Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Great Gildersleeve – Leila Leaves Town. ep218, 461009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Since finding out his old flame is to wed another, Gildersleeve has wandered around in a daze. Then his doorbell rings, and he is greeted by Leila Ransom. She leaves instructions on keeping watch over her house while she is gone. After the awkward goodbye, Gildy is frustrated and mopes at home. Can Birdie lift his spirits? Should he stay in, or go to take Leila to the train station later? Leroy is sent home from school, due to his cold. He watches as his uncle tries to make up his mind about going out. Will he let Leroy go to the basketball game then? Don’t get your hopes up kid. How about if he can get the Jolly Boys to come to his place instead, and keep him from being tempted to go out to the train station? Sure enough, the boys gather at Gildy’s to play cards. The married gents complain about not understanding their wives, but the sentiment seems lost on the bachelors, especially Gildersleeve. Judge Hooker tries to talk sense to Gildy. If he loves Leila so much, why hasn’t he proposed marriage to her? Racing to her house, he tries to do just that. Gildy drives her to the train station, but will the facades of how they feel drop, and let their emotions out? Sentiments rise, memories are shared, but the train won’t wait. Leila’s fickle side drops, but will it make a difference now if Gildy proposes?

 Rin Tin Tin – The Ambassador. 551113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

A special courier arrives, and a mission that includes Corporal Rusty and Rin Tin Tin to help Lt Masters pose as the Ambassador and his family, to round out thee decoy, a temporary wife for Lt Masters is issued by the Army. She is the sister of the revolutionary, Don Cortez. Will the pretend family be successful In misleading the revolutionaries? A kidnap attempt signals that they might have done just that. The lonngrer they can hold out as prisoners, the more time they can buy for the real Ambassador to diffuse the tension with Don Cortez. There’s one problem that could spell disaster. If Don Cortez recognizes his sister as one of the decoys, the plan could fall apart. Sure enough, our Heros are taken to the powerful outlaw. Mrs Curtis hides behind the veil on her hat. But wait! There’s a twist that means both putting an end to the revolutionaries, and clearing her brother’s name. Note: Presented by National Biscuit Company. Makers of Shredded Wheat for Kidds, and Milk Bone treats for dogs.

 Lum and Abner – Jot Em Down Store Reopens. 450903 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Abner and Lizabeth have returned home from her family in Texas, and Lum is back from his trip to Wisconsin. In the store today, Abner takes orders when Lum arrives. Both gents are glad to be back, and ready to sweep out the store, and turn to Lum’s latest business idea. Abner shares about his trip, and some novelty photographs. Grandpap enters, spry as ever, but will Lum ever get to tell about his great idea? Abner and grandpap swap stories of the carnivals they both attended, when Cedric enters with good news. Guess what! The war is over! Cedric tells how Pine Ridge partied until the late hour of 9 O’Clock to celebrate. The carnival stories keep flying fast and furiously, but won’t anybody give Lum the chance to tell about his idea?

 Dragnet – Big _Donation. ep157, 520612 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

Audio resolution is low. Bunko Detail. A couple of swindlers hit town, disguised as men taking donations for charity. On the day watch, Joe Friday heads out with his partner Bill Lockwood. An informant points out their man in a coffee shop, but the encounter ends in a foot race, gun shots, and a car crash. The cops lay their cards on the table with the evidence against Ray. How long will he continue to resist, and claim innocence? In the interrogation, the number of cases is presented, and the similarities in how they go down,. Not wanting to go down alone, Ray spills the beans on the others in the ring. Though his part in the operation is small, he provides plenty to go on to take down the swindlers. The trail leads to the mother of a disabled boy. Her legitimate charity is on the short end, and she tells about some of her usual donors who were taken advantage of by the scheme. Working with potential donors, Joe and Bill interview Mr Stage about a suspicious caller. Scammers refuse to leave a call back number, or address, but when they let their victim know they will call again, the cops are waiting on the line. When the check is requested to be made out to a personal account, rather than a corporation, and taken directly to a bank, the cops spring into action.

