Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 You Are There – The Rise Of Alexander The Great – Battle For Asia, 331BC. 490313. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:02

The Greeks are set to battle with the much larger Persian army. CDS takes you back over a thousand years to be there as Alexander the Great seeks mastery of the world. After being offered half the known world by the King of Persia as a token of peace, Alexander and his men make their preparations in the gamble of a lifetime when Alexander wants it all. As CBS reporters remind us, the Greeks have proven time and again that they are very capable to overcome larger forces. The battlefield favors the Persian and their maneuvering, but the Greeks are prepared to go down fighting despite a lack of confidence in their leader. The soldiers may hate Alexander, but duty to the service of their country compels them to win the battle. Reporters offer descriptions of the Persian soldiers that describe a rival that is fearsome indeed. They have elephants, the main battle tank of their day. Alexander takes a prominent position, out in front of the battle lines to give his army a motivational speech. And they’re off! The armies race towards each other, with the CBS reporters to give the blow by blow action. With the Greeks surrounded, there is only one thing to do, fight their way out. Still a vanguard of the elite of Alexander has the Persian royal guard fighting to save their king. Don’t forget, this is still only part two in a trilogy that tells this story. Is the fight going to be decided today? Stay tuned for the final installment as the thrilling drama unfolds.

 Superman – Dr Blythe’s Confidence Gang 5of13. ep792, 450909 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:28

adventures of superman the disappearancews in the amusement park have raised concern with Clark Kent and his counterpart, Batman. the two find each other outside the tonnel of love attraction to express their worries over the now missing Jimmy Olson and Dick Grayson.

 On Stage – Call Me a Cab. ep10, 530312. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

A story about wasting time daydreaming. It’s a nice day to kill some time, and Elliot is the cabbie who gives Cathy a ride to do some window shopping. In voiceover we alternate between her thoughts and his. What do they think of each other? Joe the cabbie wants to offer a practical, realistic romance, instead of the whimsical romance that Julie is stuck in. She expects a white horse romance where all the details of life are perfect. Spend a few moments in the casual relationship, and personal moments between the two as they spend the rainy afternoon together. Will their daydreams come true? Could their life together be as nice as it was layed out in the imagined scenes? A whole lifetime is lived: love, marriage, and babies, all in the span of a cab ride in the park.

 Lone Ranger – Stampede in the Dark. 420311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:23

The Lone Ranger and Tonto ride to the rim of the Tomahawk Basin for their next adventure. They’re after Benjamin Steel, one former leader of the now broken, Black Arrow gang. A quarrel breaks out on the plains. A couple cowhands argue over a brand that looks suspicious. Just who was that masked man who broke up the fight and rode away? At least the honest cowhand realizes his significance. The story comes out as the man and the Lone Ranger talk. Though some wouldn’t believe it, the head of the Tomahawk brand is really a dishonest crook. Lone Ranger sets out to prove it, and set the record straight with the smaller ranchers who have had their cattle stolen, and brands changed. Are the Lone Ranger and Tonto getting themselves into danger? The scene changes to get the side of the story from Ben Steel and his head honcho. He is set on monopolizing the West, and owning all the cattle. A big job, but he has more trouble than he first counted on. The will and resolve of the ranchers is put to the test when their safety is threatened. Ben Steel is too sneaky to just have his people ride in shoting. He organizes a stampede to act as his murder weapon. Can the Lone Ranger stop it? Can they stop the plans before the stampede stats? It may take rallying the support of other ranchers, but I’ll bet he at least stops a murder from happening. Well, at least the rancher is saved, but the evil rancher falls into his own trap. But Ben Steel lives to see another day.

