Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Suspense – The Diary of Sophronia Winters (Agnes Mooorehead). ep39, 430427 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

A spinster takes a vacation after the passing of her father. After a dedicated life as her father's care taker, the naive Sophronia is thrilled with the sensuous life of sunny Florida. The sights, sounds and freedom are thrilling. Sophronia's practical nature is sidelined, when a man takes notice of her and sweeps her off her feet. The whirlwind romance soon ends up with the woman married to this mysterious man from Maine. With no ties to her old life back in the mid-West, Sophronia enjoys her resppectable life as a blushing bride on her honeymoon. Her dream life comes to an end once the couple arrive back in the rugged part of Maine. The hotel may be as impressive as promised, but it's a relic from a time gone by, and without modern conveniences, the off season turns it into a lonely prison for Sophronia. But the pplace is worse than a prison, as dark family secrets emerge. Has Sophronia married a psychopathic killer? Will she become the next in a line of womenwho lay, buried in the back yard? Enjoy the twists in this dark, psychological thriller.

 A Date With Judy – The Pig. ep20, 420804 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:14

At home alone, Judy is chosen by Oogie to take care of the school mascot, a guinea pig. When Judy refuses, Randolph has an idea that's sure to work for the desperate keeper of the mascot. Judy isn't thrilled that Randolph's brilliant idea just made her the mother of a guinea pig named Baby. What will Judy's friends think about the happenings? The rumor mill soon turns a guinea pig named baby, into the new arrival of a baby to the Foster home. Imagine father's surprise over hearing about the new baby in the house. He phones home, and is still mixed up, even though Judy confirms that Baby is doing fine. All he knows for sure is the new addition was left on his door step. Contacting mother, the parents gear up for caring for the new baby. Soon, the news of the Foster's baby reaches a reporter, and grown ups begin inquiring about throwing a shower for the baby. The horror of the crossed wires begin to sink in for Judy and Randolph, but what can they do? Can they stop the scramble to get bottles, nipples, doctors, and all the other trappings? Not to mention breaking the news to her excited parents.

 Jill’s All Time Jukebox – Benny Goodman – Buckle Down Winsocki. ep31, 450821 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:23

Playlist * Benny Goodman - Buckle Down Winsocki * Merrymacks - Hutsa Song * Glenn Miller - PennsylvAnia 6-2000 * Bing Crosby - Sierra Sue * Tommy Dorsey - Sunny side Of The Street * Stan Kenton - Eager Beaver * Judy Garland - Our Love Affair * Gene Kroupa - Wild Brush Stomp * Benny Goodman - I Found A New Baby

 Lux Radio Theater – Swannee River (Al Jolson). 450402 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

A story of the life of Steven Foster. A man from the North, who was inspired by the sounds of the South. He drags his fiancee Jane with him to compose his latest melody at a piano in a saloon. Scandalous! Though he is determined to write music, Steven knows he can't afford to get mmarried on a song writers salary. Seeking out the king of the minstrel show, Steven sells his first song. Al Jolson sings a few bars of Oh Suzanna. The song is an immediate hit, and more pour forth. But not all are readily received by publisshing houses. How are things going with Jane? Has he found his niche with EP Christy and his minstrel show? Christy, played by Al Jolson, sings the hits as fast as Steven can write them. Wedding bells ring, and Steven takes Jane for his bride. The marriage gets off on a rocky path, with Steven's composing interupting. There's also the matter of a drinking problem to contend with. At the height of his success, Jane announces that a baby is expected. Then things begin to fall apart at the loss of family. Steven sings, Old Black Joe. Their relationship crumbles. Will Steven be able to get his career back on track? Can he and Jane work to patch their marriage? Will he ever be able to control his drinking?

 Whistler – Patients for the Doctor. ep79, 431121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

On a stormy night, a doctor is worried for his patients. So why does his wife refuse to let him out of the house? Meanwhile, traveling a lonely road, a young couple find themselves in need of a doctor after having a close call with a car crash. Approaching the doctor's house on the hill, more dangers seem to be in place designed to keep Jane and Paul away. Knocking on the door, the couple are unwelcome, but at least manage to be given shelter from the storm, and Jane's mother can be given treatment. We learn that Dr. Harris had been burned some years ago in a house fire. Why is Mrs. Harris so rude, while he is so kindly? What is behind the mysterious light that came on in the room down the hall? What dangers might be present with the stranger lurking in the house? Matters continue to grow more curious. Jane's mother is moved to another room. Dr. Harris shows up at unexpected moments. Why does the good doctor show up with a can of kerosene? Secrets are revealed in the moments of madness that follows, and the Whistler is on hand to make the mystery plain.

