Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 3of10. 440422 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

While Dr Carter and his party are in search of a lost city, Captain Friday was to return a prisoner, Phen Lo, but the man has escaped. Celia and Patricia decide to spend the night together when a cobra has been tossed into their room. Will they be able to scare the deadly snake away? Friday and Skip rush in to shoot the snake, and find a note tied to its tail. Is this the work of the Cobra King, or is he just a legendary character? The journey leads through orange groves full of chattering monkeys, to the swamps of the lowlands. By the time Celia, Patricia, Skip and Captain Friday get to their hotel, the rest of the expidition is nowhere to be seen. Has something terrible happened to them? What about the temples of the lost city? Are they as pristine and beautiful as the natives describe? Soon word comes about the caravan of explorers that had come through the night before. Is Dr Carter being held against his will in the caravan? Darkness is setting in, and the creepy shadows of the night make it appealing to stay put. After a good meal, Skip and the others look forward to entertainment to come from dancing girls, and he discusses the legends they’ve heard about with Captain Friday. Seven headed cobras, lost cities, and the wierd events that have followed them along their way. Concern over the need for protection for the expidition is raised. Does somebody want to get rid of Skip and Captain Friday? Is the murderer, Phen Lo still lurking around? Despite the promise of dancing girls at hand, dangers are in store for Captain Friday and Skip.

 Sherlock Holmes – The Living Doll. ep206, 460311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Harry Bartel is surprised to find that Doctor Watson has a lady friend visiting him. The old friend helps tell the night’s mystery from a time when she was a little girl. Her widowed mom had three gentlemen calling on her for her affections. A banker, an artist, and a man named Tanner. The other players in young Cyndthia’s life was a gypsy, and a retired detective who tended his bee hives. When Watson visits, Cynthia runs down the lane with important news for her friend Sherlock. The doll made for Cyndthia is too much like a voodoo doll, but does that mean the girl may ve in danger? Holmes is on the trail to question the old gypsy, but finds the old woman has been fatally injured. What does her dying message mean? Interviews are called for to see if the old woman was in cahoots with a killer. The three gentlemen are rounded up for the big reveal. Was it Tanner, the estate manager? Pound the banker who didn’t understand little girls very well? Or King the artist, who was virtually penniless but opened the mind of the widow.

 Dad’s Army – Sgt. Wilson’s Little Secret. ep01-07, 740311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:37

The brave men of the Home Guard get a lesson in the art of camouflage, but Captain Mannerling faces an uphill battle with the ideas his men have. Though the equipment is misused, he advises on applying foliage and face paint to blend into the surroundings. the creative responses of his men may not meet military specifications, but they do the best they can. A note from Mrs. Pike, concerning her boy and the possibility of catching a cold, gets under Mannerling’s skin, he insists Sergeant Wilson talk to her. He’s close to the Pikes, and ought to be a le to talk sense to her, right? meanwhile, is doing her part for the war effort, Mrs. Pike decides to adopt a war orphan. Her decision is sure to set up misunderstandings. The crossed wire makes Wilson think the new arrival is a child that he helped to create. The improvised training to keep England safe from invading Nazi forces continues. Tank traps, bayonet practice, but shortages on materials make it difficult to implement all the ideas. When Mannering learns what’s bothering Wilson, he insists his sergeant, and clerk at his bank do the right thing. On a night patrol, Wilson encounters an over-eager air raid warden while he has an awkward conversation with a partly clothed Mrs. Pike, through her mail slot in the door. Will there be a proposal? Will the Home Guard do their part in the planned ceremony to form an arch? Will the secret behind the new arrival affect the plans for wedding bells?

