Journey Into Space – Operation Luna Episode 10. 580528

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jet Morgan and his crew have left their spaceship, and went onboard the alien ship. They are flown on auto pilot to where the aliens are located. The crew has discovered that their radios won't work when the alien spaceship engines are running. A fact that explains the strange music of the past, and related radio failure. <br> The disembodied voice of the alien continues to explain the mysteries they had experienced on the moon, the strange disappearances, and other wierd events. The alien tells of how his home planet was destroyed, and the escape to our solar system. Was intelligent life on earth seeded by such aliens? A heavy concept for today, and very advanced thinking for the 1950's. <br> The spaceship door opens, and our crew is about to meet the aliens face to face. That is, if they have faces. Jet and the crew explore the little town of alien dome houses, and soon find themselves lost. With some guidance from the alien voice, they enter one of the domes. <br> After a long walk underground, the astronauts arrive at a subteranian city. They meet the alien, and Lenny bolts out of fear. What is so terrible? Find out in the next episode. <br>