 Jack Armstrong – Luminous Dragon Eye Ring. ep21, 401028. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:20

A gap of about two weeks worth of shows have gone by in the world of radio history. When we last left our heros, they were approaching Honolulu, and Blackbeard had used a smoke bomb to act as a diversion so he could escape, and steal both the chart, and dragon eye ring. Today they have crossed the Pacific, and are cruising off the Philippines as they approach their sunken treasure of uranium. Betty marvels at the pretty little harbor as the entire crew gives picturesque description of the view. The scooner that had been following them is the Black Shark, but there hasn't been any sign of it lately. There are other native boats out in the harbor, and the crew all discuss their activities. When one of the boats is in trouble, is it wise for the Spindrift to interfere? The natives in the boats are restless, dangerous, and bent on catching the native in the lead boat. Who was the stranger they just rescued, and why was he being chased? Find out in the next installments.

 Mr. and Mrs. North – The Norths Get Wired For Sound. ep82, 440719 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:40

The Norths go for a walk to cool off on a hot Summer day. After seeing a record shop where you cqan make recordings, and trying to be romantic, they decide to record themselves for posterity. They do their best to recite poetry and make love to the other. Pam doesn't think the record will turn out like they expect. Before they can get home, gun shots rring out, and their driver crashes into a lamp posst. Finally home, the record shop worker is waiting to say they have the wrong record. Jerry insists on playing the record to be sure. Who was on the record? Did their message mean anything? When the owner of the mixed up record is on hand, Jerry insists on keeping the record. Returning to the record studio, the Norths find it on fire, and a body is inside. Was the fire a cover up for murder? Back home, the Norths find an intruder. All the burglar got was the record. However, Jerry had the foresight to switch the record sleeves. Will answers be found in a nightclub? Jerry takes the dcops, and the mystery of the record shop is revealed. Will there be gunp[lay before the drug ring is broken?

 Vic and Sade – Christmas Suggestions For The Boss. 421027. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:27

Sade comes home and is surprised to find Vic home instead of Rush. She is further surprised when Vic asks her to help with the work he brought home. It isn't his usual accounting work, but a special task. Vic was given the job to get a Christmas gift for the boss. His idea was to put up a suggestion box, ask employees to write three suggestions on a slip of paper, and collect the results. The top repeated gift ideas will be what he buys. Smart idea. As he and Sade go through the slips, they find some ideas good, others goofy, and a couple of abuses of people dropping other items into the box. Vic is near frustration by the end of the chore, but some duplicate gift ideas are arrived at. The list of gift ideas are funny and cute, as are the reactions and comments from Vic and sade.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – The Old Timer is on the Lam. . , ep336, 421027 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

The Old Timer is desperate, and seeks shelter from the McGee’s. What did he do that was so bad? Before he can answer, Abigail Uppington enters. Can they keep the Old Timer out of sightwhile she’s there. Maybe the hall closet will be a better hiding place… or not? Billy Mills plays a swinging tune. The McGees learn that the FBI is after the Old Timer. But will they have to wait for his life story to find out more? interruptions include a visit from Harlowe Wilcox, who twist the FBI topic into a commercial. Mayor Latrivia —pops in with a poetic message to encourage folks to support the war. A word play gets Fibbers dander up over being called a dog. The Kingsmen sing, The Rose of Juarez. Will the Old Timer come clean? So far we don’t know much, other than he was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. Teeny visits as Molly takes the Old Timer to the kitchen for a bite. The tiny tot talks to Fibber about ringing the doorbell, and about the real reason we celebrate Halloween. Will we ever learn about the trouble with the FBI?

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Andrews Sisters and Joe Frisco. ep20, 470226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:07

Playlist * Liza (Bing) * Somebody to Love (Les Paul and Bing) * Joe Frisco talks horse racing with Bing * It Had to be You Skitch Henderson instrumental * South America Take It Away (Bing with the anddrews Sisters) * You don't Have to Know the Language (Bing with the anddrews Sisters) * So Have I (Bing)

 Barry Craig – Ghost of a Chance. 511219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:09

A claims agent calls on barry Craig to investigate an insurance claim. The policy has already been paid out, but a tip has come in that it may have been fraudulent. Barry sets out to interview the widow. He also has a court order to exhume the body. The old caretaker at the cemitary claims he has seen ghosts. Does he know who had already dug up the grave? Barry makes the rounds and ends up in a tavern. As he trails his suspect,Barry rescues a dame, and knocks out a ghost. Although the dame claims the man was definitely not her late husband. Waiting for his ghost to revive, Barry keeps him under wraps and interrogates his man. He tells his stor of a man who looks like him, and jumped from a train platflrm. Turning the man over to the cops, Barry continues his investigation. It's back to the graveyard for answers. Who buried the casket full of rocks? Who was the medical person who signed off on the death? Danger looms, but Barry finds Remo Torch, and returns him home. Stay tuned as he explains all.