 Suspense – Nothing up My Sleeve. ep23, 430105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

A woman is distraught as she approaches a man about town. What does she expect in the way of help for her fiancee who has been arrested? The bank robbery is all over the headlines on this New Years Eve. Dorothy Dale interrupts the solo billiards game to lay out the account of the robbery, the gangsters, and the way her fiancee was set up to take the blame. Mr Rolf is unconcerned over her emotional appeal, and the complications that seal Jerry’s fate. Why won’t the police believe Dorothy? Why does Mr Rolf hate Jerry so much? He is particularly confident in himself enough to let Dorothy see the suitcase full of stolen bank notes. Even if the cops come to Rolf’s billiard room, there isn’t any sign of the stolen goods, or a decent place where he may have hidden it. Tension builds, and even when Jerry appears after being released, there is still nothing to hold Rolf on, until Dorothy has his sleight of hand trick figured out. But will the smug man go peaceably?

 You Are There – Fall Of Troy 1185BC. 480425. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

CBS Reporters go back to 1184BC to deliver the facts about the Fall of Troy. Inside the walls of Troy we learn a little background of the ten year siege, and what Trojans think about what the Greeks are doing. What in the world are they doing? Have they suddenly left without explanation? The Greek encampment is abandoned, and burned. All that remains is a towering image of a horse, made of polished wood. Leaders of Troy try to decide what it means, and what to do with it? A field report comes in to offer more description of the burned out camp. A Greek prisoner is apprehended, and questioned, but he has just enough information to be intriguing, yet illusive. Is the long war finally over? The CBS reporters interview Hellen of Troy. What does Princess Hellen of Troy think of the matter? It was her that the war started when Greeks wanted to have her returned to their own country. By overwhelming default, the citezens are all too glad to declare peace, even though the government leaders are still unsure. Hey. Wait a minute. There’s something happening out there, Greek soldiers have been spotted. Hey, where are they coming from? Look out! Get away from that horse. Run for your lives! PS: originally posted Oct 24, 2010. Over the upcoming months, watch for a March through Time as I post, in chronological order, these historical dramas through the end of the series.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – StreetCar Motorman. 360420 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:59

Audio is slightly staticky, but is overall in good shape. Rico Marcelli plays a few bars of, Goodie Goodie. Then a promotional for spinning tops with pictures of Fibber and Molly on them is presented. As Molly and Fibber walk, he tries to wax funny with the puns, but even he knows that it… ‘Taint funny McGee. The two discover they don’t have enough money to ride the streetcar, and due to a stroke of luck, Fibber gets an opportunity to take over as the streetcar motorman. Rico Marcelli plays, Why. As Fibber drives, Molly takes the fares, and he brags about his past exploits as being a Motorman. Passengers come and go including a woman who rides on a $20 bill scam. Horatio K Boomer claims to be a police officer, but has about any token of evidence except for his star. Audrey Call, violinist for Rico Marcelli, plays a solo as she boards Fibbers streetcar. The sometimes valet for the McGee’s, Silly, tries to board, followed by Teeny. Just how old is she, and is she old enough to ride the streetcar? A Chinese guy called John pops on to challenge the pronunciation of the language. Last stop for Fibber is own house as he derails the streetcar. Note: The woman who scammed her ride is played by Marian Jordan. The Chinese rider with the high pitched voice is Harold Peary.

 Story Behind The Song – 124th Psalm. ep15, 310821 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:26

Geneva Switzerland became a city of refuge for churches during the reformation days of the 1600’s. Though the Calvinists enjoyed a time of freedom to worship, they still had to worry about the Savoyards. To keep safe, a watch was organized to keep the raiders at bay. Prayers went up to ask for protection, but even the best of guards can have weak moments. Outside the gates the Savoyards gathered, ready to send a vanguard over the walls in the night, open the gate from within, and raid the city. One watchful old woman with a young helper managed to spot movement, and developed a plan. A cooking pot was used to sound the alarm, and a call to arms saved the peaceful settlenent. To commemorate the brave act, a special hymn became popular, as well as baked goods to honor the date.

