Fibber McGee and Molly – Uncle Dennis Has Disappeared, Part 2. ep328, 420602

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Uncle Dennis, that rambling relative of Molly, has been missing. The McGee’s wait by the phone, but is there upsetting news? Fibber looks through detective reports of missing persons before being interrupted by a police officer. What has he been up to in the Turkish bath? Mirt the phone operator puts in a confusing word to Fibber. As Molly disappears upstairs, Teeny visits. The tiny tot is on a blonde food diet, and pitches the nurses program to support the war effort.<br> With her skills at driving, she could probably also do well at a little texting, tweeting, and checking her Facebook timeline. The kid’s ahead of her time I betcha. Billy Mills plays a perky tune. <br> Still looking for clues to find Uncle Dennis, Molly’s worries are interrupted when Abigail Uppington visits. The neighbor has her own troubles with her missing dog. Molly hopes to hear why Uppie and uncle Dennis broke off their dating relationship. This won’t get hairy will it? Harlowe Wilcox visits to tell about a missing relative, and turn it into a sponsor message. <br> With any luck the mayor will drag out the throw net… er… is that throw out the dragnet… and mobilize the police force to find uncle Dennis. Famous quotes get mangled, as well as historical facts. Twists on words get Latrivia flustered, and ripe for a slow burn. The Kingsmen sing, Chuckle Head. <br> Fibber is ready to give up hope on finding uncle Dennis, when Wallace Wimple. The little man doesn’t have a bruise on him, is his big old wife Sweetie Face out of town? He tells about her victory garden activities. Uncle Dennis is always a character who is much talked about, but never heard behind the studio mike. Today though, he makes a last moment appearance with a few of his drunken cronies. <br>