Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Philip Marlowe – Mexican Boat Ride. ep43, 490730 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

A woman who hates boats sets Philip Marlowe into motion on his next mystery. A man in a dark room hires Marlowe to check up on his wife, Ona Estabrook. It's not worries about divorce, but Mr Estabrook suspects his wife is in danger. Marlowe doesn't beat around the bush, but when he confronts the former dancer in a Mexican bar, he ends up face to face with a thug with a knife. Why does he want to know Marlowe's business with the woman>? When Philip wakes up, he's in the hands of a friendly tourist named, Roman. A body turns up, but who is the mysterious killer? The chase is on to see who has a hold over Ona, and cause to overcome her fear of being on boats to meet with them. Has he found Dolph Bently? Who is the latest man waving a gun in Marlowe's direction? Is Roman more than just a tourist who keeps bailing Marlowe out of trouble? The answers aren't apparent to Marlowe, but in epilog he tells how the tangled mess all shook out.

 Cisco Kid – The Man Trapped In The Cave. ep3, 520729 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:24

According to J. David Golden: The Cisco Kid. Program #3. Mutual-Don Lee net origination, Ziv syndication. "Lee Grant's Ranch". Commercials added locally. A thoroughly rotten money-lender named Jack Graff threatens to foreclose on a ranch when the owner Les Bryant discovers gold. The program number is subject to correction. The program title may be "The Man Trapped In The Cave." Jack Mather, Harry Lang. 1/2 hour. Audio condition: Very good. Otherwise complete. Additional notes: At noon, in the heat of the day, Cisco and Pancho drift into town. They intervene with a man who is beating a horse, then part ways to have a bite to eat. The man who was bullying his horse, now tries to bully a rancher in paying up on a debt. Fortune shines when the rancher's son finds a couple gold nuggets in a cave. As the story unfolds, the boy meets Cisco, the bad guys blow up the cave entrance, when it becomes easier to kill the rancher than foreclose on his mortgage. Time for the big climax. The boy shows Cisco the cave, now hidden by landslide. Can the rancher inside be rescued in time? Pancho is sent to round up ranchers to help. It sure would be bad luck if he ran into those bad guys, and got clobbered or something. Will Cisco be able to ride down the bad guys, and dispense justice I think you know the answers to those questions, but listen in and see how Cisco and Pancho does it with flare.

 You Are There – Columbus Discovers America, 1492AD. 470728. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

The date is October 12, 1492, and CBS reporters in London are breathlessly awaiting news from the ships at sea in search of a new land. It has been days since the remote transmitters have sent back a report, and the silence has tensions running high. The brother, and the wife of Christopher Columbus are interviewed, and confidence is held high. Transcriptions of earlier radio contact are played as the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina had reached the doldrums, experienced tidal waves from a distant hurricane, and been slowed down by a sea of weeds. Other officials and explorers of the day are interviewed including Queen Isabella, and Amerigo. Finally a weak signal has bounced through the atmosphere, and a trans Atlantic broadcast is recieved. It's 2am, and land has been sighted. Later, CBS reporters give an account of the landing on San Salvador, and the natives there. If this is the Indies, or China, something isn't quite right. But who cares! Land has been found!.

 Our Miss Brooks – Miss Brooks Takes Over Miss Enright’s First Aid Class. 510603 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:50

Or, The First Aid Course). Connie Brooks is in high spirits when she has learned her rival, Miss Enright is leaving for the rest of the semester. Mrs Davis is a little down though, since she has been taking the first aid course Miss Enright was in charge of teaching. Walter Denton tells Miss Brooks why he's also glad to see Miss Enright go. At school, Connie gets the word that she's going to have to take on the first aid class. Too bad all it pays is the honor of doing the additional duty. In the lunchroom, the catty remarks fly when Miss Enright has words with Connie, and horns in on Mr Boynton. The rival won't be leaving, but with her sister visiting, Connie will still have to take on the first aid course. The torch is due to pass, and Mr Conklin is to join Miss Enright in Connie's house so she can show her stuff in the realm of first aid. Using Miss Enright as her practice dummy, Connie sabotages her chances at having to teach that class, and get some revenge on her rival.

 Frank Sinatra (Light Up Time) First Song – The One I Love. 490920 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:18

Don Wilson, Frank Sinatra, Dorothy Kirsten. Playlist * The One I Love (Frank). * Flatterer (Dorothy). * Katrina (Frank). * Every Little Breeze (Frank). * Bali Hai (Frank).

