Casey, Crime Photographer – Acquitted. ep192, 470703.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the courtroom, a man is being sentenced, and is acquitted of his crime. Though the legal decision is made, tempers flare afterward, and a minor scuffle breaks out. Elsewhere, in the Blue Note Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert talk about the case. The acquitted man is no saint, and has a past as a professional robber. <br> Casey learns that both the acquitted man and his lawyer have been gunned down. Who had it out for him. Did he know too much about mob activity? The cops have a likely suspect, but it just might be a frame up. Mike is a cop who threatened the released robber. Casey returns to the Blue Note to clear his head. Sure enough, Casey hits on an inspired thought, and pounces on the clue that was overlooked. <br> Casey is sure he can clear Mike, and he's determined to know who the real killer is before the night is over. It won't be without risk or danger as Casey faces off with gangsters. <br>