Jack Benny – Leaving NY For California. 360524.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Before getting ready to pack for returning to California, Jack and Don joke about catch phrases. Mary has her packing done and is ready when travel agents begin dropping by to entice travel by train, or plane. Mary and Jack get a little confused over geography. Johnny Green plays, Great Day. <br> Jack gets a letter that he reads with an odd Jewish accent. In responce, Jack decides to offer a tribute to New York. First Johnny Green plays a tune to transition. <br> On the streets, Jack takes a tour of the city. Jack strolls Broadway, pops into an automat, and jokes with the clientelle. The gang all show up, but Jack tries to act like he doesn’t want to be seen. Schlepperman enters, but the audio cuts out.<br> PS: A little short, but the audio quality, and jokes are great Johnny Green is the butt of a stingy joke, instead of Jack. Too bad the end is missing. <br>