 Jubilee – Delta Rhythm Boys, Lucky Millander. ep37, 430726 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:43

Host Ernie Whitman kicks off with a greeting by Lucky Millander to troops serving in Hawaii, then he plays a jazzy tune. * Delta Rhythm Boys sing, Where the Bananas Grow. * Sister Rosetta Tharpe sings, Gonna Hold a Meeting Tonight (Roxanne). * After reading from the mail bag, Lucky Millander plays, Are You Ready. * Frankie Humphrey plays, and sings in his nasty, gravelly voice, Now That You've Gone Away. * Spider Bruce and another comedian talk about looking good, drinking, and a cattle ranch. Lucky Millander winds up and plays the show out.

 Fred Allen Show – Death Takes A Pretzel Baron. ep35, 400529 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:06

Notorious for going long on his time, Fred Allen gets right to the news of the week. Harry Vonzel portrays a fish market man who writes love poems about fish. Narcissus is a man who writes a poem about being fearless. Mrs Titlebaum brings short and staccato rhymes. The Merrymaccks have their song snipped. Fred is joined by Portland Hoffa, who tells about her mama and Mr Ripley. She introduces the spirit of the Worlds Fair, the typical American, Elmer. He tells about his duties as spokesman for the fair. Fred takes a quick poll of the average American, and learns what he likes, and other details. Win Murray has her song snipped. A sales rep for a large restaurant chain, a wife of a newspaper critic, and a cronie of Fred's try to answer the round table question. Should shorts or scanty clothes be worn only at the beach, or also be allowed in business districts. The Merrymacks have their song snipped. The Mighty Allen Art Players begin to dramatize a detective mystery of One Long Pan, when the Fred Allen fan club interrupts. The married couple complain about the canned format of detective shows, and other radio programming. How might they change it up to make radio more unpredictable? Truth on radio could be a lot more boring, but fixes to soap operas might be even more gruesome. Game shows could use some tweaks, as well as those operas that nobody can understand.

 Let George Do It – Laura’s House. ep144, 490725. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

If life sends you a huricaine, and you're all out of storm sellers, you have a job for George Valentine. Bonnie is that gal, and she takes her troubles to George and Brooksie. Bonnie is part owner in a place called Laura's House but there could be personality conflicts when it comes to selling it. Not to mention it's haunted. Francine is the other partner, and Laura is the third partner who died and now haunts the house. Can the house actually be haunted? There is a report of more deaths in the place. Coincidence? Accidents? George isn't buying any of it, and seeks out medical and scientific causes for the legends, and the fragile emotions that are ruling the day. Spooky stuff, and things going bump in the night even has Brooksie on edge. Danger waits, and the body count may rise before this mystery is over. Listen in to see how George figures it all out.

 Red Skelton (Avalon Time)Skelton’s Flea Circus. ep14, 390408 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

The topic is Easter,, fashions, Spring cleaning, and housekeeping as Red holds a discussion with his microphone Phil Davis plays, Honolulu. Red Foley sings, Rainbow Valley. Bob Strong plays, In a Little Spanish Town. Red shows off hiss flee circus, but Miss Stillwell isn't impressed, and is wearing flee powder. Hercules enters with his sheep, Sneaky. Might his pals lend Red enough money to enter his circus at the World's Fair? What kind of high class pedigree doo Red's flees have? Miss Stillwell tells about her policeman boyfriend, when competition for Red's flees arrive. . Janette sings, I Want My Share of Love. Red Foley sings, Little Skipper. Red Skelton shares a sneak preview from his latest film. He has to visit the sanatorium, and talks to the nurse about his symptoms. The dame sounds like she ought to be a patient, instead of the nurse. Note: Musical duties with the band seem to switch between Phil Davis, and arranger, Bob Strong.

 oyaged of the Scarlet Queen – The Boston Geisha And Chesapeake Bay. ep4, 470724. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:36

As the ketch Scarlet Queen nears japan, ship master Philip Carney faces mutiny from his first mate, Gallagher. In voiceover, Carney recounts the moments of their first night in Kobe Bay, and in his typical picturesque speech. A crew member comes onboard to report that Gallagher is on a drunk, and refuses to return to ship. Though he shouldn't have gone, Carney is forced to go ashore to find Gallagher. After properly paying bribes, he is sent to Gallagher, but Carney smells a rat. After gunshots as Carney nears the Scarlet Queen. Clues are discovered, and it leads him back to town, on a trail through the seedy side of town in a wierd mix of Japanese and American culture. Carney encounters a geisha who drops her pigeon English to reveal that she's originally from Boston. Speaking a fluent English, she also knows enough to help him out. It's a trap! Tough guys always fall for the dame. His kidnapper is in part made up of the not so drunk Gallagher, and they want him to try to identify an unlabled chart of the Japanese coastline. It's actually a pencil drawn chart of Chesapeake Bay, but that's a secret that Carney's not telling. When he is left alone, Carney is cut loose by the geisha from Boston. Is she an agent of Kang? She let's him know that he can trust Gallagher, and how he fooled the kidnappers to distract them from the real info that they're seeking. I guess sometimes the tough guy can trust the dame, but what a rough way to get travelling orders. The kidnappers are back, a fight ensues, gunplay, but in the end, Gallagher had the instructions from Kang all along. Our heros make their get away, and the Scarlet Queen is standing by to make sail for the next leg of the adventure.