 Great Gildersleeve – Chairman of Women’s Committee. ep160, 450311. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:18

Since his sister Hattie left town, Gildersleeve is rearing to get back to his usual routine. We find him bursting with energy in the Water Commissioner’s office. He feels like a free man as he talks to Bessie. The soaring feelings come to a crashing end when Gildy has a few near misses with traffic on the way home. As he and Marjorie meet folks along the way, we learn of a Red Cross drive, and a visiting soldier home on leave. Gildy is just the man to get roped into being honorary chairman, but a hotbed of ill feelings between a few of the womanfolk emerges. Can he soothe things over, and unite the town for a successful drive? Things are hopping in the Gildersleeve home as the big moment approaches. Taking a break from the madhouse, Gildersleeve pops in to visit with Peavey, and comment about those darn arguing women. Good thing men never argue like that. Well, listen in to see how Gildy has a rude awakening on that one. The warring factions all come together, the fur is about to fly over the fund raising ideas, but a rescue comes from an unexpected source. A reality check is dropped to put priorities into perspective.

 Casey Crime Photographer – Tough Guy. ep227, 480304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:54

A cabbie feels like he’s being pushed around by a thug, so he takes his story to the cops where Casey happens to be hanging out. Is the passenger a crook? Why would he be putting himself in a high profile, instead of laying low? Word comes in about the murder of a theater manager, and Casey joins the investigation. A suspect is quickly identified, and it’s the tough guy in the cab, who conveniently has set up his alibi. Do the cops have the right man or not? At the Blue Note, Casey reviews details of the case with Ethylbert and Ann. There’s something missing in the details so it’s back to the cops to figure out what doesn’t add up. The tough guy in the cab, Morris, is clearly setting up an alibi for the real killer. Fortunately, Casey has a plan, a corny one to be sure, but it just might work. He lays out a plan to make the players think their partner is betraying the other. Will Morris crack first, or his gal Betty? In the Blue Note, Casey shares how love and jealousy can work for the cause of justice.

 Superman – Dr Blyte’s Confidence Gang 4of13. ep791, 450907 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:35

adventures of superman Superman’s young friends Jimmy Olson and Dick Grayson are alarmed over the disappearance of Lois Lane at the amusement park. tracing their steps through the attractions, they try to figure out how the reporter vanished in the tunnel of love.

 Gunsmoke – What The Whiskey Drummer Heard. ep98, 540417 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

CBS net. “What The Whiskey Drummer Heard”. Sustaining. Wilbur Hawkins tells Marshal Dillon about a plot against his life. When Dillon pretends to be dead, two different people brag about killing him!  Featuring the voice talent of William Conrad, Parley Baer, Edgar Barrier, John Dehner, Vic Perrin, Howard McNear, Georgia Ellis. Also: John Meston (writer), Norman Macdonnell (director), Rex Koury (composer, conductor), George Walsh (announcer),

 Box 13 – Find Me Find Death – ep36, 490424 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:54

Episode 36. A homicidal maniac gives Holiday four days to live.

 CBS Radio Mystery Theater – Watcher of the Living. ep960, 790307. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:41

Title:Watcher of the Living (H. G. Wells story) Plot:A high school principal and teacher are sent to an alternate world during a failed lab experiment. In this strange dimension, they encounter a race of floating faces that are cursed to forever witness the wrongdoings of others but are incapable of correcting them. Episode:960 Air Dates: First Run – March 7, 1979 Repeat – August 24, 1979 Read more at: CBS Radio Mystery Theater | Episode 960 | Watcher of the Living.

 The Lone Ranger – Sheriff Gordon. ep83, 550513 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:22

The Lone Ranger. May 13, 1955. ABC net. Stolen Money”. Sustaining. Ozark Riley is murdered by two thieves who take the money that Ozark himself has taken. The program was originally broadcast September 4, 1953 (this may be the 1953 broadcast). Brace Beemer, John Todd, Fred Foy (announcer), George W. Trendle (creator), Charles D. Livingstone (director), Fran Striker (editor), Betty Joyce (wrtier).

 Jack Benny – Jack Loses $4.75 At The Race Track. 540502 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:51

The cast tease Jack about being recognized by the public. Bob Crosby and Jack joke about the possible criminal activities of the band, then the conversation turns to horse racing. Flashback as Mary tells about the recent horse track adventure. Jack is upset over his loss, but tries hard not to show it. Mary asks rochester about his girlfriend. Along the way, they encounter Bob, then Don and the Sportsmen. The whole gang helps out with the commercial singing, Clancy Lowers the Boom. Before the trip home is over, the gang meet Mr. Kitzel. Finally, at home Jack gets ready for bed, and has nightmares about his loss of $4.75. A culmination of all the running gags in the show.