 Bing Crosby (General Electric) Ella Fitzgerald. ep53, 531227 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:58

After minimal introduction, Bing kicks off the show. Playlist * Cozy Little Corner. (Bing Crosby) * Bing jokes with Ken about Christmas gifts, particularly ones for Bob Hope. Going on television, and more. * That’s Alright With Me. (Bing Crosby) * Someone to Watch Over Me. (Ella Fitzgerald) * Looking for a Boy. (Ella Fitzgerald) * Istanbul. (Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald) * Night and Day. (Instrumental, John Scot Trotter) * A Fool for You Dear. (Bing Crosby)

 Jack Benny – NBC Tribute To Jack Benny’s Tenth Anniversary. ep411, 410511 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:27

After the hour long special, Jack Benny and his cast respond to the honors of the gala event. Don Wilson introduces Jack Benny. The two joke about his taste in style and fashion, and the wardrobe Jack had to wear in his latest film, Charlie’s Aunt. Mary Livingstone and Dennis Day arrive to get in on the secrets of the wardrobe, and tell how Jack has been a mother to them. Phil arrives, and the topics turns to the NBC salute, and the latest teasing from Fred Allen. After an interruption from Rochester, to tell about the broken down Maxwell, Phil plays Amapola. Joined by Ken Carpenter, Don introduces a drama that wasn’t able to be included in the NBC tribute. Details present Jack’s birth, 47 years earlier, and glimpses at his boyhood. His poor grades, early violin playing, his introduction to vaudeville at the Barriston theater. Mentions of early friends and acts on the stage are mentioned and we see what his early act was like. A set back comes with his mother’s death and spending time in the Navy. Soon, Jack is in the big time, playing the Palace. Dropping the violin, and sticking to comedy helps. Then one day, he finds his life long partner in the May Company hosiery department. Sadye Marx becomes Mrs Benny, then Mary Livingstone as her stage name. Jack gets his big break on Ed Sullivan’s show. His first words on the air are shared, then his own show takes him from Canada Dry to Jello. Finally, his current cast members are spotlighted. Some of his current running gags are featured, and his feud with Fred Allen. To wrap up, Jack gets in a word of thanks and appreciation.

 Sherlock Holmes – The Submarine Caves. ep205, 460304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

On a diplomatic trip to a little known island in the English Channel, Sherlock is to receive a pound of butter in the name of the Queen. The royal family on the island of Garth is independent, of Britain, and the island holds importance due to its strategic location, and the underground caverns discovered there. Important in the modern times where submarines might dry dock without detection. As Holmes and Watson arrive, they are met by the queen’s son and a matriarchal figure named, Reevie. We learn the queen has died in her sleep, but the butter ceremony will go on as planned. Holmes smells a rat,. When Reevie clearly runs the show, and controls the young heir who reveals a little too much about the death of his mother. Is the old biddy up to something more Is there something more at stake than just a butter ceremony? A battle of wits begins when Holmes tries to find out what really caused the sudden death, and Reevie takes him not only a wild goose chase, but tries to drug the famous detective to ensure he never learns the secret. How will Holmes get the upper hand, and get out of the maze of caverns?

 Lum and Abner – Jot Em Down Store Will Close For Six Weeks. 450719 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After the closure to the story of the legal stock market, the gents have a surprise announcement before the episode is over. The title is a clue. Im going over the books, Lum announces they’re in a hole. Abner is a little confused over the term, but begins to get the idea when Lum points out how shabby the store has become. What can be done to improve the depleted inventory? Abner thinks Lum wants him to dig up his life savings from his back yard. Hey wait, how did Lum know about Abner’s hidden cash? After a tirade towards Lum, Abner calms down enough to hear about the books, and losing $40 a month. What the gents need is a vacation. If they take time off to rest, what will they use for money? Abner figures if they close, they can use the $40 they won’t be losing, Locking up the store, they take Geraldine the cat, and hang a sign over the door. After a word from the sponsor, Lum and Abner return to tell about their Summer replacement show.

