Lum and Abner – Mose Moots And The Sarge. 451113

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The first attempt to find a love interest for Miss Hartford failed for Lum and Abner. Will they have any success at matchmaking today? The gents review the details of the event at Abner's that was intended to get Mose Moots and the sarge together. <br> The small talk about the weather never went anywhere. Though Abner's appetite was a wreck, due to his nerves, the couple to be stayed around until 10 o'clock. <br> Lum wants to know how the conversation went. What went wrong? Why wasn't the love connection made? In their continued clean up of the store, the gents find a supply of pre-war girdles. A nivce find since rubber quality is said to be better than the later produced ones. But they don't recognize the windfall and get ready to pitch the precious undergarments. <br>