Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Lux Radio Theater – The Plainsman, Frederick March. ep135, 370531 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:16

Features Frederick March and Jean Arthur. Gary Cooper was to star, but had to bow out due to illness, Wild Bill Hickock makes an impression on a boy in a western town. As Buffalo Bill Cody travels, he runs into Calamity Jane and other characters. The frontier must be made safe, but the main players deal with the changes that it will mean to them. Even Indians, namely one named Yellow Hand, come to terms with the changing western frontier. Old enemies come to terms. a version of the shooting of Wild Bill Hickock wraps up the program.

 Jack Benny – Dive Bomber. ep418,411026 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

In the world of radio in 1941, next week is Halloween, and Don gives Jack a grand and gay introduction. As Jack tries to chew Don out, his attention is distracted when Mary Livingstone enters. The gang remember the fun times and pranks they had as kids celebrating the holiday. Phil can't join the party, since it's his day to attend night school. Jokes remain about the recent train trip from the East coast, sharing berths, snoring, and crazy fellow passengers. Phil plays an original piece to transition, Poet and Peasant Overature. Dennis Day arrives to join the clam bake, and interrupt Jack's announcing the play for next week, Dive Bomber. After the gang disagree with his casting, Jack listens to the opinions of Don and Dennis to switch who he thinks is the better leading man in the picture. A knock at the door takes Jack away to lure a young gag man away from Bob Hope. The kid drives a hard bargain, but who will end up with Belly Laugh Barton? Dennis sings, I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire. The sketch bes... in Technicolor! Pilots are rigorously tested, physically, mentally and dramatically. Will Jack regret not taking one of the other leading parts? Flights begin and the gang take to the skies. The high flying drama may be too much for Jack to take. He dozes, and gags return to the snoring birds from the previous show. Note: There are some interesting puns, and words with near meanings that must have flown under the radar of the censors. Ace, jerk, and the name for Mary's character, Crotsmear.

 Green Hornet – Words And Music. 390530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

The news around town seems to have been running into a dry spell lately, and there's no need for the Green Hornet to fight crime. Jim Reed's secretary notices his sanguine attitude and connects it with the Green Hornet llaying low. She doesn't suspect something... does she? Even top news dog, Lawry, goes after a human interest story of a man who has been cheated out of his life savings to sell his song ideas to a phoney publishing house. Another scam that operates just small enough, and barely inside the legal limits to stay off the radar of the justice system. It's all the Green Hornet needs to spring into action and give the racketeers a taste of their own medicine.

 Abbott And Costello Children’s Show – Guest – Red Ryder. 480911 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:20

Audio resolution is low, and weak. it's still a fun listen geared for kids. Lou comes out with a mystery book, and others he's reading from the library. Should he give up reading, and go into business? Anna May Slaughter, the 10 year old singing star sings, I Dream My Dreams Away. The guest is that favorite of kids every where, Red Ryder. The cowboy is joined by his side kick, Little Beaver, who just happens to also be the show announcer, Johnny. Bud and Lou lend a hand to a short western drama. How well will they do in reading trail signs, or dealing with Indian threats? Bubble or Nothing is the game segment where kids are given bubble gum, and challenged to blow the biggest bubble they can. Prizes are awarded, then the others answer questions for a shot at a prize. To top off the super easy questions, Lou gives plenty of clues to ensure a winner. Candy bars, sterling silver rings, puppies, cameras, and more. Finally, an award for a kid who does an act of bravery. A 4 year old girl is entitled to the Lou Costello youth award after rescuing her baby brother from a fire in the family house trailer.

