsored in part today by my upcoming Momboss Mastermind group launching in 2019. If you are a mom and you are an entrepreneur, and you want to double your income and double your free time in 2019 so that you can do more of what makes you happy, then this group is for you. Apply today, applications are closing soon and I don't want you to miss out. Go to www.trishblackwell.com/mastermind for more details!<br> LISTENER OF THE WEEK: <br> Marlisa Holester<br> <br> Hey Trish!!<br> Thank you so much for all your amazing podcasts! I have been a faithful listener of yours for several years now and am so incredibly encouraged and motivated to keep growing. You are one of the most consistent voices of truth in my life and have helped me overcome/continue to work through disordered eating habits, abusive relationships, and self-sabotage as a result of hating myself. I have come a loooong way over the past 2 years but still have such a long way to go. I’m excited to see how God will continue to grow and heal me though.  One really exciting thing I absolutely had to tell you about was me and my husband’s newest venture we just finished. In March of this year we set out to hike the entire Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine and have just completed it on the October 14th. What a crazy hard but amazing adventure it was and it was so special to do it together with my husband who is the best man in the world and has been such a strong rock to me through everything. We celebrated our 5 year anniversary out there and are so blessed to have such a happy beautiful relationship and to also be able to complete this epic hiking journey.  I want to thank you though for your consistent truth you speak over us listeners on taking action, doing hard things, and taking control of our own success and happiness!  I did such a 180 turn in my thinking once I started listening and I just want to give you some of the credit for me completing this hike and say a big THANK YOU to you for all you invested in my life through your podcasts. I had down days sometimes on the trail and if I needed a little encouragement, I popped my earbuds in and turned my Trish podcast on! it worked!  Thank you for all the time you put in each week to deliver us listeners an amazing podcast and for faithfully showing up and using your gifts and your stories to bring truth and love to the world! You truly are making a beautiful difference in so many lives!️<br> -Marlisa<br> <br> P.S.