 Six Shooter – Red Lawson’s Revenge. 531025. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:43

While riding to meet a friend and his wife, Bret meets up with another traveller. They share their camp for the night, and discover they are going to meet the same man, but for different purposes. The man is out for revenge on Brit's friend Dan. Armed with the new info, Brit breaks camp and goes to prepare his friend and defend him. Did Dan kill the traveller's brother as he claimed? At the ranch, Brit gets a warm welcome from his friends, Dan and Mary. The couple have left the old, life of violence in the past, or so they think. Brit can't bring himself to break the news as Mary shows off her new baby. Seeing his chance, Brit warns Dan of the revenge that Red Lawson has planned. Will Dan take a stand? Will his peaceful life that he has enjoyed be shattered? Brit takes the matter to the sheriff, but finds the office empty, and the sheriff away on business. Red Lawson rides into town, and Brit confronts him, and tries to talk sense to him. The man is fanatical over getting his revenge, even if it means costing his own life. Brit goes over the matters at hand in his mind as he rides back to Dan's ranch. What kind of defense can they put up against a man like Red? Tensions grow as the guys try to shield Mary from the ominous news. Eventually, just when Brit rides off, Red makes his appearance. What will happen in the suspenseful moments that come? Will Mary and her baby be safe? By the time that Brit realizes that he has been on a wild goose chase, will he return in time to be of any help? Red savors his torture of Dan's emotions as he holds the baby hostage, and at gunpoint. Brit's voice over presents the unexpected turn of events that brings deliverance from the threat.

 Jack Benny – Jack Buys A G-String. ep857, 531025 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Rochester is helped by his friend Roy, as he cleans up after the party of the night before. What's the latest news about the Coleman's? Rochester be getting married to his gal, Suzy? They discuss... let's say the frugality of Jack. Polly chats with Jack and Roy, then Bob Crosby pops in on a personal matter. Will Jack help out with a guessing game on Bob's other program? Rochester returns with the mail. Note: the audio skips a little bit through here. Is Jack getting more generous? He actually pays Roy for his time, to the surprise of Rochester. As Jack gets ready to practice his violin, he gets a call from Don Wilson, who is phoning from a phone booth. Why does he sound so funny? The Sportsmen are with him, and sing a version of, Lady-O. Tuning up his violin, Jack breaks a string, and needs to gget a new one. Taking a walk, since the Maxwell is broken down, Jack greets people on the street. Namely a French nurse maid, a baby, but will they believe that Jack can get them into the movies? In the music store, Jack ponders where he'd be without his success in radio and TV. Besides his violin string, he shops for some new records. Frank Nelson gives Jack a hard time making his sale.

 Mysterious Traveler – Queen of the Cats. ep31, 440702 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

A frustrated 22 year old Miss Jane Elliot is worried about her fiancee. How will Mr Chris Arnold take it when she brings home a doctor to examine him? In flashback, we learn what went down at a party a couple years earlier. The black haired beauty had swept him off his feet. The school friend of Jane's had been a lover of cats, and always had a few around. Is it only a fetish, or is the love for cats something deeper? Is the love Chris has for Rhonda only a passing thing? He finds out too late, and only after he is married to the cat lady. The week pass, but the feelings for cats only becomes hatred for Chris. What will become of the mismatched lovers, and the army of cats that are ever present? If divorce is no option, will Chris be driven to end the marriage by death? After an argument, he drives their car over a cliff, and though Chris manages to survive Rhonda dies. But has it ended the presence of Rhonda in his life? If anything the plague of cats grows wooers'. Driven to madness by dreams and the presence of cats, Chris goes around shooting any of the felines that cross his path. Will the doctor be able to offer a cure? Will a marriage to Jane help him overcome his fears?

 A Date With Judy – Moving Day. ep19, 420728 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

The Fosters sit near the phone, waiting for a long distance call from mother. She is visiting grandmother, and soon all the distant relatives take their turn on the line. Will the family be moving soon? Eager to go, Judy and Randolph begin making pplans to move tomorrow. Judy and Randolph find the house with the "For Sale" sign, in the yard and are impressed at how big the place is. It even has a fish pond. The kids set out to stock the pond with guppies, change the wallpaper, and paint the floors. The gas man pops in, and since he can't find the meter he lends a hand in the papering job. To speed things along, Randolph gets all his friends to help. A snag arises when Judy has to pay an installation bill in cash. Now she has to ruin the surprise of the work she has been doing at the new place by calling father's office. Meanwhile, mother and father arrive home with grandma, only to be surprised by the missing furniture. Now its Judy who is surprised to learn who is actually moving. Can they find their furniture? Will the real owner of the fixed up house appreciate the upgrades? At least its the most exciting time grandma has had in years. Now, where is that misplaced furniture?


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