Ozzie and Harriet – Jury Duty. ep143, 480116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Ozzie coaches the boys on taking responsibility, and doing a job well. The boys seem to have learned their lesson in not shirking civic duties. How about Harriet? She has plenty of chores and errands on her plate. Ozzie’s schedule of napping on the couch is interrupted by a visit from his neighbor, Thornberry. <br> It warms Ozzie’s heart to see so many folks in the neighborhood fulfilling their civic duties. Until he gets a letter, summoning him to jury duty.. can he find a way out of it? <br> Motivation comes in the form of dodging duties with helping Mrs Pennyfeather and the PTA booth. Contemplating his legal duty, Ozzie makes an impression on Emmy Lou. <br> Will there be some important, criminal trial? Will Ozzie get his name in the papers? <br> The day of the trial arrives, and jury selection begins. Daydreams find jury foreman Ozzie taking an active part in the proceedings. When reality comes crashing down, Ozzie finds himself tossed off jury duty, but is this the end of his civic duty? The PTA ladies are waiting. <br>