Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 10of10. 440610 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

A raging battle between the werewolves and the expedition seemed to seal their fate at the end of the previous episode. Captain Friday recaps how the fight ended with the tragic deaths of Dr Carter, and their guide and temple priest friend Tai Kwan. The werewolves seem satisfied, and leave the survivors alone, but now they face their dangerous trek out of the jungle. Their trip in was only made safe while being prisoners of a caravan. How will they manage to get out safely? What will the future hold for the troubled land of Cambodia? Will the government be crushed? What about the legend of the jade cobra that helped to bring them here? Instead of danger, nearby Gunfire signals hope that fellow humans from civilization may be near. A reunion is made, and a declaration of love. Will romance bloom into something more? First our expedition must survive the jungle trail. Just then the drums of the caravan are heard, and Captain Friday appears with a patrol of French soldiers. PS: I wanted to hold off to the end of this series to tell this. I read a book earlier in the year that took place during the time frame of these installments. It actually spanned the era from just before World War 2 through the mid-1950's. It's a book called 'The Bamboo Cross' and is about missionaries insome of these same jungles of Cambodia. Though the events in the story may be a little overdramatized, the people of the land really were highly superstitious, holding to beliefs in many gods and what we might call old wives tales. Priests and prophets had a hold over their tribes, and usually in a spirit of fear. Tribes and boundaries were respected. To cross such a long ingrained invisible line meant to start a war between thowse peoples who hated and fered each other over some long forgortten feud. The French government really was falling apart, especially after they were chased out when the Japanese claimed the area in World War 2. Locals hated the Japanese even worse, but the returning French after the war led to increasing uprisings as the Viet Cong drafted as many tribesmen of the jungle as they could to set up a government of their own people. Though the work of the missionaries in the book accomplised a lot of progress, as history played out we all know that the next decade would cause their land to explode into one of the most unpopular wars ever. Should we have been involved? This isn't the platform to hash it out. I'll just say that it was probably time for the local people to be self governed. The bad thing was the methods of the Viet Cong in bullying the natives into service, and the backing they had from communist countries didn't sit well with the McCarthy era of US politics. Sad times.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Pot Roast For Dinner. ep329, 420609 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:01

As the McGees get ready for dinner, Fibber ends up on a phone call. Mirt the phone operator has her usual confusion. Fibber brags about his part on the Parrot Teachers Association. Mayor Latrivia pops in for a visit. Doesn't he realize its time for dinner? The McGees get confused over the expression, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’. The slow burning frustration isn’t enough to get the mayor to pop out. Will he take Fibbers hints to leave? Is the mayor dropping his own hints that he’d really like to be invited to share the pot roast? Billy Mills plays, Get Me to the Church on time. The old Timer visits to get confused at who the mayor actually is. Fibber and Moly get lured into the word play, but nobody can convince the old gent. That ain’t the way he hear’d it. Will Harlowe Wilcox do any better at getting rid of the pesky politician. You can at least expect some spin for the sponsor. Abigail Uppington visits, and is concerned over Fibbers weakened condition. She offers to have the McGees over for a fancy French dish. What was that fancy name of the dish again? Fibber could be missing something good. The Kingsmen sing, Victory Ahead. Now its the mayors turn to think Fibber is sickly, and needs to be put to bed. By the time Latrivia leaves, it could be too late for the much anticipated, but now ruined pot roast. No worries, its off to the restaurant, but there’s still one little problem for the McGee’s.

 Green Hornet – Trouble Hits The Trolleys. 390608 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:08

When a local politician runs for office, strange events involving the trolleys of the city mass transit system begin having wrecks. As public safety concerns arise, Jim Reed connects the two events, and does his best to uncover the abuse of public safety to win the election as the Green Hornet.

