Crime Classics – The Crime of Bathsheba Spooner. ep1, 530615

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Same as audition episode. <br> Who is Bathsheba Spooner? The first woman to be executed in the United States. Her story is one of murdering her husband and her lover who helped her. How did she do it? What pushed the woman capable of both hate and love to go through with it? <br> General Spooner was a popular figure in his gentlemen’s clubs. Ezra is Bathsheba’s young lover, but how far will he go in committing murder for her? Hiring some ne’er do wells, the deed is done, and the body disposed of. <br> Will the plan to report the murder go off without a hitch, and cast doubt away from the new widow? Footprints in the snow, an unexpected witness, and the plan begins to unravel. Despite her defense, she, her lover, and her hired men face the same fate. <br>