Adventures By Morse – Cobra King Strikes Back 1of10. 440408

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: An expedition to the exotic lands near Saigon has begun. Learn about the native people in the area of Southeast Asia, and the scientific group who are on their way. A second group is also heading to the same area, traveling on the same ship, and both have members in their party who know others in the other party. It’s just that neither party know the other is traveling to the same destination. At least not yet. Captain Friday leads the second party, and has a mission that’s entirely different from the scientific expedition. <br> What adventure and dangers await the expeditions in the jungles, and uncharted lands? What high priority secrets has drawn the attention of Captain Friday, and his assistant Skip Turner? <br> In Cambodia, a tale of rumors of hidden treasure, slavery and superstitions are told by Doctor Carter. Rebellious elements have been educated by universities in the civilized West, but now return to stir up trouble in their homeland. Is there really buried treasure? Why doesn’t the French government look into the matter?<br> Is the prisoner that Captain Friday escorting really guilty of murder? <br> Suddenly, a cobra is on the loose, the captive escapes, a woman screams, and a native death chant is carried through the air. What kind of foreboding does this mean? <br>