Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Fort Laramie – Squaw Man. ep3, 560205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

The cavalry is called on to make sure wagon trains get through safely. The pioneer ladies may be enamored with the troops, but word comes from a frontiersman that an Indian uprising may be in the works. Confined to reservations, the tribe feels that the government hasn't been holding up its end on feeding them. Raiding parties are sure to prey on wagon trains if something doesn't change. Taking the request to hire the frontiersman as a scout, so he can support his young bride, and live in peace among the tribe, Captain Quince has his ideas shot down bye the major.. It isn't that the fort commander doesn't recognize the situation, it's that he is bound to follow orders. Allowing Quince the slack he needs, the platoon sets out. Can trouble be prevented? Will there be clashes as the cavalry protect the wagon trains? Will it mean danger for the frontiersman and his newfound people? Buffalo sign is found, and a deal is made with the chief. The tribes warriors will need to leave the reservation, and a time limit is set before the tribe takes matters into their own hands. So far, all that is seen is the mere sign of buffalo. The race is on to find the herd, and get word back to the tribe. Let's just say that the platoon gets the rare chance to enjoy a buffalo hunt, and the frontiersman is able to live in the fort with his bride. Um... as long as he can get her to do something about not walking through the fort topless... with all the young troopers standing by... in these steamy summer days.

 Songs By Sinatra – First Song – Just One Of Those Things. ep9, 431129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:43

Playlist: * Just One Of Those Things. * I Couldn't Sleep a Wink Last Night. * My Heart Tells Me. * I Took One Look at You.

 Lum and Abner – Sale Successful. 451115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Finding a `windfall of pre-war nylons and girdles, the sarge scrambles too put on a big sale. In the Jot Em Down store today, the gents close shop after a busy day and are wore to a frazzle. They're still amazed at how the ladies went wild over the rare items. They discuss the way the women fought over the garments, and being trampled. Now that the sale is over the gents swear never to have a sale like that one, even if it did bring in a lot of money. The gents nurse their bruises, and find grandpap sprawled on the floor. He claims to have been first in line, until the stampede hit. Hearing the sound of crying coming from the feed room, Lum leaves Abner to talk with grandpap while he goes to see if someone else has been trampled. Lum reports it's Miss Hartford. in their big sale, she didn't get to pick up a pair of nylons for herself.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – Acquitted. ep192, 470703. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

In the courtroom, a man is being sentenced, and is acquitted of his crime. Though the legal decision is made, tempers flare afterward, and a minor scuffle breaks out. Elsewhere, in the Blue Note Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert talk about the case. The acquitted man is no saint, and has a past as a professional robber. Casey learns that both the acquitted man and his lawyer have been gunned down. Who had it out for him. Did he know too much about mob activity? The cops have a likely suspect, but it just might be a frame up. Mike is a cop who threatened the released robber. Casey returns to the Blue Note to clear his head. Sure enough, Casey hits on an inspired thought, and pounces on the clue that was overlooked. Casey is sure he can clear Mike, and he's determined to know who the real killer is before the night is over. It won't be without risk or danger as Casey faces off with gangsters.

 Voyage of the Scarlet Queen – The Shanghai Secret. ep1, 470703. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:22

Note: If this seems like a repeat, it is... sort of. It's almost identical to the audition show (The Death of David Malone), although there are some minor differences, and this is actually a re-performance, and not exactly a rerun. The ketch, the Scarlet Queen sets sail out of San Fransisco after the murder of it's first mate. Ship Master, Philip Carney describes the ship, and his thrill in sailing her. His memories roll back to a conversation he had with a homicide detective about his first mate, David Malone. In flashback mode, we learn a little about Philip Carney as the cops interrogate him. It also begins the mystery of who killed the first mate, and what he might have gotten himself into to get himself killed. Who is the mysterious Mr Kang? He is the one who has commissioned the Scarlet Queen, and he alone knows where the treasure lays that is the final destination. Another character is introduced, Red Galigger. Red wants to be signed onto the crew as first mate, but is he being too pushy? Can he be trusted? In following up on Dave Malone's tracks, Carney follows the track to a certain night club, and a certain torch singer, played by Cathy Lewis, real life wife of Elliot Lewis, Philip Carney. How's that for trivial information for you? It also seems that Galigger has crossed paths with the dead first mate at a hotel. Is he connected to the murder? He has some information about it, but why does he know the things he does? Galigger claims to be acting as a spy to find out where the Scarlet Queen is going, but he really wants to be on Carney's side instead. Whether he can be trusted or not, he's the only lead to go on, so Carney sticks close to him. Carney tries to get info from the torch singer, but when things are getting tense, Galigger barges in to double cross him, and the real killer tries to rough up the ship Master to learn the true destination of the Scarlet Queen. Using his wits, and fighting spirit, Carney gets himself free. Through the struggle, Galigger proves himself to Carney, and the bad guys are turned over to the cops. The mystery of the day may be solved, but it's just the beginning of a larger voyage as the Scarlet Queen sets sail out of San Fransisco harbor. The dialog in the show is certainly full of picturesque speech that takes the listener into the exotic adventure of a lifetime as we all set sail for an unknown destination that promises treasure, and exciting moments on the high seas.