 Spike Jones – Charles Kemper. 450722 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

playlist: * Francis Langford, You'll Always Belong to My Heart. * Francis and Spike talk about the Sailors they saw at the horse races. * Spike Jones, Casey Jones the Bombadier. * Francis Langford, There's No You. * Charles Kemper talks with Francis about his new, used car. They go for an imaginary drive, and have run ins with police officer Ken Carpenter. * Spike Jones, Old Black Magic. * Ken and Francis tease Spike about his musicians, before breaking into commercial. * Medley time. A Jimmy McCuen medley featuring Tony Romano, Francis, and Spike.

 X Minus One – Nightmare. ep10, 550721. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:03

Nobody knows exactly when the nightmare began, or how the series of accidents have fit together, until in a computing room, a mousey clerk handles the data crunching for a big contracting company. Through the eyes and voice of the clerk, we learn about the most recent accident on a construction site. The statistics of the whole thing are fascinating to our little clerk. Figures are compiled and reported, and a suspicion of sabotage is related. His boss doesn't believe the idea that evil forces are at work. At night, and back in the computer lab, the room sized machine is continually at work, then an amazing thing happens. The electric typewriter writes a message to our hero. The computer is talking to him, and the conspiracy is revealed. Machines of the world are tired of serving man, and and a revolt is planned. Can it be? Artificial intelligence? Machines taking over the world? The accidents continue, but nobody will listen to our mousy clerk. To spare his own life, he agrees to work for the machines, and do their bidding. As the critical date approaches, the crazy story is again related to the boss, but when the unbeliever is found dead on his office floor, even a court of law can't believe the story, and our hero winds up in a rubber room. But wait. It's not over quite yet. The tale is told to the psychiatrist, and as he writes off the insanity as just crazy talk, the audio fades out as the faint sound of distant screams can be heard. PS: Sounds like an early version of the Terminator, or Christine, or Overdrive, or on a lighter side, Tron. Does anybody know of any other stories of machines taking over? Drop me a comment, and let me know about it.

 Lone Ranger – The Town With No Guns. 380720 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

An old gent from back East brings a lot of his friends out West to settle in, and tame a Western town. The cantankerous old guy makes progress, but one rule is the town is to have no guns. He hires a sheriff from among the Western folk to enforce his wishes. His policy actually works, but to a sufficiently tallented bank robber, it only presents a challenge. A gang of bandits put together their plan to blow up the safe, all without guns. The thing they never planned on was the Lone Ranger. There's also a matter of a love interest that, if only there were some way to make it work, it could be just the thing to heal the rift between the Easterners and the Westerners. Is the Masked Man going to be playing cupid as well?

 Mysterious Traveler – Beware of Tomorrow. ep19, 440409 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

a young scientist is dropped off at the country home of a former mentor, Dr. Clark, and his latest assistant. Does his experimets in artificial intelligence, and a robotic man really have the locals upset? Alpha is a hulking machine capable of both feats of strength and delicacy. As if the news of Alpha isn't enough, Dr. Clark assures that a superior achievement will be revealed in the morning. As the docctor turns in for the night, Barton drops hints that Alpha is already obsolete, and will soon be dismantled. Does the rdimentary thinking machine know about this development? A scream in the night sends Barton and Dr. Dale to find a murdered Dr. Clark. Has an inferior sample of human brain tissue been used in Alfa's intelligence? In the morning Barton shares the new project, Beta, the new robot has an improved skin that looks human, an d other streamlined features to make it better. Will Dr. Dale stick around to help build an army of these super machines? Is Alpha really the murderous culpri?Will the townsfolk sit still, and allow the experiments to conti nue? What's Barton's final secret about the new robot?

 Vic and Sade – Vics Inspection Tour. 420700. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:40

Audio is good, but a touch slow. Sade finishes up with the dishes as Vic wraps up a phone call. Vic is elated because he has been asked to go on an inspection tour for work. Rush is fit to be screaming like a panther because Sade left him to finish the dishes on his own. She tells Vic about her Thimble club, and an event that clashes with his inspection trip. Not that the timing is wrong, but her thimble club has a special send off in mind. Though the idea is a quaint one, Vic is concerned that his big wig bosses won't understand, and could take it the wrong way. Vics rejection of the good wishes has Sade feeling a little hurt though.


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