Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Barry Craig – Murder in Wax. 511121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:25

Having won some public notoriety, Barry finds himself in the company of Mona, a reporter. She’s less than thrilled to be doing the profile of the hard boiled detective. Then a parrot, screaming bloody murder enters the scene. Where did the blood on the bird come from? Who did it belong to? Turning the matter over to the cops, more unanswered questions emerge. The trail leads from a broken cage, to the meager personal affects of Vince, recently of Costa Rica. A circular that touts a wax museum display of the murder of Vince, draws Barry to it, with Mona at his side. A can of worms, full of clues is kicked over, and Barry has a full blown mystery to unravel. How did Dolly, the madam of the wax displays get informatioN on the fresh murder? A thug is on hand to melt down the display, but only ads to Barry’s determination. A thump on the head later, Barry learns the wax museum has been sold. What are the connections between the dead man, to Dolly, to the new owner of the museum, Mr Krump? Twists, turns, and dangers are ahead for Barry, and his latest side kick, Mona. Has her dull idea of the detectives life made a turn around?

 Lum and Abner – The Dog Disappears And Cedric Returns. 450917 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

The gents worry over Cedric’s disappearance. How can Lum face Mrs Wehandt to tell her that her boy has been turned into a St Bernard dog? Going on his own hunt, he leaves Abner in charge of the store, and the shaggy dog. Grandpap enters but when he is told of the change in Cedric, he thinks Abner is off his rocker. Abner tells how the atomic energy in their box of uranium turned Cedric into a dog. The two discuss eerie similarities in the way Cedric, and the dog carry themselves. Its sti8ll too hard for grandpap to believe. The dog loves peanut butter, and when Abner put a nickel in the slot, the dog took to playing pinball. Heading to the feed room with a plateful of peanut butter sandwiches, Cedric appears in his natural form once again. The shock is nearly more than Abner can stand.

 Red Skelton (Avalon time) Egypt. ep7, 390218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Or, Edna Stillwell Joins the Cast. Red opens with jokes about flying, airplanes, and even Hollywood marriages. He tells about the laughs his movies get. Phil Davis plays some mellow mood music. Red Foley sings, Funny Old Hills. In his office, we find Red Skelton trying to borrow $10 from his secretary. The jokes about money include a visit from the professor. Maybe a call to the sponsor will get the money Red needs. Or maybe just a chat with Mirt the phone operator. What does Red need that cash for any way? The band plays, Stomppin’ at the Savoy. Janette sings, Between a Kiss and a Sigh. Pharaoh Skelton is said to have a jealous secretary. Crossing the span of time and distance, Red dramatizes being in ancient Egypt with his rival Red Foley, and the pyramids he’s building. Hopping off his elephant, Red goes to woo Cleopatra, while the jealous Edna goes to tell Mark Anthony. Played by the mild mannered Hercules, will there be trouble for Red? Red Foley sings, Penny Serenade.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Buys a Horse. ep315, 420224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:24

Audio is a touch staticky, but good. To deal with rubber shortages, and tires with too much wear and tear, Fibber thinks they ought to get a horse. It will save on gas and oil. The Old Timer stops in with the load of hay Fibber already ordered. The old gent tells about his girlfriend before leaving. Molly still doesn’t know that the horse has already been bought, and doesn’t think he knows how to take care of horses. However, Horse Neck McGee takes off to brag about his animal instinct. Billy Mills plays, Blue Skies. When Molly claims she already promised Abigail Uppington the use of the garage, Fibber has to scramble in trying to let Molly in on the horse. When Abigail visits the horse jokes build with Fibber telling about his circus act with horses. Harlowe Wilcox nearly lets the horse out of the bag, but Fibber distracts him into delivering the sponsor message. Molly steps out when Teeny visits. The tiny tot already knows about the horse, but who told her? What cvolor is it? Does Fibbers horse eat straw, or hay? The Kingsmen sing, Gay CCaballero. After seeing the big green brute in the garage, Molly finally learns about the horse Fibber has been hiding. Wallace Wimple arrives to tell how his big old wife deals with keeping secrets. Fibber tries to defend his decision to have the horse, but a visit from the mayor may be the solution to take it off his hands. Until Molly finds herself becoming attached.

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) George Jessel and Lina Romay. ep15, 470122 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

Ken Carpenter learns that Bing has been reading one of Bob Hope’s books lately. Playlist * Zipity Do Dah. (Bing Crosby) * If You Were the Only Girl in the World (Bing Crosby) * George Jessel joins Bing after an eloquent introduction. Known for his own toast master abilities, George teases Bing about his past. The discussion of each other’s achievements winds up back in song. * Open the Door Richard (Jack McVey) * George also holds the title of film producer, and plays up the introduction to the next song. * Brasil (Lina Romay) * A drama where Lena is the young maiden, betrothed to the old professor, George Jessel. Does she love him as much as her father tells her she does? * Cnchita (Bing Crosby, Lina Romay) * I Love You for Sentimental Reasons. (Bing Crosby)

 Great Gildersleeve- Gildy Contemplates Early Retirement. ep219, 461016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