 Box 13 – Treasure Of Hang Lee. ep41, 490529. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:46

Dan gets a letter instructing him to do a little shopping. What do the cryptic instructions mean? Probably murder, but it all has Dan's interest. At the curio shop in chinatown, Dan asks for the mysterious piece of jade, taking care to follow his instruction to the letter. Dan Holiday is quickly whisked away to a part of the shop that the public never sees. Wat now? Where will this strange shopping trip lead from here? Dan learns about this particular piece. It is only a third of a set, it has Chinese writing on it that is part of a larger message, it's invaluable, but is it worth anything without the rest of the set? The aged shop owner gives Dan the jade as he sends Dan on his way. Back at his apartment, Dan gets a phone call from his mysterious letter writer. Get ready for plot twitsts to explode. A woman with a gun shows up to intercept Dan. Dan finds himself mixed up in murder, revenge, and the object of a set up. If Dan keeps his meeting with his letter writer, will he again be facing down death? When Dan wakes up from his thump on the head, he finds himself in the care of the old Curio shop owner. More death and murder falls onto Dan's lap. Dan has been on the recieving end of the gunplay, and thumps long enough, now he starts doing his own investigating. The fats that are turned up lead Dan to the secret, and the treasure that the jade is part of, but first he needs to know who he can trust. The mystery is unraveled, and the real treasure is exposed.

 Bold Venture – A Half Million Reasons to Find Gary. ep13, 510618 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:32

An old friend of Sailor's is due to fly into Havana. Does Slate have anything to be jealous with competition from the handsome, young pilot and war hero? As our heroes are being chased away from the air strip, the listener is privvy to the scene overhead, and the attack on Carrey's plane. Although Carrey is forced to land on an uncharted island, his pursuers also find themselves crashlanding. Finding the wreckage of an airplane in the vicinity where one was reported as going down, Shannon points out it wasn't Carrey's. Back on the pier, the Bold Venture is greeted by Anderson, the disgruntled man from the airport. He has his own reasons for wanting to find Carrey, but still doesn't win any points with Sailor. After a hot tip from a fisherman, and taking on a hired hand from the canning company , the search party sets out to find Carrey and the missing payroll he was flying into Havana. It doesn't take long to find the downed pilot and his plane. Carrey is seriously injured, but dangers pile up for Shannon and Sailor. Will they be stranded? Betrayal emerges as quickly as the stormy weather. Guns blaze, true colors come out, but justice has its way of righting wrongs.

 Journey Into Space – Operation Luna Episode 10. 580528 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

Jet Morgan and his crew have left their spaceship, and went onboard the alien ship. They are flown on auto pilot to where the aliens are located. The crew has discovered that their radios won't work when the alien spaceship engines are running. A fact that explains the strange music of the past, and related radio failure. The disembodied voice of the alien continues to explain the mysteries they had experienced on the moon, the strange disappearances, and other wierd events. The alien tells of how his home planet was destroyed, and the escape to our solar system. Was intelligent life on earth seeded by such aliens? A heavy concept for today, and very advanced thinking for the 1950's. The spaceship door opens, and our crew is about to meet the aliens face to face. That is, if they have faces. Jet and the crew explore the little town of alien dome houses, and soon find themselves lost. With some guidance from the alien voice, they enter one of the domes. After a long walk underground, the astronauts arrive at a subteranian city. They meet the alien, and Lenny bolts out of fear. What is so terrible? Find out in the next episode.

 WTTP – Dennis Day Interview Special. 830528 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:37