 Lum and Abner – Locked In Jail. 450718 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Finding themselves in trouble for selling illegal stock, the gents have gone out on a limb to get back their one remaining share from US Quincey. Today we find them behind bars, aerrested by Mousey Gray. Abner feels they ought to be out in no time, but Lum isn’t so sure. Abner is ready to take a baseball bat to somebody, but he’s to blame for appointing Cedric and Mousey as deputies. Since he’s the town constable when uncle Henry is out of town, can’t Abner just set the prisoners free? As much as he might like his personal freedom, his civic duty, and sense of responsibility won’t allow him to let his felons escape. Even if its him. Besides they broke a lamp in the Quincey house, and the gents feel obligated for it. Lum figures that Ulysses doesn’t know who broke the lamp, and a phone call to Mousey might soothe the matter over. Before the call can be made, US Quincey pops in, and in a surprising move, he gives the gents back their stock certificate.The gents are free to go… except now they need to find the key.

 Dad’s Army – The Armoured Might of Lance Corporal Jones. ep1-06, 740304 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:33

As Nazi aggression continues, the men of the Home Guard drill in gas masks. If only they could understand each other’s muffled speech in the rubber masks. Captain Mannering does his best to train his men, using common civilian articles. Since Jones has a delivery truck for his butcher business, he is promised extra fuel rations if he converts it to military use. A rival officer claims to have orders to share the Home Guard facility, and wants equal time to drill his own men. After a minor clash, Jones is made driver of the van, now armored with sandbags, and equipped to be modified as a field ambulance. A dry run is made, complete with engine sound affects by Jones. A large scale air raid operation is scheduled, and the new van will be showing its stuff. One modification that doesn’t make Jones happy is the conversion to LP gas, rather than petrol. A break in the gas line makes for a giddy driver. But the snafu’s are only beginning. The key to unlock the back of the van has been forgotten, and the simulaateed casualties, all duly bandaged, can’t ride in the ambulance. Not without some slapstick results.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Molly’s Lost Diamond Ring. ep312, 420203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:41

When it’s time for house work, it’s time for husbands to find something else to do. Molly even encourages Fibber to leave. The tone of the day changes when she discovers her engagement ring is gone. Abigail Uppington arrives to hear about the lost ring and the sentiment behind it. The McGee’s and Abigail remember old times in the theater, but in separate areas. The gag about throwing a rock through Abigail’s window makes a return, and Billy Mills plays some hopping dance tunes to transition. Determined to find that ring, Fibber turns to the hunt, only to be interrupted by a visit from Mayor Latrivia. He talks about sledding, and offers to help look for Molly’s ring. Does the mayor have the ability to hypnotize Fibber? After he leaves, Fibber has to admit he tinkered with the vacuum cleaner and other appliances. His rug sweeping is interrupted by a visit from Harlowe Wilcox, and a sponsor message. Worries continue as the McGee’s continue their search and the Old Timer visits to say he’s joining the Navy. Isn’t he too old for that? The old gent is disappointed he won’t be looking cute in a sailor suit, and pokes fun at the forces in Nazi Germany. The Kingsmen sing, the White Cliffs of Dover. After the massive clean up of the house, Fibber is feeling the affect of his work. Molly goes upstairs, when Teeny pops in to offer her ideas on finding missing things. She also tells how the ground hog saw his shadow. Just when Molly admires how clean the house looks, Fibber discovers Molly’s ring. absent minded… or sneaky?

 Barry Craig – Case of the Corpse On Delivery. 511031 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:13

Or, The Bail Jumper. A weary Barry Craig puts up his feet And waits for a bail bondsman to fill him in on a big job. it’s worth 10% of the bond money to catch up with big-time gangster, Joey Florio. The manhunt begins with a bang and fizzles out just as quickly. Despite an army of operatives, Barry turns up no sign of the gangster. When a stabbed sailor turns up on his doorstep, clues look promising. An ominous phone call, a dame, and a visit to the sailor’s ship bring up more questions than they answer. Is there a trap to set Barry up? What do the sailor and the dame have to do with the missing Joey Florio? Time for Barry to set a few traps of his own. Connections begin to paint a more clear picture for our hard-boiled detective. Will the cops have anything on the dame? Will Joey be found alive? Why the large price tag for Barry to find the missing man? A turn around ending reveals all.