 Jack Benny – Returning To Hollywood. ep417, 411019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:58

Don Wilson sets the stage to roll back the clock, and we join the gang as they travel by train back to Los Angeles. Rochester and Mary are on hand as Jack Benny tries to itemize expenses. Why all the expenses on magazines and phone calls? Clearing the bill with the hotel clerk, the gang head to the train station. Since there aren’t any delays due to autograph seekers, the gang board, while the orchestra plays some smooth traveling music. Two days later, Jack comments to Mary about being in New Mexico. How is Dennis Day holding up on the trip? Phil Harris enjoys the scenic Mountain View, he explains what Alice is doing on the train. The jokes turn towards cowboys and Western themes as the cast goes to the dining car. A snarky kid provides a slight delay in meeting up with Don and his wife. Rochester talks with a porter to tell about his adventures in Harlem. The band plays more traveling music as the train glides along. The cast wonders what the next town down the line might be. Dennis checks out the sign, but somehow I doubt the town is named, “Waiting Room. After more run-ins with that snarky kid, the guys try to settle in for the night. To keep the restless Dennis from crawling all over him, Jack reads him a quick bedtime story. When Jack dozes, Dennis may be left to count sheep to fall asleep.

 Fred Allen Show – The Curse of Ra. ep34, 400522 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:47

After a moment of introduction, Fred gets busy with his news of thee week. Taking polls, and double features, are the topics. what makes them so popular with the viewers, and with theater owners? The Merrymacks have their song snipped, the Rumba Jump. Portland Hoffa tells about her days as a Girl Scout and how radio is all mixed up these days. She and Fred talk about silk stockings. Al Birney is a well-known impressionist of his day and tells Fred how he got into the business of being a mimic. He shares some of his voice techniques in imitating several stars, but is he going too far when he provides a substitute, Fred Allen? Win Murray of American Jubilee has her song snipped, Tennessee Fish Fry. The roundtable features audience members. An importer of Switzerland products tells why Swiss chocolate is so different. A voice actress shares her hope in future performances. Finally, a PR man from Hollywood is a friend of Fred’s and the two catch up on old times. Time runs short for the question of the week: Should customs prevail over etiquette? The Merrymacks have their song snipped again, Listen to the Mockingbird. The Mighty Allen Art Players dramatize Egyptian archaeologists. The British explorers face the sweltering heat in dedication to their duty. Will they find the ancient hieroglyphics, and crack the code behind the old witticisms of Ha Ha Tet? Foosher Woosher, woozier Woosher, and Woosher Foosher are the assistants who split up to handle the dirty work.

 Bing Crosby – Guest Abe Burrows. 490126 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:13

Bing tells about the rigorous life of a vocalist, then gets ready to sing. Playlist * The Night Has a Thousand Eyes. (Bing Crosby) * Dear to My Heart. (Peggy Lee) * I Got Lucky in the Tain. (Peggy Lee, Bing Crosby) * Abe Burroughs compares his music career to how Bing is doing. Will the novelty singer show off some of his various lyrical talents. Are you kidding? Yes! He has a song career that’s on a fast track, downhill. Being and all the singers help with an operetta set in the old west. * The Robin Hood types are just crooks. But the melodrama continues to an elegant stage coach hold up, and the big romance song. * All that’s left is the big love scene. The final tune is one about California. * Hara Para Tal. (Bing Crosby(

 Journey Into Space – Operation Luna 4of12. 580416 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:45

After completing the scheduled amount of time exploring the moon, and filled with weird events, the blast off goes wrong. The main power supply fails, and the rocket goes dark. There’s only enough oxygen and food supply for their return trip. How long will it take to get the rocket back into shape? Each crewman tries to conserve resources as they bide their time. Isn’t there something they can do? Unless the ship can be repaired soon, the crew will be doomed. Then that weird music returns. There’s somebody, or something banging on the spaceship. As suddenly as the power was lost, it comes back on. Everything will be OK… or will it? What was that tapping? What is that thing they see out there?

