Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Dragnet – The Big Limp. 550607. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:44

The story you are about to hear is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Joe Friday and partner, Frank Smith await their next robbery case, while Frank marvels at modern technology, and reviews some high points of a recent case. The young suspect of the robbery is brought in to be questioned. The rude and sassy guy doesn’t offer up much info, but with what he does, Friday and Smith get busy following it up. At the housing projects, the synical woman tells about her husband, and brother of the mouthy kid. Through the veiled comments a story of a disfunctional family involved in crime and drugs is hinted at. Friday is even offffered a date from the woman who is tight lipped about her menfolk. Still there’s enough leads to go on to keep tracking their main suspect. On the street, more details ermerge to help Joe Friday close in on his man,and to be wary of the suspect who is said to have a limp due to an artificial leg, and to be armed, and not afraid to get into a fight. That sounds like a pun waiting to hapen, a one legged, armed man. In voice over Friday tells all the arrangements that have been made to sweep the area with police coverage, but it still isn’t enough to keep our bad guy from another robbery. Commercial break, removed. It’s a tough neighborhood,and Friday hits a new wall when the latest shop owner refuses to talk. The robbers have threatened him if he goes to the cops, and he believes them. Can Joe talk the man into helping? Will extra police coverage be enough to satisfy the man’s concerns over his family’s safety? A stakeout is planned to ambush the bad guys where they live. It almost works. Friday nabs the partner who squeals like a rusty hinge. The next robbery is told,and Friday goes to break it up. Get ready for excitement when Friday takes them down in a fist fight.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Makes Excuses. 451008 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The school board has postponed action on the resignation of the school teacher, pending on Lum talking to her to convince her to stay. Little do they know the rift between the two, and the legal injunction to keep him away from her. The gents need to think of something quick, so Lum will stop being in hot water with either the board or the teacher. Phone calls from school board members frustrate Lum. Abner criticizes him on the way he is putting off the board members. Should he still call her despite the injunction? Everybody in town will know about it soon enough, and Lum will be the laughingstock of the town. Abner has had enough and decides its time to stop ignoring the ever ringing phone. Who knows, it could be an important call for him. Maybe its an announcement too tell him of a prize he won from a contest. In the end, Lum has missed his big chance to reunite with Miss Emiline.

 Journey Into Space – Operation Luna 02. 580402 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:57

Jet Morgan and his crew continue on their journey to the moon. After blasting off, and taking a space walk, the three astronauts return to the rocket’s cabin. They discuss the strange music they heard, or didn’t hear while on the space walk. Where is it coming from? The moon? Might there actually be life on the moon? Minds are calmed once a normal routine returns. Critical moments arise at a transition point on the journey. Soon it’s time to take positions for a landing. Just when the ship is about to land on the dangerous terrain of the surface, that music kicks up again. Will our astronauts be safe? Will the landing go wrong somehow? The crew manages to land and prepare to explore. What new discoveries will they find? Will our explorers find the moon surface to be much the same as they expect, and the same as it was discovered to be by real astronauts in years to come? Will this trip throw open the doors to commercial moon travels any time soon? Just when things are going smooth, and with no signs of life, here comes that strange music again. Suddenly there’s movement. Jet is missing.

 Jack Benny – From New York. ep415 411005 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:08

It’s the season opener, and Jack Benny is having trouble remembering his opening lines. Don Wilson and Mary Livingstone tease him about their jokes, and Dennis Day arrives to joke about Jack’s stinginess. Being a newlywed, Phil Harris is in a dreamy mood. How will the sponsor, Mr. Mortimer feel about the show? Don gets the show officially going, and the jokes turn to the sights and scenes of New York. Mary adds to the jokes on crowds, the fights, and then Phil enters in love. Dennis takes a page from Phil’s usual brassy entrances to whip up the applause. He is tempted into gambling with Jack on a sports event. Before he can sing, Rochester phones in with a word from Harlem. Dennis sings, Darling You and I Know the Reason Why. Jack, Mary, and Dennis joke about tickets to the ball game, and telling secrets on the latest visit to the stadium. Jack has forgotten his glasses and needs to be led around. The gang arrives in time for the game to begin. Minerva Pious is a lady in the stands who wants to kill the umpire. Will Jack be able to catch a pop fly? Back in the studio, Jack tries to tell his version of catching his pop fly, but its time for the closing commercial.

