Gunsmoke – Saludos. 570414

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: We join Matt as he visits Doc Adams to check on his most recent patient. An indian girl has been shot, and as she rests, we learn about her ordeal. The pretty little half breed girl brings out the sympathy in Chester, and especially Kitty. The friends join forces to help against the injustice done to her. It’lltake some doing, but Matt and Chester prepare to ride into the face of danger to bring her oppressors to justice. <br> On the ride across the plains, Matt teases Chester. Luck seems on their side when the men that Matt’s looking for ride across his path. One of them is the killer who shot the indian brave, and wounded his wife. In order to learn who it is, Matt takes them all back to Dodge. Along the way, coyotes howl as the men sit around the camp fire, talking about trail grub, and swapping stories about their past. Dangers lurk in the night, and it’s Matt’s cool head that keeps things from turning into a shooting match. <br> Matt tries to read the character of the three men, to see if he can tell which is the killer. Prejudice attitudes towards indians emerge, but to Matt, the law protects everybody without difference. Tensions build the closer the bunch get to town, but if Matt isn’t careful he may get a bullet in the back. <br>