 Eddie Cantor – How Eddie Cantor And Al Jolson Got Started. 470306 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Eddie Cantor opens with a song, Sitting on Top of the World. He jokes with show announcer, Harry Vonzel about their guest, Al Jolson. Topics go from Al's recent comeback movie, egocentricities, then in a flashback to the movie studio we join Jolson singing, Swannee. Al and Eddie retell how they first met, with Al giving his version of how old Eddie is, and meeting Eddie as a little boy. In his version, the young Al tells about sneaking in to see Eddie, and a preference for chorus girls. When the tables are turned, Eddie's version makes him out to be the kid who goes to visit his hero, and ask for advice on making it big. Al Jolson sings, the Wedding Song. Eddie talks to Al about his latest movie, and wants to know if the Jolson Story is really an accurate depiction of his life. Harry gets in on the teasing, then the two performers sing each other's songs. Eddie leads off with, California Here I come. Al follows with, If You Knew Suzy. Who does the better job? The high energy performance finds Al little breathless. The song swapping continues as Al sings Ida. After a brief message from Harry, the guys comeback for a final duet. Toot Toot Tootsie.

 Jack Benny – Bennymount Films, With Robin And Rainger. 360607. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:34

Starts in mid show, just after Johny Green finishes playing. The writers of the song, Love in Bloom are in the audience, and talk with Jack about their song. As Jack begins to worry about receiving a phone call from the film studio, Kenny sings, You Started Me Dreaming. Even Kenny has been cast in a film. Jack becomes frustrated and decides to start his own studio. As he gets his plans together Johnny begins to play, but the song is snipped. (Hate when that happens.) With Mary as his secretary, Jack acts the part of the busy studio executive. He lines up his writers, his talent, the director is called in. The whole time continuously asking Mary if Paramount has called for him yet. The audio cuts off during the play so we never learn how Jack's production went, or if the studio ever called him for a part.

 You Are There – The Battle Of Hastings, 1066AD. 480606. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:38

The French and Brittish armies face off. The commanding Generals meet at Hastings to discuss terms of battle. CBS reporters are on the scene to interview the participants, from top officials down to the lowest of soldiers. Get the feeling of the troops. Learn about the causes that each side are fighting for. PS: Originally posted on June 6, 2010. Keep listening in as we march through time with these classic radio dramas. From ancient times to the middle ages, and up to the early days of the 20th century.

 Lone Ranger – Indian Chief. 470606. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:44

The Indians are on the warpath, and looting the settlers. With emotions set to the jittery side, the local army commander distrusts a masked man who offers help with his Indian companion. The Lone Ranger has spotted circumstantial evidence that points to a character named Birkey, but can he convince the army post commander? It's clear that Birkey is a trusted man in the camp, and the Lone Ranger and Tonto have to fight their way out. Taking another approach, our heroes go to the Indians to let them know their informant, Birkey, is no friend to them. Though chief War Cloud believes the Lone Ranger, his braves are misled by Birkey's words. Is there any hope to prevent war? Can Birkey be stopped? What does anybody have to gain by the senseless fighting? Ride along to see how the Lone Ranger brings a peaceful end to the turmoil. Why can't we all just get along? There's plenty of horse riding, gunfighting, indian and cavalry moments to go around, so don't miss the action.

 Crime Club – Murder Rents A Room. 470605. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

A Story of an old homestead that sold hospitality, until death bought her. The grand old homestead was once a successful plantation, but those better days are long in the past. At the passing of the owner, his will is read and the four kids divvy up the property. Kate, Kitty, and Lee get a third each, but Jeff is cut off completely. Uncle Brock's four heirs are all suspicious over their inheritance, and of each other. The cops are still lingering to investigate the murder of the old man, uncle Brock. There's a matter of stock certificates that are thought to be worthless, but are they? Are there any family secrets that linger, and could lead to more murders? Skeletons emerge as Kitty and Katie get a little catty with each other. None of the kids are very nice characters and all have reason to commit murder: Jeff the drunk who has been cut out of the will, Kitty the returning synical gal from New York, Kate the long suffering care taker of the old gent, Lee the banker and handler of the old man's investments. Though the town sheriff seems soft boiled and like a kindly uncle, he also asks the pointed questions to get beneath the surface. With emotions and human nature fired up, he steps back and lets the killer show them self. Is there going to be a frame up? Drama builds, and the odds are narrowed when another body shows up in the swamp. Plot twists serve to drive emotions into a fever pitch. Who did the killing? When the cops lay out all their clues, the killer is nabbed, and the whole story comes out.