 Candy Matson – The Donna Dunham Case (Audition). ep1, 490404 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:43

Candy is on the Donna Dunham case. She investigates, and tries to get to the bottom of what happened to this hat check girl. Her questioning leads her to Chinatown. She sends her partner, Rembrandt, out to get some photos of a body. Along the way Candy has to fend off a collection of wolves. She runs into a problem when Rembrandt can’t get into the apartment for his photographs. Candy is still able to put the clues together. The climax has a dramatic finish as Candy faces down the bad guy, and her policeman friend manages to rush in for a last minute rescue.

 Story Behind The Song – The Sound Of A Great Amen. ep7, 310625 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:31

Just before the 20th century, when Gilbert and Sullivan were at the top of their fame, Arthur Sullivan was approached b y a delegation to offer him work as principal in the national training school for music. Being in the middle of a new musical production, Arthur delays his response. Just as the show is approaching opening night, Fred Sullivan, popular actor, and Arthur’s brother becomes terminally ill. Not wanting to leave Fred’s side, Arthur is inspired to compose a hymn. The words and music worked to make Arthur feel closer to Fred.

 Martin and Lewis – Lucille Ball. ep1,, 490403. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:49

Features Lucille Ball. It’s the first radio show for Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, and they are nervous as they get ready. The phone rings as they joke about their anticipation. To settle themselves, the two talk about their past success, and various topical themes of the times. Finally, Jerry answers the constantly ringing phone, and agent Frank Nelson wants them down in the NBC studio. After Jerry cracks jokes and has to explain them, Dean sings, Won’t Be Satisfied Until You Break My Heart. Dean gives Jerry a final inspection as they talk about hygene, and head out. On the way, they encounter the maid. The neurotic woman is definitely overworked, and prone to jumping to conclusions. The guys finally make it to the studio where expectant fans talk about Dean and Jerry, but don’t seem to recognize them as they stand in line. Well, they don’t recognize Jerry, but the ladies fawn over Dean, which causes Jerry to lament that the act is breaking up. Dean gives a big build up for Lucille Ball. She isn’t impressed with Dean, and is even upset at him over the way Jerry was treated. Dean melts her rage with just a word, and soon has her in a swoon over him instead. It appears the sentiments have turned. After a few flubs by Dean and Jerry, Lucille tells about an after party show she planned. She is just a little concerned with Jerry’s behavior at her cultured party. The clock ticks, the countdown is given, all the aledged pre-show fun is over and the stage show starts. Dean, Lucille, and Jerry all sing, Money Can’t Buy Happiness. With the show over, Dean and Jerry try to relax at home, but the maid has a last word to ensure her job security.

 Lum and Abner – School Board Wants Lum To Talk To Miss Emaline. 451004 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Thus far, all of Lum’s attempts to endear himself to Miss Emaline have not only failed, but resulted in even more trouble for him. Today in the store, Abner discusses with him about all his failed attempts in impressing her. Confusion creeps in when Abner doesn’t know who the Queen of Sheba is. if there’s a queen, then who is King of Sheba, and what do they have to do with the unreasonable behavior towards Lum? How can Lum make amends with his love interest? Maybe an anonymous letter would do? In the process, Lum has gotten the bill to clean her dress from the mud that was splattered on it. He also learns that the school board has received a resignation letter from her, and Squire Skimp is asking Lum to incercede to convince her to stay.

 Journey Into Space – Operation Luna 1of12. 580328 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:40

In the far flung, futuristic year of 1965, an exciting adventure into space is about to begin. At least that’s the way it appeared to folks in the mid 1950’s. Though the air dates on this series is 1958, it may have originally been broadcast as early as 1953. As a crew of astronauts blast off from the Australian Outback on a trip to the moon, join them in the cockpit of the rocket to experience the stresses of lift off. Despite the joy of being weightless, the crew is faced with some serious issues. Are they off course? Will their remaining fuel be enough, or will they be forced to turn back without landing on the moon? Things start looking bleak when a weird kind of music is heard, then the radio comes to life with good news from Earth. After a collision with a meteor, there’s even a space walk. That weird music makes a return. What’s the deal with that? But hey, this is just the first installment of a series. You just can’t get to the moon in a half hour segment, not even in the 1950’s. There’s lots more of adventure, and the toughest parts are yet to come. A lot of the science in this series is good, but I somehow don’t think that rockets move by breaking free of Earth’s gravity, and falling toward the surface of the moon. Then there’s that instance where astronauts would light up and smoke in an oxygen rich environment. Listen in, enjoy, and see how folks in the 1950’s envisioned what space travels would be all about.

