Mr. and Mrs. North – The Norths Get Wired For Sound. ep82, 440719

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The Norths go for a walk to cool off on a hot Summer day. After seeing a record shop where you cqan make recordings, and trying to be romantic, they decide to record themselves for posterity. They do their best to recite poetry and make love to the other. Pam doesn't think the record will turn out like they expect. <br> Before they can get home, gun shots rring out, and their driver crashes into a lamp posst. Finally home, the record shop worker is waiting to say they have the wrong record. Jerry insists on playing the record to be sure. Who was on the record? Did their message mean anything? <br> When the owner of the mixed up record is on hand, Jerry insists on keeping the record. Returning to the record studio, the Norths find it on fire, and a body is inside. Was the fire a cover up for murder? Back home, the Norths find an intruder. All the burglar got was the record. However, Jerry had the foresight to switch the record sleeves. <br> Will answers be found in a nightclub? Jerry takes the dcops, and the mystery of the record shop is revealed. Will there be gunp[lay before the drug ring is broken? <br>