Here's a special radio interview, just one week after Dennis had a birthday. It opens with a song from a Jack Benny episode, and a joke between Jack and Dennis. After opening introductions and greetings, Dennis recounnts a recent reproduction, in 1980, of an old style radio stage show that he was involved with. Dennis talks about recognition at playing live theater in the round in recent months. He also discusses the way old radio shows have held up through the years. Moving on to the Jack Benny show, Dennis talks about various topics including the lay out of the studio, saving his copy of scripts, leaving the show to join the Navy in World War II, the rehearsal schedule, his song preparation, and more. After a clip of Dennis and Jack in a diner, he sings again. This time a novelty version of, My Dearie. Dennis answers the question of how he got the job with Jack, and circumstances of why Kenny Baker left the show. . He tells about some of the terms of his trial contract, and how lines were increased as time went on, to take advantage of his vocal skills at mimicry. He goes on to discuss the characters on Jack's show, and how they contrasted to compliment each other. In regards to his singing tallent, Dennis talks about his unending development of his voice, and working with voice coaches. He addresses a compilation album that he had just released a few months earlier. As the interview winds down, Dennis shares a little about his modern work, and projects he's done with cast members doing commercials. He gives a Mention of what other cast members are up to these days, Frank Nelson, Phil Harris, and Mary. The recently decesed Don wilson is also mentioned. His memories of Jack's final days are shared. Arriving back on the same note the interview began, Dennis shares some of his recent work for Disney, and doing concerts. In the final segment, a classic clip is shared. Jak and Dennis share another comic moment in a diner,, and one of Dennis classic silly answers to Jack's silly question. Dennis is given a few moments to reflect on whether there might be any projects, that he might like to pursue, and says a few goodbyes to relatives in the Boston area.

 Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 8of10. 440527 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:05

Expiditions into the jungles of Cambodia combine. Join Captain Friday, Skip Turner, and their secretary Patricia as they've joined forces with Dr Carter and his daughter Celia. After their latest installment of adventure, they have cause to think a werewolf, or canibals are stalkinng ghdem. Can it be? Isn't there a scientific explanation behind the wierd event? Dr Carter reveals that the study of werewolves is what drew him to this part of the world. What does he have to say about his scientific study of the superstitious legends of the jungle people? The women are spellbound and horrified to hear the story of how the topic of werewolfves came to cross the path of Dr Carter and his colleague. Just then howls of a pack of wolves shatter the night, sealing the fears of the expedition members. The wolves are closing in fast, and there's a knock at the door! Hey, wolves don't knock, who could it be? It's their friend and temple priest, and he's in need in having deep wounds from the wolf attack dressed. Emergency first aid is given, and the wounds evaluated. Is this the works of tooth and claw, or is this the work of cannibals? The priest Tai Kwan, seems to be recovering, but has news about a murder.

 Bing Crosby (General Electric) Rosemarie Clooney. ep43, 531018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

With minimal introduction, the music begins. * They All Laughed. (Bing Crosby) * PS I Love You. (Bing Crosby) * You're in Kentucky (Rosemarie Clooney) * >Alevouxen. (Bing Crosby) * Shine on Harvest Moon. (Bing Crosby, Rosemarie Clooney) * Buckle Down Wind Sockie. (Bing Crosby, Rosemarie Clooney) * Indian summer. (Bing Crosby, Rosemarie Clooney) * Tropicana. (Instrumental, John Scott Trotter) * Where is Your Heart. (Bing Crosby)

 Gunsmoke – Pal. ep268, 570526 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:05

A stray dog wins the heart of Chester, but Matt tells him he can't keep it. It belongs to a local rancher named Spiney Murphey. The dog shows signs of neglect and abuse, but Doc soon has him on his paws again. Has Chester become too attached to his new found friend Pal? Whining all the way to the Murphey place, Chester rides with Matt to return the dog. Mrs Murphey doesn't care for the dog, but she is ready to go into full nagging mode over her missing hubby, Spiney. Such a love-hate relationship, one that only an old married couple could master. You know the kind, they wouldn't be happy without something to argue about. And with all that arguing, they must really love each other a lot. Faced with the real mystery at hand, Matt returns to Dodge to learn what happened to Spiney. Turnabouts begin. Pal turns against Chester like an attack dog, and the drunken Spiney is reported to be on the way back to the ranch. Will the drunken man turn on his wife, and beat her? Matt races out to do his duty in keeping the peace. Is there any fulfillment in justice? Chester is distraught over losing Pal, even after being attacked by the critter. Though Matt disrupts the domestic violence, Mrs Murpheyturns on Matt for taking her hubby away. And you thought that scene only happened on Cops. I wonder if they had wife-beater under shirts in cowboy days? I'm pretty sure they didn't have white trash trailer parks.

