Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Gunsmoke – Saludos. 570414 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:41

We join Matt as he visits Doc Adams to check on his most recent patient. An indian girl has been shot, and as she rests, we learn about her ordeal. The pretty little half breed girl brings out the sympathy in Chester, and especially Kitty. The friends join forces to help against the injustice done to her. It’lltake some doing, but Matt and Chester prepare to ride into the face of danger to bring her oppressors to justice. On the ride across the plains, Matt teases Chester. Luck seems on their side when the men that Matt’s looking for ride across his path. One of them is the killer who shot the indian brave, and wounded his wife. In order to learn who it is, Matt takes them all back to Dodge. Along the way, coyotes howl as the men sit around the camp fire, talking about trail grub, and swapping stories about their past. Dangers lurk in the night, and it’s Matt’s cool head that keeps things from turning into a shooting match. Matt tries to read the character of the three men, to see if he can tell which is the killer. Prejudice attitudes towards indians emerge, but to Matt, the law protects everybody without difference. Tensions build the closer the bunch get to town, but if Matt isn’t careful he may get a bullet in the back.

 Crime Classics – The Crime of Bathsheba Spooner. ep1, 530615 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:55

Same as audition episode. Who is Bathsheba Spooner? The first woman to be executed in the United States. Her story is one of murdering her husband and her lover who helped her. How did she do it? What pushed the woman capable of both hate and love to go through with it? General Spooner was a popular figure in his gentlemen’s clubs. Ezra is Bathsheba’s young lover, but how far will he go in committing murder for her? Hiring some ne’er do wells, the deed is done, and the body disposed of. Will the plan to report the murder go off without a hitch, and cast doubt away from the new widow? Footprints in the snow, an unexpected witness, and the plan begins to unravel. Despite her defense, she, her lover, and her hired men face the same fate.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Teaches Lum How To Skate. 451011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Since he promised to teach Miss Emaline to roller-skate, Lum figures he ought to have someone teach him. Today in the Jot Em Down store Abner clears the floor and is ready to coach Lum on the fine art of not falling down too much. How did Abner learn to skate? It has been so long ago he can’t remember. Instead, he thinks of training Lum like a bear he saw in the circus that could skate. What’s so wrong with tying a rope around Lum’s neck to lead him along? Squire Skimp visits to learn about Lum’s goal to learn how to skate. What kind of business dealing might Squire have in mind for Lum? As Squire departs, the shaky Lum tries to make laps around the store. A phone call from Miss Emaline is Lum’s chance to talk her out of going skating, but she has already arranged a big surprise for Lum.

 Mr Keen – The Case Of The Leaping Dog. 440413 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

The observant Mr Keen notices a dog that has been tied up, and leaping towards a window. What does it mean? The dog seems pacified once someone takes an interest in him. Mr Keen interviews the lady who lives in the house where the dog is, but he isn’t her dog. Mr keen takes the dog in as he contemplates over his missing owners. At the same time, Mr Keen gets the attention of a couple rough characters. What’s happening here? How do all these elements come together? Need more clues? Ride along with Mr Keen as he keeps up the search. The trail leads from cabbies, to horse tracks, to a carnival. When the dog and master are reunited, Mr Keen realizes that he isn’t just in trouble, but there’s real danger for his life.

 Lone Ranger – The Raiders. 380411. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

Trouble is waiting in the form of a burning building, and the Lone Ranger is racing towards it. As Tonto and the Lone Ranger pull survivors from the fire, some background is given. The Raiders are a gang that sets fires, and leave no survivors. The Masked man has a plan, and the sheriff lends his help. The Raiders have an army of bad guys at hand. What can the small band of the good guys do about them? A pattern has been set, and the next ranch to be hit is converged on by everybody. What’s it going to be? A brutal killing and robbery? A huge gun battle? Rebellion in the ranks of the Raiders? The time is right, and every honest man in the town of Osage rallies around the Lone Ranger for the big face off.

 Colgate Show – Host: Al Jolson, Guest: Monte Wooly (Frragment). 430330 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:51

The audio resolution is low but clear. Al Jolson introduces his guest, Monte Wooly. Famous for his beard, a few jokes about barbers give way to the lack of celebrity treatment that was lavished on the guest. They tease each other about their contributions to the Red Cross blood drive. Jo Stafford sings, What a Pensive Mood. Mel Blanc is an inspector who gives Monte a hard time over his beard. The easily offended actor is ready to leave California, and return to New York unless Al can find him a decent place to stay. Frank Nelson and Verna Felton add to the comic jabs that serve to sabotage Al’s efforts. Will they ever find a place that doesn’t leak, or have heat, or is even affordable? Al Jolson sings, American Boy.