It’s the kind of evening where Gildersleeve wants to do nothing, but stay home. Will his lesson on concentration rub off on Leroy? Has anyone seen the book he had been reading? Aft3er driving himself too hard on the job, Gildy doesn’t want to look at the household bills, only rest and relax with the newspaper. He shares his version of an ideal day with Marjorie. The newspaper ad for financial investment has Gildy and Marjorie dreaming of travel. He only needs to wait another 15 years or so to enjoy the benefits of retired life. Heading off to Peavy’s drugstore for a postage stamp, the old friend opens his store. How does Peavy feel about his future, or retiring? The old jokester nearly sends Gildy away in a huff. Later, Gildy makes the rounds to Floyd the barber to offer advice on retirement and running his business. Judge Hooker arrives to get an earful of the retirement plans. The judge has his own financial plan. Barely coming up with the cost of his haircut, Gildy heads off to the bank where he discovers his accounts are in the red. How has his expenses gotten so out of hand? Is it a bank error? Its it ever? Why hasn’t Birdie been keeping tabs on expenses? Finally forced to review the shopping bill, Gildy tries to find any area where the family might cut back. Suddenly that retirement plan doesn’t look so hot when a salesman comes to the door to sign him up.

 Jack Benny – Another The Eternal Triangle. 360223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

Don gives Jack a goofy intro about being in the circus. The running gag about the contest returns, getting interupted before the actual prize or details can be revealed. The cast hasn’t shown up yet so Jack phones around to find them. I love the gag that Johnny offers about having laryngitis. It seems to be too cold to get out to the studio. The band plays, Dancing Feet. Don introduces a Jello play with Jack and Mary doing a scene at a dinner table. Another gag commercial that involves an opera singer, and a woman named Heddi Lettuce testifies about Jello. Kenny sings, A Night at the Opera. Yet another running gag occurs about one of Jack’s writers asking what time it is. The play is announced. It’s to be in two scenes, one taking place in the present, and one 50 years in the future. Johnny plays, Pickalino. Oh, that crazy Mary, with all that cheating on Jack, this play should probably be called the Eternal Polygon. The seemingly obvlivious Jack has his own secret to reveal for the play. Strange, I don’t remember people calling each other “toots” back in 1986… I guess in 1936 they figured it was just one of those words that would endure through the ages. I wonder if someone reads this in 50 years if they’ll think it’s “cool”. Who knows, maybe “swell” will make a comeback.

 Rin Tin Tin – White Buffalo. 551127 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:24

Stationed at Fort Apache, Rusty joins a surveying patrol to mark off correct boundaries for the Apache reservation. Lt Masters finds a few Indian braves of the Chirakawah tribe who are hunting for buffalo. As a measure of good will, Rusty is allowed to ride back to the Indian camp. After learning of the importance of the buffalo to the tribes existence, Rusty watches from a distance, and describes the hunt. While out, the braves encounter poachers who not only want to steal the buffalo, they would rather kill the band of braves as well. Lt Masters arrives in time to keep the poachers from doing worse, and keeps a breach of treaty from exploding into an Indian range war. The poachers leave for now, but their ringleader, Garth, isn’t going too settle for anything less than having his own way. In a confrontation, Rusty finds himself in danger not only from Garth, but a stampede. His only hope is in rescue from the white buffalo.

 Ozzie and Harriet – Jury Duty. ep143, 480116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:55

Ozzie coaches the boys on taking responsibility, and doing a job well. The boys seem to have learned their lesson in not shirking civic duties. How about Harriet? She has plenty of chores and errands on her plate. Ozzie’s schedule of napping on the couch is interrupted by a visit from his neighbor, Thornberry. It warms Ozzie’s heart to see so many folks in the neighborhood fulfilling their civic duties. Until he gets a letter, summoning him to jury duty.. can he find a way out of it? Motivation comes in the form of dodging duties with helping Mrs Pennyfeather and the PTA booth. Contemplating his legal duty, Ozzie makes an impression on Emmy Lou. Will there be some important, criminal trial? Will Ozzie get his name in the papers? The day of the trial arrives, and jury selection begins. Daydreams find jury foreman Ozzie taking an active part in the proceedings. When reality comes crashing down, Ozzie finds himself tossed off jury duty, but is this the end of his civic duty? The PTA ladies are waiting.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric Drinks The Uranium. 450912 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

At first, Lum’s experiment at trying to separate uranium from his soil samples worked well. Then the nitroglycerine blew out the windows. Today the gents nurse their injuries while waiting for Cedric. Abner is ready to move on, and put the uranium business behind them, but Lum is sure they’re on the right track to get rich. With the hazard of transporting the nitroglycerine, Lum doesn’t want to risk Cedric, so he recruits Abner to do it. Meanwhile, Cedric enters with word of the continued need for sailors for the Merchant Marine. The gents get distracted. Lum with a phone call, and Abner in his discussion of why Cedric doesn’t qualify for the Merchant Marine. Before anyone can stop him, Cedric drinks the uranium and nitroglycerine solution. By the time Abner runs out to get Lum, there’s nothing left of Cedric… except for a dog?

