Jack Benny – Dive Bomber. ep418,411026

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the world of radio in 1941, next week is Halloween, and Don gives Jack a grand and gay introduction. As Jack tries to chew Don out, his attention is distracted when Mary Livingstone enters. The gang remember the fun times and pranks they had as kids celebrating the holiday. Phil can't join the party, since it's his day to attend night school. Jokes remain about the recent train trip from the East coast, sharing berths, snoring, and crazy fellow passengers. Phil plays an original piece to transition, Poet and Peasant Overature. <br> Dennis Day arrives to join the clam bake, and interrupt Jack's announcing the play for next week, Dive Bomber. After the gang disagree with his casting, Jack listens to the opinions of Don and Dennis to switch who he thinks is the better leading man in the picture. A knock at the door takes Jack away to lure a young gag man away from Bob Hope. The kid drives a hard bargain, but who will end up with Belly Laugh Barton? Dennis sings, I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire. <br> The sketch bes... in Technicolor! Pilots are rigorously tested, physically, mentally and dramatically. Will Jack regret not taking one of the other leading parts? Flights begin and the gang take to the skies. The high flying drama may be too much for Jack to take. He dozes, and gags return to the snoring birds from the previous show. <br> Note: There are some interesting puns, and words with near meanings that must have flown under the radar of the censors. Ace, jerk, and the name for Mary's character, Crotsmear. <br>