Green Hornet – A Slip Of The Lip. 420523

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Now fighting not only the underworld, the Green Hornet is on the alert for spies and threats to national security. On the waterfront, that old adage of, “Loose lips sink ships,” is about to be dramatized. A sailor who talks too much soon gets the attention of spies. Learning of the kidnapping of the seaman, the Green Hornet springs into action to rescue the sailor. <br> Will he get to him in time? The sailor learns the hard way what his mistake of leaking national secrets cost, and is beaten and shot for his troubles. <br> The sailor has met his fate, but now the Green Hornet has to try to figure out how much the enemy actually knows. Can he intercept the information, or somehow foil the plans of the spies? The Green Hornet won’t pull any punches as he includes the cops in his plan to converge on the targeted ship and capture the spies. Despite his help in stopping the espionage ring, the cops manage to think the Hornet was involved, and was lucky enough to slip through their grasp. <br> Those silly cops. When will they ever learn? <br>