The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary: THE MOST ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CONFIDENCE <br> PODCAST #295<br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're chatting about:<br> <br> The most frequently asked questions about confidence in general<br> The questions I am most often asked as a confidence coach about my own confidence<br> How to have more confidence more consistently <br> <br> <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE:<br> This podcast is brought to you by my FREE online confidence course, Quick Confidence Boost, the perfect mindset reset for you to close out 2018 with as you prep your confident mind for all that is to come in 2019. Get the free coaching course now at www.trishblackwell.com/quickconfidenceboost<br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK: <br> Elizabeth727<br> <br> I'm a fairly new listener ... but I"m going through some rough times in my life and this podcast always provides a positive light and create advice, positive and just so much more! Will definitely be continuing to listen! Update - I've not been listening to Trish for over a year! She is one outs a few podcasts that I listen to regularly. She never fails to provide amazing value and messages that are so relatable and applicable to my life! Trish teaches us how to apply her message and love our best lives! So thankful for you Trish!<br> THE 5 THINGS PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT CONFIDENCE<br> <br> Does being confident mean that you never felt self-doubt?<br> Do you have to be extraverted to be confident?<br> How do you become more confident?<br> How long does it take to create real change with your confidence?<br> What's the biggest threat to confidence?  (self-bullying + comparison)<br> <br> THE 5 THINGS I AM MOST ASKED ABOUT MY CONFIDENCE AS A CONFIDENCE COACH<br> <br> What do I do when I am feeling insecure, anxious or filled with self-doubt?<br> How do you and your husband communicate so well together?<br> What does my day look like / how do I manage my time?<br> How did I learn to stop beating myself up and really let go of perfectionism?<br> How do I convince myself that enough is enough when, by nature, I am programmed to do more, more, more?<br> <br> LISTENER OF THE WEEK:<br> Hi Trish,<br> <br> I hope all is well!  I am a big fan of yours and hoping you can give me some advice.  I admire the way you created your own business doing what you love to do (help others through podcasting, writing, creating confidence programs, etc.).  I also enjoy self-help and recently started my own blog.  I'm at a difficult point in my career as a teacher and often question whether or not teaching is what I want to do.  Sometimes I think about the idea of creating my own business blogging and creating self-help material.  I'm scared that my business wouldn't be successful, especially since I have very few blog followers right now.  How did you get to where you are now?  How did you make the choice to leave the career field you were in before you started your own business?  How do I know if I should leave what I know and used to love to try something I might like?  Please let me know if you have a podcast episode about this already and I'll definitely check it out.  :)<br> <br> Thanks,<br> Kaitlin