 Molle Mystery Theater (AFRS) Fifty Candles. 440725 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:01

Actually a Mystery Playhouse presentation. Match wits with Earl D Biggers, the creater of the Charlie Chan series of stories. George is an employee at a big corporation and is expected to keep quiet over a company secret. Instead of the promotion he expeccts, he's fired when he won't play ball. In voiceover, George shares the details that led to the situation. He socializes with the big wigs at a birthday party with his girlfriend, Mary. What's the significance of the 50 candles on the birthday cake? For that matter, whose birthday is it anyway? The body of his boss, Mr Drew turns up. The cops are on the scene to get the details of who the players in the story are, and where they were at the time of the killing. As suspicions fly, another murder takes place. The cops lock down the house until the mystery can be solved. The cops grab George for the killings, but do they have the right man? Its really just a ruse to lure out the real killer. Listen and learn who it is, and why those candles were so important. What motivated the killer to do the deed and abandon long term loyalties? Afterward is a teaser fir an upcoming feature. A man who has committed a perfect crime and gotten away with it. Except that somebody knows, and a psychological tale of terror and suspense is in store.

 Boston Blackie – Black Market Bowtie. 440721 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

As we listen to a married couple bicker, we learn the husband is hiding out from the mob, but it doesn't work. Boston Blackie, the enemy of those who make him anenemy, and the friend of those who have no friends gets involved. Farraday comes to Blackie, and asks him to help. Read that again, Farraday humbles himself and asks help. Wow. Strange facts pop up. The man is someone who was supposed to have died years ago. In the pool hall, shady characters talk looking for the man's wife. What kind of ordeal is going on? Can Blackie protect the woman? Can he track down the killer before he can strike again? What's so important about this woman anyway? The trail leads to a boxer, and an auto mechanic, but it's Farraday who may hold the clue they need. The race to find the missing woman is on. Can't figure it all out? Don't worry, you'll know at the end when Blackie tells Mary all about it.

 Vic and Sade – Mr Chinbunny Eats Ice Cream. 420700. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:35

Audio is a little weird, a touch slow, staticky, and tinny sounding. Rush and Sade sit on the front porch swing and talk about Mr Chinbunny. The young school principal has a unique, showy way of eating ice cream. Vic joins the family as they watch the antics Mr Chinbunny goes through as he enjoys his frozen treat. The topic slides into one involving a man named, Ishigan Fishigan from Shishigan Michigan. Vic turns the conversation to a business he learned of called the Parade Information Bureau. Why? Vic likes parades, and he wants to know more about them.

 Lum and Abner – Big Sale On Girdles. 451114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Finding an ad for a matrimonial bureau, the gents get the idea of using the service to find a date for Miss Hartford. Today, the gents are in their newly painted store. Lum enters from the post office, but has no word from the matrimonial bureau, which builds Abner's anxiety. You just can't rush these things. The wet paint in the store has the gents dealing with the fumes, and the trouble of being careful of what they lean against.. Somehow warnings to not touch it come late, and after the paint has been touched. Cedric enters with an update on his admirers at school. Has the fact that he's good at football gone to his head? When he leaves, the sarge comes in demanding a business meeting. Her next phase in a new Jot Em Down store is to offer efficient, courteous service. Then she spots the discarded girdles and nylons, and a big sale is planned.

 Adventures By Morse – Shipwreck Island 3of3. 440701 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

Gracie is one of 4 people who have been stranded on a remote island. With the plane repaired, Captain Friday and Skip Turner had to tie her up and carry her to the plane to rescue her off the island. Offering escape to even the pirate, Manuel presents even more problems. Suddenly Skip disappears. Is there somebody else on the island? Can a deal be made with Manuel to get Skip back, andtaking the pirate to a safe place of his choice? Maybe Manuel and Gracie just want to stay, and have the island to themselves. Suddenly a rifle shot rings out, and Manuel is killed. Who fired the shot? Curiosity postpones the take off to try and learn who the fantom person on the island is. What does Gracie know? Is she covering something up? The parrot holds a clue. The mystery man is revealed, but he doesn't want to be rescued either. Why do all the castaways want to stay? As Friday pokes at clues, more gunshots ring out, and secrets explode to the surface. A love affair ends the hard way, and the plane finally lifts off with a willing Gracie.

