Wild Bill Hickock – Gunsmoke Pass. ep49, 520201.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jingles is excited to learn that Violet, a singer and performer is coming to Hayes City. Bill is less than happy because he anticipates her arrival will cause trouble among the menfolk of town. It doesn’t take long to prove Bill’s worry is founded when gun play is heard near by. Bill warns the salloon keeper to try to do what he can to tame things down, but I don’t think the man wants to palay along. <br> At the Blue Feather salloon, Jingles and Bill catch the show. Bill points out all the famous gunmen from all around who have come for the show. It’s a powder keg with a fuse just waiting to be lit. Things are calm for now, but some plot twists, and dramatic undercurrents are exposed. <br> The tricky salloon keeper, Farrel, has plenty of nasty tricks up his sleeve. He sends trouble Bill’s way, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. <br> PS: Pops are sweeter than ever, so you can eat them right out of the box. Gotta love that catchy song that goes along with it. <br>