Lum and Abner – Cedric Drinks The Uranium. 450912

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: At first, Lum’s experiment at trying to separate uranium from his soil samples worked well. Then the nitroglycerine blew out the windows. Today the gents nurse their injuries while waiting for Cedric. Abner is ready to move on, and put the uranium business behind them, but Lum is sure they’re on the right track to get rich. <br> With the hazard of transporting the nitroglycerine, Lum doesn’t want to risk Cedric, so he recruits Abner to do it. Meanwhile, Cedric enters with word of the continued need for sailors for the Merchant Marine. <br> The gents get distracted. Lum with a phone call, and Abner in his discussion of why Cedric doesn’t qualify for the Merchant Marine. Before anyone can stop him, Cedric drinks the uranium and nitroglycerine solution. By the time Abner runs out to get Lum, there’s nothing left of Cedric… except for a dog? <br>