 Jack Benny – It’s a Wonderful Life. 470202 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Mary and Jack talk about the movie they’ve just seen as they window shop. Martha and Emilie, 2 old biddies stand in the distance to gossip about Jack and Mary, making catty remarks about the comedy couple. They come across Frank Capra, director of It’s a Wonderful Life, and Jack shares that he thinks the concept seemed corny to him. Will Jack be able to pitch the idea to put him in one of Frank’s feature films as the leading man? Some travelling music finds Jack at home to talk to Rochester. After a near miss in the bathroom with taking poison, Jack gets a visit from Victor Moore, his guardian angel. The angel takes Jack on a journey to the May company to show what Mary’s life might be like without him. Discovering that she’s married to Frank Nelson the usual floor walker, Jack takes a look at Dennis Day and his success as Fred Allen’s tenor. Will Fred Allen recognize him, a man who is loved by all, including his sponsors. Travelling to visit Don Wilson, Jack finds him and the Sportsmen happily singing on the old Kentucky tobacco plantation. Will Jack be convinced yet? There’s just one more place to visit. Descending a stairwell that’s reminiscent of Jack’s vault Phil Harris is found in a seedy night club in Nashville. Instead of being married to Alice Faye, Phil is married to Jack’s girlfriend, Gladys Zabisco. How will Jack’s esperience end up? Will he return to his normal life? PS: An interesting moment takes place in the opening scenes with Mary hinting Jack ought to buy her an engagement ring. They were really married, of course, but in the shows her character was little more than a bickering friend. She started out in the early years as his dumb girlfriend in the show, and in later years her character seemed to mellow over time, it’s only rare moments like this that hint otherwise. You may recognize his voice, Victor Moore was the original angel in the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, as well as being a comedian on many other radio shows, films, and vaudeville.

 Phil Harris – Phil’s Hobby. ep45, 471130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

At home, Phil is climbing a tree to rescue a kite his girls were playing with. Alice and Willie tease him about not being as young as he used to be, and the risk of falling. Leaving a broken telephone wire on the ground, Phil hides inside and leaves Willie to deal with the grouchy neighbor. Is there other safe hobbies for Phil to take up, like crocheting? Frankie pops in, and is surprised to find Phil with needlework. Does Frankie have any ideas for a hobby? The guys appease Alice, and go to the hobby shop to find something. On the way Phil sings, Froggie Went a Courting. The hobby store clerk is Frank Nelson who suggests a few ideas. Though he refuses at first, Phil comes home with an electric train set and a few gadgets. Fast forward and the track is all set up. With Frankie taking charge, what could go wrong? Alice takes time to sing, Stanley Steamer. In search of a replacement transformer for the train set, Frankie and Phil decide to swipe the one from the neighbor with the broken phone wire. What could go wrong? Will there be some explaining to do when a fire breaks out in Mr Gaylin’s cellar? Alice tries to turn on the charm to sway the cops, but to no avail. A shared hobby seems to do the trick, and it doesn’t involve trains.

 Wild Bill Hickock – Gunsmoke Pass. ep49, 520201. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:52

Jingles is excited to learn that Violet, a singer and performer is coming to Hayes City. Bill is less than happy because he anticipates her arrival will cause trouble among the menfolk of town. It doesn’t take long to prove Bill’s worry is founded when gun play is heard near by. Bill warns the salloon keeper to try to do what he can to tame things down, but I don’t think the man wants to palay along. At the Blue Feather salloon, Jingles and Bill catch the show. Bill points out all the famous gunmen from all around who have come for the show. It’s a powder keg with a fuse just waiting to be lit. Things are calm for now, but some plot twists, and dramatic undercurrents are exposed. The tricky salloon keeper, Farrel, has plenty of nasty tricks up his sleeve. He sends trouble Bill’s way, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. PS: Pops are sweeter than ever, so you can eat them right out of the box. Gotta love that catchy song that goes along with it.


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