 Fort Laramie – Playing Indian. ep1, 560122 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Featuring Raymond Burr as Captain Lee Quince, Vic Paran as Sgt Gorce, and Harry Bartel as Lt Ciberts. Returning from leave in St Louis, Captain Quince thinks about getting out and going into business. Sgt Gorce has to admit to being on the sick list for the past few days, so the two drop into the local bar to comment on the rough life on the frontier. Greeted by a couple of hard cases, the fight is short-lived. On the fort, Quince and the major share some of their longstanding past and relationship. The mission at hand is a possible uprising of the Arapaho. Will the straight-laced major appreciate the non-standard method that Quince proposes to investigate the matter? Following up with Lt Ciberts, Quince finds clues, while encouraging his men to think on their own. Signs at the raid on the homestead points to white men who laid the blame for the slaughter on the Indians. Setting up a homestead as the next prime target, the ranch family is sent to safety, while the troops settle in for an ambush. Will it work? Will Quince and Gorce be bursting for action in the agonizing wait? The pay off comes and the raiders get a taste of their own medicine.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – The Case Of The 100000 Legs. 490415. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

Johnny is called away from enjoying the horse races to his next job. He has 48 hours to report to his client. He makes it to the apartment of the attractive movie star, only to find her murdered. Johnny notifies his insurance company, and goes to notify the authorities, then finds a sultry woman who could be the double for the dead movie star. Who is she, and why is she tampering with the crime scene? Being a sucker for a pretty face, Johnny seems to help her out, but gets set up for the murder instead. Shots ring out, and a man’s voice is heard fleeing. Now the lady who set up Johnny is dead. Can Johnny explain his way out of being arrested by the cops? All of Johnny’s witnesses are now dead, and the cops have trouble believing his story, and Johnny finds himself in a jail cell. With emotions settled down, and after realizing Johnny is telling the truth, the cops talk with Johnny to compare notes on the evidence. There’s a matter of some missing letters. What kind of scandal might they release? Who would want to kill to keep that info private? With suspects in mind, Johnny volunteers to be the bait in a trap to lure the killer after him. With much publicity, Johnny’s name hits the papers as a suspect that the cops are after. Sure enough when news hits the street that he has been released, Johnny gets to his hotel to find a woman there to demand the missing letters. Before long a man with a gun demands the letters. Who are all these people? How many more will show up with murderous intentions? Johnny provides voiceover commentary, and a fight breaks out that ends up with Johnny in control of the situation. More visitors pop in, more gunplay, then back at the police station, Johnny unravels the situation to the cops. Johnny is mad that the cops didn’t offer him any protection, or backup for his troubles, but it turns out that it’s his own fault. O that crazy old, sneaky Johnny. With all the action over, all that’s left is the paperwork, as Johnny finishes up his expense report.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Gave Comical Skating Exhibition. 451015 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After bragging about his skating ability Lum has been put on the spot to offer an exhibition. Today, we find Abner and grandpap discussing the antics. Has Lum learned his lesson in exaggerating his ability? The gents share the comical outcome of Lum trying to show off. Abner feels that Lum is always such a solemn fellow, it was nice to see him loosen up on skates. When Lum enters, he needs a few pillows to cushion his sore spots. He isn’t in the same light-hearted mood as his friends. Though they should know better, Abner and grandpap felt the wild performance from Lum was done on purpose. As he tries to convince them otherwise, Squire Skimp enters with his own offer for Lum to continue his skating antics.

 Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 2of10. 440415 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

Two expidition parties head for Indochina, but for separate reasons. One led by Dr Carter on a scientific mission to find hidden treasure, the other led by Captain Friday to return a fugitive to prison. Now on land, the sizzling heat has the expidition members looking for a cool place to rest. The prisoner, Phen Lo, had escaped while on the ship, but where has he gone? He was last seen heaving a heavy bag over the side of the ship, then plunging into the water after it. Doc Carter shares a little about the legends of Cambodia that tells how the former cities were swallowed up by the jungle, and forced men to migrate into the cities they now inhabit. Still keeping to their original missions, the two expiditions team up with each other. What peculiar intrigue is afoot in Cambodia? Why has the French consolate urged Captain Friday to go along to protect the scientific team? Factions in the Cambodian people are discussed, and turmoil that could threaten danger to the expidition parties. Is there anything to the suspicions, or is it all superstitions to be disregarded? What new twists and complications will arise?


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