 The Shadow – Appointment with Death. 380312. (RV65, retro690) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:11

First. Consider joining my extremely cool Patreon backers in sponsoring a show. All the details for either a one time donation, or ongoing support is on the Donate page. Bonus Tracks * Keith spends a few extra moments to recall the first encounters he had with the Shadow. In catchphrases, radio, and movies. * He also shares a little from the original show notes. * Phil Harris 1932 Minnie the Mermaid Here are my original show notes: The Shadow was one of the many superheroes that lived on the radio in the 1930s and ’40s. In the show today a convict is released from prison and is bent on getting his revenge. No matter what the cost. I never knew much about the Shadow for a long time. Occasionally, while growing up someone would make an ominous comment like, “only the Shadow knows…” or “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men…” I always figured these were some quotations from some classic pieces of literature from centuries ago. In the 1980s a movie of the Shadow was made. I never saw it and still haven’t. At some point, I came to understand that the Shadow was an old-time radio show. It wasn’t until within the past two years or so that I actually listened to the Shadow. Today’s episode is one of the first I heard, in fact. Appointment With Death. The episodes weren’t meant to be realistic as much as adventurous. The Shadow was a superhero whose special power was invisibility. Actually, his invisibility came from mystical arts that he learned while he was in the orient. He could perform a kind of mass hypnosis that convinced anybody around him that nobody was present. He also had a few other stray tricks that he learned in addition to his invisibility that would aid him in getting out of scrapes. The bad guy would only hear a disembodied voice. Like other superheroes, he had a secret identity, Lamont Cranston. Only his sidekick and secretary knew his real identity. A point or two in regards to being nonrealistic. The bad guy in today’s story only spent five years in prison, probably for some infraction like theft, yet he has harbored such a grudge that he is willing to return to prison and face the death penalty if he is caught in his attempt to kill the Shadow. He does have a good idea in the plan he devised. Ruthless, but a good way to get the Shadow. Once the bad guy is out, his first crime is against a gas station owner. The scene has the gas station man topping of a customer’s tank with five gallons of gas. It only cost 95 cents. Wow, that’s only 19 cents per gallon. My how times have changed since 1938. Just a little trivia and tidbits. You may recognize the voice of the bad guy in today’s episode, Alan Reed, aka Fred Flinstone. Through the run of the show, a few different people played the Shadow, including Orson Wells. Nobody else could reproduce that famous laugh the original actor put into those opening lines. The show’s producers reused that sound bite for all the rest of the shows to come. best regards and happy listening. Keith H. Here’s an offer I made in my first season. There weren’t any takers back then, and I don’t suppose there should be any these days. If you’re interested though, all you need to do is drop me a line. PS: At the end of April I should have CD’s ready for our first season. I’ll post a link at that time for anyone who may be interested in ordering one. It will cost $10 and include shipping. Secure payments will be through PayPal. The plan is to burn off the shows as they appeared here on Files will be in mp3 format. If it would be more preferable, I could include the shows without the robot hosts and music. Just let me know. –kh

 Superman- Dr Blythe’s Confidence Gang 3of13. ep790, 450906 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:54

adventures of superman after accepting an invitation, and wanting to surprise Superman, Lois Lane goes to a gala event. to be safe, she is escorted by Jimmy Olson, and Dick Grayson. will the youngsters spot danger? will there be anything they might do to prevent it?

 Abbott and Costello – Long Beach California Knights In Shining Armor 421119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

Bud and Lou talk about airplanes, and flying. When Ken Niles shows up, talk turns to the recent movie that Abbott and Costello made. The sound man, Mel Blanc, wants to be in their next film, and shos off a few voices and tallents. After a word from the sponsor, Camel cigarettes, The Camel Five sing, By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Bud and Lou talk to a wardrobe designer. Merl Oberaun is tonights guest, and she shows up to help with a play about the knights of old. Connie Haines sings, Hasta Luego. The play begins and the cast are knights who must deal with a mob who are clamoring in revolt. Not to mention the dragon that needs to be slain.


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