 Dragnet – Big Trio. ep160, 520703 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:03

Traffic Division. Death and tragedy is predicted, and its up to Joe Friday to stop it. It’s July 3, and a car accident with its fatality set the stage for the problem before Joe Friday and Frank Smith. The cops describe the accident in detail and the senseless loss of life and property. Mr Wheeler barges in, frantic to learn about his boy, but doesn’t want to believe his son is a sloppy driver who fled from police. the account of near misses with pedestrians in a high speed chase, and side swiping cars left in his wake can’t convince the irate dad. Firm words from the emergency room doctor point the finger of blame not at the son, but at Mr Wheeler for not instilling responsibility into his son. To top off the string of damage, word hits that the Wheeler boy has died. Responding to the scene, Joe and Frank interview yet another injured man. In this case, it’s clear the man is faking symptoms. Calls to respond to more accidents fill the shift. The latest includes a smashed police motorcycle, and a severely fatally cop. The motorist blames the cop for plowing into her, while waiting to make a left turn. The middle aged woman who has a requirement to wear eyeglasses while driving is also caught in a lie about her left turn signal. The cops now have the unpleasant business of breaking the news about Mike, the fallen cop, to his wife.

 Lum and Abner – A Bottle Of Nitroglycerine. 450911 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lum is sure he has uranium atoms in his box of dirt. He tries to explain to Abner his idea to get them separated by boiling them out. His next idea is to use something more potent to wash the atoms out. Just what is Nitroglycerine? The expression, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” confuses Abner. The need to be patient only leads to more figures of speech to confuse him, as he figures why does the expression always refer to Rome, and were people in a race to build cities back then? The mention of Nero only makes Abner think of a dog’s name. Could his hound, Blue, learn to play a fiddle too? The idea of his dog playing fiddle in carnivals is enough to make him want to abandon the uranium business. In all the excitement, and a careless moment, Lum has an explosive situation on hand with his Nitroglycerine.

 You Bet Your Life – Secret Word, Room. 510411 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Contestants try for the growing grand prize of $6000. A Coastguardsman and a daughter of an Army officer team up. Groucho tries his hand at matchmaking, and learns candid moments of life on post. Learn about the origins of the Coasties, and why they aren’t part of the Navy. Their topic Is, Stars of Motion Pictures. A pet shop worker and a housewife are paired together. She volunteers with the Red Cross and fills Groucho in on what a Gray Lady is. Just what do the pets in the shop eat? Their topic is Names of Fruits. A married couple with an unusual occupation is next. The Rinkers speak on the lecture circuit featuring documentary films of exotic places. His wife gets attention when Groucho jokes about her Icelandic heritage, and the long, and hard to pronounce names. They choose the topic, Name the Profession. The bar is set high, but which of the contestants will go to the final round? Does someone say the secret word?

 Ozzie and Harriet – New Dress. ep125, 470914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:13

The boys are caught by Ozzie, looking art a magazine that’s mostly pictures. If its a woman’s magazine, why is Ozzie giving it the long glances? Harriet has gone to the dress shop, but will her eye be turned to the fashionable designs seen being worn by the models in the magazine? Who knew shopping could be so difficult? Once Harriet returns home, Ozzie tries to explain to David and Ricky just how hard shopping can be. Trying to do something special for his bride, Ozzie sneaks downtown to pick up the dress Harriet wanted. Little does he know, he has been mistaken for the husband off one of the other shoppers. And lets just say the dress he picked up is a scream for Harriet. And not the good kind of scream. Thoughts weigh heavy on Ozzie’s mind when he accidentally goes into the Thornberry home. Will his pal provide the kind of help to set things right? It helps when the rightful owner of the special dress has come to claim her prize. But will Ozzie’s plan backfire? Or will it work a little too well?

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibbers Home Movie. ep314, 420217 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

As Fibber admires himself in the mirror, Molly is annoyed. It doesn’t help to learn his intent is to be a comedian in the movies. A girl delivers a package that should help him with a home movie to use as his screen test. Molly reluctantly agrees to be his cameraman. The comic entrance is the cue for Billy Mills to play, You Ought to Be in Pictures. After the pratfalls, it’s time for Molly to apply the iodine to Fibber’s scrapes. The Old Timer visits, but thinks Fibber is studying medicine instead of movies. Why does he need water wings this time of year? Harlowe Wilcox arrives to learn about the home screen tests. Fibber’s prank serves to be spun into a sponsor message. Mayor Latrivia enters with Teeny. He found the girl making marks on the sidewalk, but how does her defacing the property help her daddy? The Kingsmen sing, What’s Buzzing Cousin. The films have been sent, and while the McGee’s wait, they run into Abigail Uppington downtown. She shows off her fashionable hat, and talks about beauty treatments with Molly. Wallace Wimple thinks Fibber has had a run in with Sweetie Face, based on the bandages on him. Arriving in the camera shop, Fibbers pays his bill for the use of the camera equipment, e but learns about taking off lens caps. Note: Frank Nelson is the man in the camera shop.


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