 Journey Into Space – Operation Luna Episode 11. 580604 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:06

Previously, the crew spent time exploring the dome city of the aliens, Jet Morgan and his crew finally meet the aliens face to face. Lenny gets spooked and runs. Today, after the initial shock is over, the crew is given a place to get some much needed rest. Their alien host shares more secrets. They talk about time travel, the history of this alien civilization, and their immediate plan to inhabit Venus. Can the aliens get them back to the moon? Sure, but maybe not exactly the same time they blasted off. They could be off by a thousand years, give or take a little bit. Should they stay here, go with the aliens to Venus, or try to go back to their own time? Jet relates the logistical needs for them to blast off in there own ship, and the aliens help them get outfitted with supplies, fuel, even in setting the ship upright, and ready for takeoff. . All systems check out. Time for lift off, then suddenly the rocket is surrounded by the race of primitive men that are supposed to be the grandfathers of our own human race. Now what? Don't you just love how the radio is useless, just when important advice is needed from the aliens? The alien time travelers return, with a warning about human behavior. Compared to the barbaric behavior of the men on the planet at this time. Has the human race evolved out of their primitive state by the 20th century? The aliens begin to have second thoughts about helping Jet Morgan and his crew. Will they be convinced that the crew, and mankind in general, is worthy of helping? PS: I had to check twice, this episode does run a little longer than the rest.

 Bold Venture – The High Price of Treason. ep14, 510625 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:45

Slate annoys Sailor as he sings a tune on the way to see Kate. Before they arrive, a cop stops them to be taken in for questioning. Meanwhile, a couple discuss the evening's party, and the arrest of Sailor. The big time thieves plan on laying blame on her, unless Shannon's affect on the heart of Kate proves their downfall. Our heroes are let loose for now, but Slade smells a rat when the male half of the thieves take him and Sailor for a ride. Are they any closer to finding the answer to keeping Sailor out of trouble? Kate reveals the trouble has to do with espionage, and plans for a defense plant. Does it make him want to kiss her, or kill her? Deciding to steal the plans, but clear themselves with the local authorities by turning themselves in may not be the best idea. The plans are stolen, connections made, but are the spies a step ahead of Slate on this one? Complications rise with the body count, and Sailor may not have to leave Havanna. She is to be charged with murder, and be staying around for a life time. Meanwhile, Slade has his hands full in fending off the advances of Kate. Will the back stabbing ever end among the thieves? Slade stirs the pot, and in epilog, we find out how things worked out with Sailor's problem.

 Bob Hope – Drew Field Edward G Robinson. ep250, 450130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

Bob "Broadcasting from Drew Field" Hope lets loose with jokes comparing Florida to California. Mosquitoes, swamps, local girls and attractions. Also flight training the soldiers go through. Skinny Ennis sings, Things Are Getting Better All the Time. Francis Langford joins Bob to joke about Tampa, dating, being in shape, and her home town in Florida. The soldiers may not get home, but the go to nearby St Petersburg. They begin a sketch of an elderly Bob and Francis, retiring to their rockers on a front porch, recalling old times in the Army. Francis sings, More and More. Edward G Robinson arrives to hear Bob tell tough guy jokes. Edward tries to show his softer side, and even reveals his middle name. Somehow I don't really think the "G" stands for Geranium. Though Edward claims too enjoy nature, he and Bob don't drift far from the tough guy jokes about their childhoods. Jerry Colonna is only a phone call away to joke about girls and getting his bank book in order. Are the sweet southern belles any different from girls in other places?

 Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 9of10. 440603 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

Featuring Captain Friday. In the temple and decaying symbol of the past, a race of people and their superstitions carry on. Captain Friday recounts their recent encounter and escape with the pack of werewolves. Their friend, temple priest, and guide into the jungle reveals he can no longer offer protection since he has murdered a brother priest. Tai Kwan has killed the fugitive and fellow priest that had Captain Friday on the trail into the jungles of Indochina. Though murder is considered a heinous crime in our Western culture, he defends the righteous cause for doing it. He also recounts a twisted tale of corruption among the priests and jungle people. A troublesom detail is brought to light. The only shred of hope for leaving the jungle alive is in keeping Tai Kwan alive. Stand by for the need for stealth and trust in Tai Kwan as the expedition faces great danger from the werewolves. As the little band makes their move through the caverns of the temple, Skip and Professor Turner are missing. The expedition is reunited and approaching the cave that takes them to the jungle floor, while echoes of howling werewolves are herd racing through the tunnels. Will they make it? Is there anything to use as weapons to fend off the attackers? Is this where a final stand will be taken? This doesn't look good at all.

 Dad’s Army – Operation Kilt. ep1-09, 740325 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:32

In the meeting hall, Sgt Wilson and Capt Mannerling discuss the booby traps in place to capture invaders. Jones, the butcher in his regular job, arrives to tell the good news about changes to the rationing of butter. The word is passed for the troops to strip off for a session of PT (Physical Training). The session is interrupted when Mrs Pike enters to admire the platoon of half naked men. Especially the physique of Sgt Wilson. Just what does she want exactly? To drop off the rifle bolt her son left in the kitchen. With the warm up exercises done, word comes about the latest training. The small team of highly trained Scotsmen will attempt to infiltrate and capture the Home Guard headquarters. Mannerling is open for suggestions from his men in how to best defend their position in the night maneuvers. Should they move their HQ? How about sending in spies to discover the enemy plans? The big night arrives, the spies are in place, and to top it off, the booby traps are once again set. Do the brave men of the Home Guard stand a chance? Will the Scotsmen enjoy a cake walk as they over run the HQ? With a little ingenuity, and Cpl Jones, the outcome is a little shaky, so stay tuned for the end.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Uncle Dennis Has Disappeared, Part 2. ep328, 420602 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:10

Uncle Dennis, that rambling relative of Molly, has been missing. The McGee’s wait by the phone, but is there upsetting news? Fibber looks through detective reports of missing persons before being interrupted by a police officer. What has he been up to in the Turkish bath? Mirt the phone operator puts in a confusing word to Fibber. As Molly disappears upstairs, Teeny visits. The tiny tot is on a blonde food diet, and pitches the nurses program to support the war effort. With her skills at driving, she could probably also do well at a little texting, tweeting, and checking her Facebook timeline. The kid’s ahead of her time I betcha. Billy Mills plays a perky tune. Still looking for clues to find Uncle Dennis, Molly’s worries are interrupted when Abigail Uppington visits. The neighbor has her own troubles with her missing dog. Molly hopes to hear why Uppie and uncle Dennis broke off their dating relationship. This won’t get hairy will it? Harlowe Wilcox visits to tell about a missing relative, and turn it into a sponsor message. With any luck the mayor will drag out the throw net… er… is that throw out the dragnet… and mobilize the police force to find uncle Dennis. Famous quotes get mangled, as well as historical facts. Twists on words get Latrivia flustered, and ripe for a slow burn. The Kingsmen sing, Chuckle Head. Fibber is ready to give up hope on finding uncle Dennis, when Wallace Wimple. The little man doesn’t have a bruise on him, is his big old wife Sweetie Face out of town? He tells about her victory garden activities. Uncle Dennis is always a character who is much talked about, but never heard behind the studio mike. Today though, he makes a last moment appearance with a few of his drunken cronies.

 Suspense – Banquo’s Chair. ep44, 430601 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:55

A tale of strange and unusual methods to get a confession from a criminal. Sir William was a cold, ruthless, and unmerciful hunter of criminals. This is the story of the last case that he solved during his long career. Our narrator receives a phone call to come armed to Turret House. It's a big spooky house where an unsolved murder was committed, and that Sir William has rented to bring a cast of characters together. His plan is to put on the pressure, and to reenact the crime. William is resolved to close this case, and wants witnesses to validate it. A series of flashback sequences as Sir William tells of the background in the case. He describes the suspects, the alibis, and other details of the crime. In true mystery book fashion, the drama builds. The lights go off at the critical moment, but will the suspenseful plan work? Will the police detective be able to push the criminal into revealing himself? Listen in and check it out for yourself.


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