Fort Laramie – Playing Indian. ep1, 560122

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Featuring Raymond Burr as Captain Lee Quince, Vic Paran as Sgt Gorce, and Harry Bartel as Lt Ciberts. <br> Returning from leave in St Louis, Captain Quince thinks about getting out and going into business. Sgt Gorce has to admit to being on the sick list for the past few days, so the two drop into the local bar to comment on the rough life on the frontier. Greeted by a couple of hard cases, the fight is short-lived. <br> On the fort, Quince and the major share some of their longstanding past and relationship. The mission at hand is a possible uprising of the Arapaho. Will the straight-laced major appreciate the non-standard method that Quince proposes to investigate the matter? <br> Following up with Lt Ciberts, Quince finds clues, while encouraging his men to think on their own. Signs at the raid on the homestead points to white men who laid the blame for the slaughter on the Indians. Setting up a homestead as the next prime target, the ranch family is sent to safety, while the troops settle in for an ambush. Will it work? <br> Will Quince and Gorce be bursting for action in the agonizing wait? The pay off comes and the raiders get a taste of their own medicine. <br>