 Command Performance – Spenser Tracey, Victor Borge. ep20, 420630 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:24

Announcer tonight is Paul Douglas. Hosted by Spencer Tracey. He dips into the mailbag, then Mary Lee gets rolling with the song, Liza. After another brief dip in the mail bag by Spencer, Victor Borge tells the audience about his phonetic punctuation. Next is the Kingsmen to sing, Mable. At the request of a mailbag letter, Donald Duck is accompanied by Goofy, and Pluto, as they talk with Spencer. Pat Brice sings, Sleepy Lagoon. After much requesting from letters of troopies all over the world, Groucho Marx and Barbara Stanwick are on hand. As Jahn and Mary, Thorndyke, they do a short drama about a couple having marital troubles, and some apparent problems with short term memory loss. The show wraps up with a parting word from Spencer tracey. PS: the audio is a little rough, but still a classic, especially the performances of Victor, Groucho, Barbara Stanwick, and Donald Duck. Trivia Alert: In this show, you wil hear a little bit of crossstalk. That's wenn there sounds like other voices or music in the background that bleeds through the main audio. Most original transcriptions and recordings were done to disk. When they are done on tape, or if the disk is later recorded to tape, stray magnetic signals can be picked up from the other segments of tape as it loops over itself on the reel. Those weaker signalls are what comes through as crosstalk. Once there, it is hard, if not impossible to remove.

 Lum and Abner – Mose Moots And The Sarge. 451113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The first attempt to find a love interest for Miss Hartford failed for Lum and Abner. Will they have any success at matchmaking today? The gents review the details of the event at Abner's that was intended to get Mose Moots and the sarge together. The small talk about the weather never went anywhere. Though Abner's appetite was a wreck, due to his nerves, the couple to be stayed around until 10 o'clock. Lum wants to know how the conversation went. What went wrong? Why wasn't the love connection made? In their continued clean up of the store, the gents find a supply of pre-war girdles. A nivce find since rubber quality is said to be better than the later produced ones. But they don't recognize the windfall and get ready to pitch the precious undergarments.

 My Friend Irma – Irma And Jane See A Ghost. ep309, 540629. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:52

Jane and Irma try to get some sleep, but Irma is too restless as she has her thoughts clouded by work, the milkman, and then sees a ghost. Is it just her imagination? Even the levelheaded Jane claims that she has also seen the ghost. when profesor Kropotkin visits, he says that he saw the ghost too. Can you detect a trend going on here? The ghost seems to only make appearances on Tuesday nights. Should they tell Mrs O'Riley about the strange sightings? For some reason they think their landlady will evict them for reporting the haunting. Can the brave Al protect his girlfriend from the ghost? After a sleepless night, Irma can't stay alert on the job, although Mr Clyde has a hard time telling the difference. Time passes and the girls are too afraid to sleep, but it's Tuesday again. The time has come for action, and the professor joins the girls in their attempt to catch the ghost. will their worries come true that Mrs O'Riley will evict them for telling about the haunted hallway? The truth is about to be revealed, but I don't think Mrs O'Riley's seance has anything to do about it. Well, maybe it helps to provide a few last moment laughs.

 Whistler — Notes in the Night. ep7, 420627 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:58

Ambrose begins finding notes written in his own hand, urging him to kill his best friend Henry. Going to a doctor, he is advised to stop over working himself, and is prescribed nerve pills. Soon his friend and business partner, Henry, recommends he take a vacation. Frustrations build, and Ambrose is ready to get away, and packs his bags. Getting away to his mountain cabin, will Henry get rest, or continue to slowly go insane? When the doc arrives, he brings word that Henry has been shot, and it was Ambrose who shot him. Will he go back to the city to stand trial? Will the doc have him committed to a home? Has Ambrose messed his life up bhy fleeing? It doesn't take long for the fugitive to encounter a road block on the stormy night. Investigators at the murder scene turn up an important clue to bring justice to the real killer. But wait, there's still one more detail the Whistler knows to add an extra twist.

 Box 13 – Speed To Burn. 490626. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:56

It's a high speed adventure from the start when Dan Holiday gets his instructions for meeting his next client. The mystery woman meets Dan at top speed on a wide open road. Dan doesn't know which to admire more, the 1938 automobile that cruises at 100MPH without a hitch, or the cute dame who asks him to help find her missing brother. The brother was a mechanic at a chop shop, and though Dan isn't so mechanically inclined, he takes on the job to pose as a mechanic for the racketeer. Though the mobster is hesitant, he takes on Dan as the new addition to his mechanic crew. Willl Dan find what he needs to know, before he is found out? Tension grows as the story develops. So far, the business appears on the level, but one day Dan discovers a clue. Since Dan has been diligent at his work, laying low, and building trust, a special job comes his way. It's paydirt for Dan when he is brought in on the racket to process stolen cars. Armed with the new inside scoop, what will Dan be able to do with it? Will he survive long enough to bring the car theft ring down? What ever happened to the brother that he was sent to find? The dangers won't end until after the high speed car chase, with tommy guns blasting away.


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