 Crime Club – The Gray Mist Murders. ep20, 470410. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:21

The librarian has the book all ready, and it’s about a pleasure cruise that turned to horror. A cruise ship is destined for Hawaii, with three couples aboard. Kay is the jealous girlfriend of Peter, who just saw an old flame of his, and she’s upset over the thought of Peter’s straying. Elsewhere The other couples laugh over the practical joke of having Sally, the old flame, appear, but nobody invited her. Can she be locked in a cabin out of the way? Suddenly the body of Sally is found in Carla’s room, but was she planted there to cast suspicion? Carla and Sally were friends, might there have been a rift? The remaining friends get together to figure out who had alibis, and figure out who might be a killer. Kay accuses her fiancee Peter, but did he really do it? Bob and Carla search the cabins, looking for clues, and they seem to have something conclusive. An incriminating letter points to Chet, who is now drinking himself into oblivion. Did he have an affair with Sally? Phillus approaches Peter to accuse him as well, because she things he forged the letter to implicate her boyfriend, Chet. Peter thinks that Kay is setting him up. The plot twists take a turn when kay is found dead. Bob thinks he has the answer and calls all the friends together to expose the killer and untangle the mystery. Listen in to find who wrote that letter, their motives for the crimes, and why they orchestrated the whole thing the way they did.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Will Stop Exaggerating. 451010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Despite his injunction to keep away from Miss Emaline, Lum took the chance to talk her out of resigning as a school teacher. Today we find Lum on the telephone to share his happy results with Ezra. Abner is eager to get the full details on what Lum said to keep the school teacher on the job. Was it the love light burning in her eyes for Lum? Lum tells that Miss Emaline had never intended to resign or to get an injunction. She only made those claims in a fit of temper. When putting on the spot, after emotions have settled, she was all too eager to put the past behind them, and resume life as usual. To express his feelings, Lum gets Abner confused over whether he’s sailing, running, or flying. He wants to celebrate in a big way and wishes there was a classy party in town to go to with Miss Emaline. How about a rollerskating date? Lum brags again, this time about his skill on skates. Abner is doubtful endpoints out to Lum that he can’t skate. How does he expect to teach anybody else to skate?

 Journey Into Space – Operation Luna 3of12. 580409 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:51

After landing on the moon, a strange sound is heard. The moments of Jet’s disappearance is relived. Strange things are happening to each of the crew. Back at the rocket, they compare notes. Are imaginations running wild, or have the events been real? The weird music returns, and both Lenny and Doc see a dome appear over a crater. Later, some of the crew find Doc’s diary, and read an entry. What is happening to the crew’s memories? Drama runs high, is there some weird mind games going on? Strange radio communications are heard. Days pass, and the crew prepares to blast off for Earth. But all systems are… not so good.

 The Origin of Superstition – Don’t Turn Back. ep26, 1935 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:21

On the way to meet his date. the boy is teased by his sister, and parents. reTurning home back to get the ring he forgot, he is warned that it’s bad luck to turn back. Dad sets him straight by recounting where the superstition came from, and a drama set in medieval times is presented. A maiden used the tactic of turning her suitor back, a delay calculated to cost him a victory, but one won by her people. So how did our forgetful suitor fare? Did he lose at love, or escape to fight another day?

 Lum and Abner – Everything is OK. 451009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

It’s up too Lum to talk to Miss Emaline about her resignation letter, an injunction against him or not. Today in the Jot Em Down Store, Abner and grandpap discuss how unlucky Lum has been. Abner gets a little confused over words, but grandpap thinks that things might get even worse before they get better. A visit from Mousey Gray brings news about the upcoming lodge meeting. The exalted keeper of the scroll shares some of the secret gossips. Though he would dearly love to go to the lodge meeting, the henpecked man is forced to stay home. Abner and grandpap discuss their own married lives. Confidentially, if they had to do it over again, would they decide to get married? Lum bursts in with high spirits. His luck with the ladies has taken a big turn for the better. Might there be wedding bells for him soon?

 Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 1of10. 440408 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:03

An expedition to the exotic lands near Saigon has begun. Learn about the native people in the area of Southeast Asia, and the scientific group who are on their way. A second group is also heading to the same area, traveling on the same ship, and both have members in their party who know others in the other party. It’s just that neither party know the other is traveling to the same destination. At least not yet. Captain Friday leads the second party, and has a mission that’s entirely different from the scientific expedition. What adventure and dangers await the expeditions in the jungles, and uncharted lands? What high priority secrets has drawn the attention of Captain Friday, and his assistant Skip Turner? In Cambodia, a tale of rumors of hidden treasure, slavery and superstitions are told by Doctor Carter. Rebellious elements have been educated by universities in the civilized West, but now return to stir up trouble in their homeland. Is there really buried treasure? Why doesn’t the French government look into the matter? Is the prisoner that Captain Friday escorting really guilty of murder? Suddenly, a cobra is on the loose, the captive escapes, a woman screams, and a native death chant is carried through the air. What kind of foreboding does this mean?

 Abbott And Costello Children’s Show – First Song – ‘I’ll be Home for Christmas’. 480131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:53

Audio isn’t the best, but fair. There is cross-talk, probably from other shows stored on the same reel to reel tape. Lou tells secrets on his family members and his bathing habits. Anna May Slaughter, the 10-year-old singer for the show sings a medley to include: I’ll Be Home for Christmas and White Christmas. The guest is Lillian Roth, a long time vaudeville performer, singer, and no stranger to stage and screen. She pokes fun at Lou and patiently listens to Buds’ lack of singing talent. She sings a few lines of tunes she made popular through her years. Ain’t She Sweet, I’m in Love with You Honey, and Goody Goody. Time for Bubble or Nothing, the game where Kidds blow the biggest bubble they can. Prizes are given for the biggest bubble, and contestants get plenty of clues to answer questions for prizes. Little girls with boyfriends who drink (soda pop of course), a cute little colored boy, and a boy whose father passed away (awkward moment for Lou, but his answer more than makes up for it). prizes include candy bars, ink pens, cowboy suits, a puppy, and lots more. The final segment honors a boy who did a good deed. When a fire breaks out in the rural home, six-year-old William raced inside to rescue his mother and two brothers. Unfortunately, his father died in the fire, and only his mother survived injuries. Bud and Lou send plenty of toys and support to help William start his own foundation to help kids in need.

 Cisco Kid – Secret Mission. 530407. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:56

Cisco has been asked to meet secretly with US Marshall Rich. The mission is to have Cisco infiltrate a notorious gang of robbers and killers. To get it done, Cisco has to be believeable, so he needs to break off his partnership with Pancho. Then he is to rob a bank, but he can return the money later and the marshall will stick up for him to clear Cisco’s name. Still, it’s a mission with danger and risk from the start. Will Pancho be able to handle the rejection from his long time friend? That is the hardest part. Cisco leaves his friend, and is very convincing as an outlaw. With the bank robbery out of the way, he seems to have everyone believing that he is now a criminal. Still, there are a few who are skeptical. Commercial break. Audio cuts out for a little, but hold on a moment while I flip the record. Pancho is arrested and tossed into jail for his close association with Cisco. He can’t believe Cisco is a bandit, but is resigned to his fate in jail. The gang plans a train robbery, and it’s just the thing for Cisco to use to spring a trap. The train is the one that the depressed Pancho is being transported to prison on, and in the fight that breaks out, all the bad guys are rounded up, Pancho and Cisco are reunited, but the marshall gets fatally wounded. Will he live long enough to clear Cisco? Will anybody believe the words on the lips of the marshall as he dies? As Cisco and Pancho await their fates in the jail cell, we all find out together.

 Boston Blackie – Duke Murders Jo Jo. 490406. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

Blackie has a friend named Joe Joe, and he needs the help that only Blackie can give. As a go between, Blackie goes to Farraday to warn of a planned prison break. Going out on a limb, Farraday follows through on the tip, only to learn there is no prison break, and the prisoner in question is in the warden’s office at the moment. There actually is a break planned, and a prisoner is shot when a disagreement arises with the others. Jo Jo has been shot and the news of his killing hits the streets, and Blackie is on the job. The whole situation also isn’t sitting well with Farraday, who investigates in his own style. Somehow, he is just in time to help the recently shot Boston Blackie. . With all the shootings, bodies, and tangled list of suspects, unraveling the matter of who is doing it is the mystery. How can a man, still behind bars, be the killer? With Blackie laid up in bed, and Farraday on the job, is there any hope of finding the killer? Feeling better, Blackie takes a tour of the prison to see if he can figure out how the deeds have gone down. Even Farraday is on the track of fishy things happening at the prison. Prisoners keep escaping, and returning to prison. By now, Blackie has the answers, and reveals a secret tunnel, and exposes the mystery.


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