 World Adventurers Club – The Fire-Dog. ep17, 1932 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:14

A suntanned traveler shares his tale about a village on an island. What fear has struck the natives? The superstition about the fire drives the white man to investigate what’s behind the strange noises, but the horrors of the fire dog don’t seem to scare away the chief either. The trail leads to the sea The chief offers running commentary as the two pursue the truth behind the fire dog. Armed with a spear, the attacking dog is brought down by the chief. With the danger removed, our world traveler reveals the phosphorescent water where the very natural dog had been hunting for the fish that live in the pool. Knowing the natural explanation, will the islanders see the foolishness in their fire dog? Of course not. They now celebrate the brave chief and his conquering of the fire dog.

 My Favorite Husband – April Fools Day. 490401. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:53

Liz is enjoying the holiday, and pulling pranks on everybody. She slips Katie an exploding cigarette, and sets up George to have to explain a suspicious, lipstick covered envelop and handkerchief. Meanwhile, George tries to think of a prank he can pull on Liz. He decides to tell her he lost his job at the bank. Liz falls for George’s prank, but can he explain his way out of the lipstick scandal that Liz planted on him? Especially when Liz learns that Katie didn’t have the chance to plant the evidence on him for the prank. Liz is angry, she’s jealous, she can’t rest until she finds out the truth. To help him out, a co-worker volunteers to say it was his coat that George took, and it got switched somehow. It turns out to be a prank by the boss, Mr Attaberry. The excuse is believable when the helpful, bachelor co-worker phones Liz with the cover story. Just when things are looking well, and the making up can start, Mr Attaberry calls, and the story starts looking suspicious. Liz is upset again, but what can George do to satisfy her? Maybe a spanking for the unruly gal? Liz runs out, and when George catches up to her, they argue with the help of a bartender to mediate. Just when he needs it, another friend manages to bail him out with an excuse. Well, sort of, but it works. PS: the audio quality may not be the best, but definitley worth the fun to listen in.

 Lum and Abner – Miss Emaline Gets An Injunction Against Lum. 451003 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In the Jot Em Down Store today, Abner is eager to deal with customers when Lum enters. The gents discuss the failed attempt to hit Lum with a car. The prank to impress Miss Emaline only caused him to dodge out of the way, and the whole incident took place out of her sight. The discussion turns to impress fickle school teacher by catching a pop fly at a recent ball game. Will that get a rise out of her? All Abner wants to know is, who won the game? Can Lum find some sure fire way of impressing Miss Emaline? Lum even resorted to visiting the boarding house and suffering through all the gossip and chatter among the ladies there. No matter what he does, Miss Emaline just won’t talk to him. Abner helps by making a phone call, but all he manages to do is break the news to Lum that Miss Emiline is seeking an injection to keep the amorous Lum away from her.

 Superman – Dr Blythe’s Confidence Gang 13of13. ep800, 450920 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:05

adventures of superman Batman and Robin think they have the clue that Lois Lane needs to beat a murder charge. she was framed by Dr. Blythe, because she resembles one of his gang members, Dixie Lamar. will our heroes be able to find, and bring the evidence they need to court in time?

 Gunsmoke – The Constable. ep102, 540508 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:56

CBS net. “The Constable”. Sustaining. When a trail boss objects to Marshal Dillon’s peacekeeping methods, and the town’s merchants ask him to ease off, Dillon vows to make no further arrests. The town then hires an unusual “constable” to keep the peace.  William Conrad, Parley Baer, Howard McNear, Jack Kruschen, Vic Perrin, John Dehner, Joseph Kearns, Fred MacKaye, Georgia Ellis. George Walsh (announcer), John Meston (writer), Rex Koury (composer, conductor), Norman Macdonnell (director).

 Box 13 – Death is No Joke. 490522 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:41

Mutual net origination, Mayfair syndication. “Death Is No Joke”. Commercials added locally. A series of practical jokes threatens the life of an heir. Alan Ladd, Oran Blackstone (writer), Richard Sanville (director), Rudy Schrager (composer, conductor), Sylvia Picker, Vern Carstensen (production supervisor), Joseph Kearns. 26:37. Audio condition: Excellent. Otherwise complete. J. David Goldin


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