 Barry Craig – The Case of the Naughty Necklace. 511128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:20

The mundane life of a private investigator is interrupted to find and buy a pearl necklace, but what if the dame it might be attached to doesn't want to be found? Leaving his classy office building, Barry chats with the elderly elevator operator. What information might he have about the new client, or his ex-wife? Paying a call on Mrs Harper, Barry finds her corpse in the otherwise bright and modern penthouse apartment. A jealous boyfriend is fended off while waiting for the cops to arrive. Is there any sign of a pearl necklace? The trail leads to an ivy covered house, and Mrs Kendal, the wife of Barry's new client. She not only knows about the necklace, but she has it in her possession. A gunshot, a scream, and the body count rises. Barry finds himself in a cab, racing to a quiet cottage on the sound. Why is there a car following him? What will John Kendal have to say when Barry reports his findings thus far? Barry shares the story from his perspective, and the set up he has found himself in. Will his hasty trap work? The cops arrive, and Barry may have some explaining to do. Making a fast get away, Barry and John still have a way to go in unravelling a mystery. A confrontation with Mrs Kendal should get all the dirty laundry out in the open.

 Lum and Abner – Explaining The Bookkeeping System. 451030 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Audio is a bit muffled, but otherwise OK. The gents have hired a recently discharged veteran, but nobody counted on the sarge being a woman. Today, Lum makes a phone call to Miss Emaline. She won't be jealous of Lum spending his time with the new employee, will she? Sarge is such a disciplinarian that she won't let the gents take time off, not even for Lum to coach the football team,. Abner figures its going to have to be up to Lum to confront the bossy employee. Sarge insists on going over the books to tighten up the store's financces. Has she crossed a line with Lum, or will her keen eye spot areas where funds can be better accounted for? Just what do their unusual notations in the books mean? It's not actually sales, but the running checker score between grandpap and Abner. Despite the confusion, sarge determines the store is in the red, and bankruptcy may be looming.

 Jack Benny – Leaving NY For California. 360524. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:09

Before getting ready to pack for returning to California, Jack and Don joke about catch phrases. Mary has her packing done and is ready when travel agents begin dropping by to entice travel by train, or plane. Mary and Jack get a little confused over geography. Johnny Green plays, Great Day. Jack gets a letter that he reads with an odd Jewish accent. In responce, Jack decides to offer a tribute to New York. First Johnny Green plays a tune to transition. On the streets, Jack takes a tour of the city. Jack strolls Broadway, pops into an automat, and jokes with the clientelle. The gang all show up, but Jack tries to act like he doesn’t want to be seen. Schlepperman enters, but the audio cuts out. PS: A little short, but the audio quality, and jokes are great Johnny Green is the butt of a stingy joke, instead of Jack. Too bad the end is missing.

 Green Hornet – A Slip Of The Lip. 420523 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:46

Now fighting not only the underworld, the Green Hornet is on the alert for spies and threats to national security. On the waterfront, that old adage of, “Loose lips sink ships,” is about to be dramatized. A sailor who talks too much soon gets the attention of spies. Learning of the kidnapping of the seaman, the Green Hornet springs into action to rescue the sailor. Will he get to him in time? The sailor learns the hard way what his mistake of leaking national secrets cost, and is beaten and shot for his troubles. The sailor has met his fate, but now the Green Hornet has to try to figure out how much the enemy actually knows. Can he intercept the information, or somehow foil the plans of the spies? The Green Hornet won’t pull any punches as he includes the cops in his plan to converge on the targeted ship and capture the spies. Despite his help in stopping the espionage ring, the cops manage to think the Hornet was involved, and was lucky enough to slip through their grasp. Those silly cops. When will they ever learn?


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