The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: GOD SAYS YOU ARE WONDERFUL: HOW TO BELIEVE IT. <br> PODCAST #306<br> This week on The Confidence Podcast, we're chatting about:<br> <br> Why does God think you're wonderful in the first place? Is this really true?<br> 5 lifestyle steps to take daily to activate this from your head to your heart<br> How to believe that you are wonderful in an active, real-life, confident way<br> God says this is true!<br> <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE: <br> This episode is brought to you today by my FREE micro-course, the Quick Confidence Boost.<br> <br> That little voice inside that's telling you-you're not enough? It's lying. It's mean. It's a bully. And it's keeping you from the life God created you to live. I say "no more!" My self-bully used to shame me. It kept me small, scared and in a state of self-sabotage. Then I got tired of it, and I learned how to stand up to the bully. I'll teach you the step-by-step process to start doing the same thing.<br> <br> Join my FREE micro-course, a 7-day confidence coaching course, and you feel changes in your internal self-talk with these quick, 3-minute FREE coaching videos. I spent too many years of my life silenced by self-doubt. I will do anything in my power to help free other women from having to suffer any longer. You were created to shine light into this world, but to shine brightly we've gotta get rid of the bully that's keeping you from living muted. Start the FREE micro-course today at www.trishblackwell.com/quickconfidenceboost<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK: <br> <br> <br> Mermaid13355<br> <br> Before listening to your podcast, I was always the victim of my dramas, I was safely on the sidelines of life...outside looking in, my mind was stuck in my regrets of the past, or paralyzed with dread of the future. After years of listening to your podcasts, and becoming a recent member of The College of Confidence, I have a lot more moments of being victorious rather than a victim. I am more present in my moments rather than transpired to past or future. I have learned to say yes to events and people that sparkle my soul and say no to events and people that are toxic. I am giving back more to my world...and this feels awesome! Thank you, Trish...God has given you a gift to inspire others to choose joy instead of sadness in their lives!<br> GOD SAYS ARE YOU WONDERFUL, WHY?<br> Because you have a life.<br> <br> Because He does not make mistakes.<br> <br> Because this world needs light, love and of the 7 billion+ humans alive right now, there needed to be you.<br> <br> Because there is no one who has existed before like you.<br> <br> Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made - look at the science of biology and the chances of you being born. (1 in 400 trillion)<br> <br> Because you are valuable and have dignity.<br> <br> Do you realize what has to happen for you to be born, and the chances you came out as you? The odds of you being born as you are about 1 in 400 trillion, or more.<br> OK, I GET IT, NOW WHAT? 5 LIFESTYLE STEPS TO TAKE DAILY.<br> <br> Write out your power truth of the day.<br> Have an active plan to detox negative, distracted thinking that doesn't serve you. (gratitude, old vs new me, action, breath work, anxiety)<br> Live with a mindset of simplicity. (don't overcomplicate, reduce comparison, limit technology, track how you spend your time and know what you want)<br> Spend time with God (ask for Him to show you what He sees in you)<br> Get obsessed with the positive and with your ownership over your feelings (process your feelings, your thoughts, your perspective, your statements - "I'm so busy" &gt; Hunter boots example, slow down, take action and prove to yourself that you aren't actually as busy as you think"<br> <br> BELIEVE IT INTO AN ACTIVE PLACE<br> Repeat, repeat, repeat.<br> <br> Focus on progressive growth and micro-belief changes.<br> <br>